Saturday, August 18, 2012

Blog13 13-19 sierpnia 2012

Blog13 13-19 sierpnia 2012 by ShortSleeves
"Simple patch with Moog MF-101, MF-102, MF-105, MF-107, CP-251 + TC Electronic Flashback. The main character of the timbres made by the MF-101, and MF-107's FM (OSC out fed back into Audio In)."

via Ɓukasz Kacperczyk on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

Blog14 13-19 sierpnia 2012 by ShortSleeves
"A patch made with Moog MF-101, MF-102, MF-107, and CP-251 + TC Electronic Flashback. Another attempt at making the S&H musical. A lot of FM (MF-107's OSC Out fed back into Audio In). No sequencer, no keyboard."

Blog15 13-19 sierpnia 2012 by ShortSleeves
"A patch made with Moog MF-101, MF-102, MF-105, MF-107, and CP-251 + TC Electronic Flashback. Another attempt at making the S&H musical. A lot of FM (MF-107's OSC Out fed back into Audio In). No sequencer, no keyboard."

Blog16 13-19 sierpnia 2012 by ShortSleeves
"A patch made with Moog MF-101, MF-102, MF-107, and CP-251 + TC Electronic Flashback. Another attempt at making the S&H musical. A lot of FM (MF-107's OSC Out fed back into Audio In). No sequencer, no keyboard.'

Casio DG-20 Digital Guitar Synthesizer MIDI Controller

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
via this auction

Roland Jupiter 6 + Roland Jupiter 4 "Green"

YouTube Published on Aug 18, 2012 by synthartist69


YouTube Published on Aug 15, 2012 by slipdef911

"Monotribe beat... 1 take..."

Watch the shirt play.

monotribes on eBay

Samplephonics Circuit Malfunction Modular Sample Set

"Circuit Malfunction contains 1153 one shot drum, percussion and effect samples created from a large analogue modular synthesizer and various pieces of circuit bent gear. The sounds are presented in Battery Kits, EXS24, Kontakt and NN-XT sampler instruments.

This is the first one shot drums library from Samplephonics, and one we've been itching to get out for some time!

Captured in 96khz 24 Bit Wav in order retain true analogue flavour, and available to download in three different sample rates, depending on your needs (just select from the dropdown menu when you add to your cart.)

All the samples have been created in the studio of sound designer and electronic musician Ignatius and painstakingly edited to provide an extremely useful and diverse selection of 24 Bit wav drum samples, percussive sounds and one shot FX..."

Demos and additional details here.

"Hundled Hirch" TC-11 iPad Improv by Jeff McLeod

YouTube Published on Aug 18, 2012 by mugwump1

"Created using a custom-made patch on Bit Shape's TC-11 multi-touch synth for the iPad. A teardown/rebuild of the original patch "Bundled Birch."

More info here:
And here:

Patch controllers:

Creation Time Since Previous Touch: Multi Oscillator Level & AHDSR-0 Scale
Touch Y Position: Panning
Distance To Center: SEQ-0 Add
Creation Time Since Previous Group: Mix LPF Frequency Cutoff
Group Count: LPF Frequency Cutoff
Touch Began: AHDSR-1 Start & SEQ-0 Step
Touch Ended: AHDSR-0 End & AHDSR-1 End
AHDSR-0: Amplitude
AHDSR-1: Waveshaper Mix
SEQ-0: Multi Oscillator Frequency & Mlit Oscillator Transpose
SEQ-0 Trigger: AHDSR-0 Start"

TC-11 Multi-Touch Synthesizer - Bit Shape
iPads on eBay

"Roarbanger" TC-11 iPad Improv by Jeff McLeod

Published on Aug 18, 2012 by mugwump1

"Lundled Lirch" TC-11 iPad Improv by Jeff McLeod

Published on Aug 18, 2012 by mugwump1

Akai AX-60 Synthesizer Filter Resonance

YouTube Published on Aug 18, 2012 by rolandsh1000

"A video discussing & demonstrating some design aspects of the Akai AX-60 analog synthesizer, in particular the filter resonance. The AX-60 has been described as capable of some very 'industrial' timbres and one reason for this is the very strong filter resonance of the cem3394 voice chip. The design choice by Akai to use a full 5V CV for the resonance brought this out. Additionally, they used a linear taper slider for resonance, and a linear 5V response to the CV (they could have used a log taper, like I did here, or they could have processed the panel voltage and did a voltage taper conversion in firmware - cheaper! - to limit the resonance CV to the range in the cem3394 data sheet, but they didn't). These design choices meant many users probably ended up exploring a more 'brash' part of the AX-60's sound palette than if Akai been more like Sequential Circuits in their limited internal programming of the cem3394."

Update: This made me wonder about the filter implementation on the Mopho x4. See Mopho x4 Demo- Dave Smith Instruments.


YouTube Published on Aug 18, 2012 by snazelle

"a very rough video for demonstration purposes....the DIVINE HAMMER is great for DRONE stuff...distortion, tremolo, sweeps, strange overtones, etc. It has a built in chaotic modulator/lfo as well as a CV In. Also features multiple gain stages and an output for the chaotic modulator. Contact Snazzy FX for more info, pre-orders, etc. Look out for (better) more videos."

analog techno improvisation 5

YouTube Published on Aug 18, 2012 by YA YU

"It performed with this friend. ---------- roland tr909 tb303 sh101 sre555 moog minimoog analogue solution vostok ems vcs3 korg sq10 sherman filterbank2 fostex 3180 and more"

All parts here.

Oberheim OB-8 Analog Synthesizer - Problem

YouTube Published on Aug 18, 2012 by scott2eh

"Old analog synthesizers develop a lot of problems as they get older. I had a VCO chip go in my Yamaha CS-40m this summer and a similar problem in my OB-8. This is a demonstration of the problem. We swapped the VCO chips and they seem to be fine. I also went through all the calibrations and they were all fine as well. Because this varies widely with room temperature I suspected a capacitor but it doesn't seem to be that either. At this point, it's still a mystery!"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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