Friday, February 26, 2010

Roland SH-101

via this auction

"Completely deserving its reputation as a top monosynth. Fantastic interface makes it easy to dial in the sounds you want. It's got an arpeggiator and sequencer that sync to the input, making it great for electronic music, and it has CV/Gate ins and outs so it plays well with other analog gear. And it can run off batteries!

Small and light so it's easy to gig or fit in your studio, or wear as a keytar... yes this auction comes with the mod grip and peg for a guitar strap... no, I've never seen anyone actually wear a 101 around their neck... but you could be the first!"

strymon effects


Brigadier pictured
"In setting out to design the Brigadier, we decided to take a super powerful SHARC DSP and dedicate it to doing one thing and one thing only … delivering the best analog bucket brigade delay sound ever. As a result of having the entire DSP dedicated to doing one extremely high quality effect, we are able to concentrate on every last detail that makes an analog delay special. No stone has been left unturned … every single bucket is recreated in the Brigadier with our new dBucket algorithm. And, since we’re doing all of this without regular old bucket brigade chips, you get all the tone and none of the noise (unless of course you choose to add it back in with our exclusive “bucket loss” control … yes!). We feel like we’ve created something very special, and we hope you will too."

Note this is obviously not a synth, but I decided to make the exception here. It can obviously be used with your synths. I do my best to limit effects posts to those featuring synths or those that are synth centric. The one thing that immediately comes to mind is the world of modular synthesis. Once I had my base modular system, I realize what I wish there was more of out there are effect modules! Not general effects, but classic stomp boxes! I always thought of effects as an extension of synthesis. A filter and ring mod are effects after all. The ARP 2600 featured a built in reverb tank. I never got into pedals because of the potential clutter. Now that I have a base modular system, I'm pining for effects. Having everything clean and tight in one modular case, or two :), is just very, very appealing. If you are a pedal manufacturer, PLEASE consider porting your stomp boxes to the modular world.

Throne of Blood Scoring Set

Throne of Blood Scoring Set from todd barton on Vimeo.

"In preparation for scoring a stage adaptation of Kurosawa's epic film, Throne of Blood, I've been sampling my performances on the following instruments: shakuhachi, ryuteki, hichiriki, sho, waterphone, pianoharp, et al. This video is just a random journey through this scoring set mapped to Native Instruments Kontakt 3/4. enjoy!"

Arp 2600 Modular Synthesizer Serviced and Upgraded by CMS

via this auction
"his 2600 is a model 2601. It is a gorgeous 2600, and I had Phil at CMS do the following, and can provide the invoice for the upgrades:

1. New 17 inch reverb tank
2. Audio Path Upgrade
3. Filter Upgrade (correcting the error on the original 4072)
4. VCA Upgrade
5. Rebuild PSU
6. New Noise Sub Module
7. Cleaned, Lubed Sliders, Calibrated Unit
8. Replaced Washers

What does this all mean? It means that this is one of the more wicked 2600's you will ever hear. Absolutely jaw-dropping tone. APU, Filter Upgrade and VCA upgrade really make a massive difference. This 2600 is a WALL of sound. Deep bass, really glistening highs. Beautiful."

New Oberheim SEM Patch Panel Version

via this auction

Sold For: $750

ROLAND MC-202 with Gig Bag

via this auction


CRUMAR PERFOMER brass and string synthesizer

via this auction

Max/msp groovebox / looper

YouTube via shaolinmonk01
"I am playing around with my device which i built couple of months ago. Do not pay attention to"

properboy punk oscillator w/ laura bennett art

YouTube via theproperboy. ""

M-Z3R0 - circuit bent - ROBOTRON DELAY with MPC500

YouTube via manufacturedZ3R0
"First stab at a stand alone fx box.

Combined delay and pitch shifter/voice changer circuits with rate, infinite feedback and feedback level adjust on the delay and multiple modes of pitch shifting, 'robot voice', pitch sweep knob and input sensitivity on the voice changer.

Works extremely well with beats, vocals and stabs. Turns pads and leads into obscure ring modulated sounds.

Skinny puppy 'mythmaker' vocals and vocoder style beats in a box."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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