Friday, November 20, 2009

Mr. Braska Hangs with Mr. T Robot

via SynthFrog where you'll find more images of Mr. Braska's latest adventures at Sound's studio. You'll also find a note on how Mr. Braska met the piggy mentioned in this prior post. :)

Stravinsky The Rite of Spring - Introduction - Isao Tomita style

YouTube via paulshillitomusic

"Stravinsky - The Rite of Spring - Introduction.

Done in my Classitronic style, Classitronic is what I call electronic classical music with my style being heavily influenced by Isao Tomita.

This is the first part of the classic Stravinsky opera The Rite of Spring which caused a near riot when it was premiered in Paris on May 29th 1913.

The rest of this work is to follow, so watch this space :-)

Soft syths used on this included the Arturia Minimoog V2, Arturia Moog Modular, Arturia Jupiter 8V, Arturia Yamaha CS80V and soundtoys effects."

via paulshillito on the forum
"So far its been pretty much an Arturia based project with the Minimoog V2, Moog Modular, Jupiter 8V and CS80V being the main synths. I have also added the Soundtoys Native effects to my collection which sound pretty damn good , the Phase Mistress, Crystalizer and Echo boy where used on this piece and I think these and the others will feature heavily on the rest too."

BugBrand Workshop Oscillator Machine (WOM) kit and General Update

via the BugBrand Blog

"The Workshop Oscillator Machine (WOM) kit has just undergone a slight upgrade for a series of workshop events around Norway (Trondheim, Oslo, Bergen). The online documentation and schematics have been updated and again are available for viewing/download via the link above."

General update via the BugBrand mailing list:

"I've just got back from a short series of workshop events in Norway so have a few WOM kits spare..
Also news on a little competition based on the WOM
& restock info on the two Weevil designs.

*** WOM - Workshop Oscillator Machine - v3 update ***

The Workshop Oscillator Machine (WOM) kit has just undergone a bit of an upgrade for a series of workshop events around Norway (Trondheim, Oslo, Bergen) last weekend.
The online documentation and schematics have been updated and again are available for viewing/download.
I have just a few (ten) kits left over from the workshops and these are now available from the BugShop -
Move quickly if you'd like one of these - I'm unlikely to have any more until sometime next year now (sorry...)

*** de la Mancha - Dirty Harry VSTi - competition ***

There's also a newly released VST instrument called Dirty Harry based on samples from the WOM (and an Atari Punk Console) - developed by de la Mancha and available for only $15 for a whole host of gnarly, lofi tones (and no need to build the device of course - though is that a plus or minus point?!)

de la Mancha have kindly offered THREE free copies of the VSTi to bug-lovers, so I'm holding a little competition. Send an email to enter a raffle and I'll pick three names from a hat - winners will then be emailed the program by de la Mancha. Lets say that the closing date is next Wednesday (Nov 25th) and this competition is only open to people ALREADY on the BugMailing list.

*** Call out for workshops for 2010 ***

I only organize WOM events occasionally and haven't yet got anything booked next year. If you'd be interested in hosting an event then do get in touch. I'm likely to head back to Scandinavia sometime early in 2010, this time taking in Sweden and other places can surely be discussed so drop me a line (US possibilities?!) - the events are always fun!

*** Weevil availability ***

As I've mentioned before, I put stock of the two Weevil designs into the online store at semi-regular intervals - at least 15 units per month usually - but I don't generally do mailouts to announce these restocks.

But, both devices ARE currently available from the online shop ( ) and I'll be trying to keep them available in the build up to Christmas - of course, they're great gifts, but don't leave it too late if you want one!


There's currently nothing definite on the cards for new devices in 2010 - sure there will be new things before too long (dreams of BugCrushing & AudioWeeviling) and, of course, the BugModular continues to grow and keep me busy. I'll keep you posted.

I think that covers things for now.
Best wishes!
& cheers,
Tom // BugBrand"

Oberheim Xpander Vids


No audio, just blinky lights. An animated flickr by n333k0 where you'll find some nice shots as well.


via nick in the comments of this post

FabFilter Timeless delay and Volcano filter

YouTube via Torley

Camel Audio Alchemy BigTone sound bank

YouTube via Torley

iSample 2.0 Demo

YouTube via wayoutware Note this is the same Way Out Ware that makes the excellent ARP 2600 and AXXE emulations. on iTunes: Way Out Ware, Inc.

This is a straight take without video edits of an iSample 2.0 demo session by Jim Heintz. It was done using the built in sample bank called Chillbeat 86 that ships with iSample 2.0. This demo shows only a small fraction of the features new to iSample 2.0.

iSample 2.0 is available at the Apple App Store by clicking the following link:"

V256 Vocoder Demo by Electro-Harmonix

YouTube via EHX
"Robotize, Harmonize Rule the vocoder world! The V 256 welds your voice to your axe inspiring the twist of creativity that can make all of the difference. see:"

Plogue chipsounds and 48 pitch bend

YouTube via Torley


YouTube via djwidow420

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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