Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sequential Circuits Prelude Analog Synth

YouTube via downerczx.

images via this auction

"The Prelude is a very nice, warm sounding analog synth. It is a "bread and butter" synth with Strings, Piano, Organ and Brass sections. There is also an onboard Equalizer and Modulation section with Chorus/Flanger. There is an audio in for the onboard effects that allows you to run another source through the effects. An "Octave" switch moves the entire keyboard down an octave and the pitch bender can be set down for very low lows and up for high highs.

The strings sounds are very good and worth the purchase alone. The rest of the patches are also very nice. It's very easy to get a "Tarkus" sound from the brass section.

This synth works very well and is in good condition. The pitch bend slider is not working from the middle to the top, but works fine from the middle to the bottom. Cosmetically, there are two knobs missing from two of the switches, but the switches still work fine.

See Video Demonstation and Photographs of the synth below [above].

Back of Synth:
Low Output
High Output
Volume Pedal Input

Mighty Coupigny modular

via Fabrique
from Matmos:
"the 'Coupigny' modular synthesizer housed in the INA/GRM studios at RadioFrance in Paris and used extensively by some of the titans of

Update via Fabrique:
"It seems so as many composers in residence at GRM have recently requested to use it after it was unearthed by composer Christian Zanesi. Built in 66, it has been used by Parmegiani (La Roue Ferris), Bayle, Berio, Schaeffer... (in french) [and Googlish]

And it appears he also built a video effect unit used by Martial Raysse and other artists (Note : Francois not Francis might be a typo):

"1968 - Creation of the GRI (Groupe de Recherche Image) at the ORTF under the direction of Pierre Schaeffer. François Coupigny develops the "truqueur universel" (universal special effects device), which is used by Martial Raysse, Peter Foldès, and Jean-Paul Cassagnac for attempts at coloring the video image from black-and-white images."

Another article that mentions Francis Coupigny:
"The two most brilliant technicians who worked with Pierre Schaeffer were Francis Poullin, in the early 1950s, who developed the phonogène and the morphophone, and Francis Coupigny, in the 1960s, who created the console and the integrated synthesiser.""

Obscuresounds - Land of Milk and Honey

via Obscuresounds

mp3 here
"The track itself is meant to be a joke. The german lyrics are about "schlaraffenland". It then cuts away to an english chorus about a guy tripping out on mushrooms. The idea is that the guy is in this "schlaraffenland". If you look through the multitude of samples, the track also has the Pro-1 doing some underlying subs alongside the bass guitar (which is going through a fuzz pedal). There is also a Pro-1 (1:27) sound in the 2nd chorus on the right hand side... this was originally a simple up/down sawtooth, but I transposed it up a few octaves. You might be able to hear the Mellotron choir sound during the same chorus! The ARP 2600 (0:50) is playing on the right-hand side during the english chorus, and for the breakdown bit (0:48) for the machine gun kick-drum effect. I've also got the Octave CAT (1:11) working away on the weird blips, which is turn is going through a Watkins Copicat for that retro sci-fi effect. The CAT is probably my favorite synthesizer due to it's grimey filter, and the ability to mix waveforms/modulations as you're playing."
"The vocals are sung by two artists. The first is a german band called Carmen, who did a track called "Schlaraffenland" in 1982, and is sung by Carmen Thelen Gaspar. The chorus is sung by Adjeef The Poet (Ad Visser), who in 1967 released a track called 'Iekk! I'm A Freak'."

The Atari Hotz MIDI Translator

"The Hotz Box MIDI controllers were designed to be the fastest real-time MIDI controllers available and were specifically created to be a new class of Super-Musical Instruments, which would be the ultimate real-time input devices for the Hotz MIDI Translator software. Major Artists such as Yes, Fleetwood Mac and Kitaro have used Jimmy's controller's both live and in the studio. The Hotz Box and Hotz MIDI Translator software were the primary instruments used in Jimmy's new CD 'Beyond the Gates of Time'." "'I have seen three things in my life that I instantly knew would have a profound effect on the future; the personal computer, the mouse and the Hotz Translator.' Steve Wozniak--co-founder of Apple Computers" You can find more info on Jimmy Hotz Inventions. Note that it looks like you can actually purchase a Hotz Box and the Hotz Translator on his site. Also see this post. via synthwood

MPC 2500 monomachine electro jam

YouTube via RobbieNerve. via fischek.
"Doing a testrun with Akai MPC2500 for beats, Elektron MonoMachine for synthlines and some other gear. It's stuff I just programmed a few hours before ;)."

A True Rompler: Raw Digital Audio

YouTube via littlescale
"I wanted to make a device that plays back digital audio, without the use of any programming or a microcontroller or a computer. In other words, the most basic rompler, as a hardware-only device.

more info, schematics etc:"

WMD Geiger Counter

YouTube via bigcitymusic
"This is the incredible sound smashing WMD Geiger Counter. We're just running a boring pitched kick drum into it. There are a massive amount of tones in this box. The hexa-decimal display on the top right tells you which wavetable you are using to digitally destroy your source. You can really obliterate whatever you put into this beast. We'll show you how you can control the sample rate redution via CV next video!"

NUSofting DaHornet Demonstration: This One Might Sting Ya!

YouTube via gearwire
"Can a NUSofting DaHornet software synth come close to the sound of the original EDP Wasp? That's what Bill Holland aims to find out in this demo while wearing a beard made of bees (off-screen).

According to Bill, it's not too far off, but watch this video and listen for yourself. There's been some buzz about this virtual synthesizer, but maybe that's just due to the bee fever sweeping the Gearwire office.

See more on"

Doepfer A-192 CVM16 CV to MIDI with MaxMSP 5

YouTube via dkimcg. No audio in this one.
"simple test patch to read the CVs on the modular synth in the computer through MaxMSP 5. Can't wait to start using it in a Max patch!"

TipTop Z3000 modulated by PlanB Model15

YouTube via dkimcg
"See title.
I forgot most of what I was doing, but have a basic idea. See annotations for descriptions of what's going on.

New oscillator from Tip Top Audio, the Z3000. I think a dual camera setup would be better for videos like this, I'll try that next time.

Youtube's compression ripped apart the waves and made some of the sound messed up and sound like it's filtered or modulated or something. Try to ignore it. Maybe the stereo version sounds better."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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