Monday, June 10, 2013

Machinedogs (Elektron Octatrack x2, Korg Kaossilator Pro, Korg Kaoss Pad Quad, Behringer NOX 606)

Published on Jun 3, 2013 hadesofspades·6 videos

"Here is another dual Octatrack performance - this time something a little bit different. It is sort of a dreamy take on dubstep with some angry vocals in there (credited to the legendary Mario Savio). It was written in FLstudio before bringing it over to the OT's.

This track is particularly special to me - and I performed it live at a small bar recently which got a great reception. Here's hoping there's more gigs in future.

Unfortunately only a very small amount of footage was taken (equipment failure), but I will upload it regardless!

Thanks for listening guys, and I hope you enjoy this performance!"

Baftdunk is dead

Published on Jun 8, 2013

"one shot song in my studio"

ARP 2600 & eurorack modular.

One more from three years ago:

Uploaded on Jul 22, 2010

"deuxième épisode des aventures des modulaires fou.
le son est déjà meilleur.
morceau improvisé puis séquencé en 20 minutes"


Uploaded on Feb 10, 2012 magnocontrol1·11 videos

"b3TA tesT.. modulation for real synth freaks : )"

via Jack Drumatrix on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

"ReZiser wicked Synth made in Synth edit for fun...

2 dco ( vco syle ) 2 modulate stereo voyager style filter and beyond left right effects
band pass filters non resonant also left right.. possible to route different lfo l & r or run possitive left negative right and so on :)

can't post dll if email me .. send for free"

Mutable Instruments Edges, Braids, Grids & Ripples Eurorack Modules

via Richard Devine on Facebook: "Mutable Instruments (Grids, Braids, Ripples, and Edges) modules arrive, absolutely stunning!"

Yamaha DX1

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
via this auction

"Among Yamaha's DX line of synthesizers, the DX1 is definitely the biggest. With a dual 6-operator digital FM engine, it's like two DX7's wrapped up in a wood-paneled case and comes with a truly professional weighted 73 note keyboard sensitive to both velocity and aftertouch. The DX7 style membrane buttons have been replaced by actual push-buttons, display screens and the overall layout of buttons and diagrams is nicer and better organized..."

Oberheim OB-Mx

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
via this auction

CustomSynth Roland SH-808 & White Roland SH-101 with Nova Mods

flickr set by CustomSynth
(click for more)

SH-808 Roland SH-101 in black TR-808 styling below.

Jupiter 4 Demo

Published on Jun 10, 2013 SynthDan1·6 videos

"A quick look at the very rare and very soft after Roland Jupiter 4."

Base Polyphonic Aftertouch

Published on Jun 10, 2013 lividTV·138 videos

"This video demonstrates some of the wild possibilities with aftertouch and the Livid Base MIDI controller, including a novel way to integrate the iPhone with the Base. The 32 touch sensitive pads can output polyphonic aftertouch, so if your synth is great enough to use that (such as the Madrona Labs Aalto plugin), you've got some fantastic possibilities at your fingertips. Stay tuned: after the audio weirdness, there's a short explanation on how to quickly configure the Base using the online Editor.

Serge Modular Sounds 11

Published on Jun 10, 2013 pjoris2·51 videos

"Some more relaxing delay from the WAD (delay on the bleeps and boops) - delay on the notes is the Korg PME40X with 3 analog delay units. A bit of a spaghetti bowl with me trying to figure out the patch halfway through ..."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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