Friday, January 31, 2014

Roland TB-303 Bassline Synthesizer

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via this auction


Published on Jan 31, 2014 Don Garbutt·21 videos

"Here's a quick tour of Spektrumsynth 2 Reaktor Ensemble. Additional videos will cover the instrument in more detail. One of the key features of Spektrumsynth is the intense modulation routing. The 'Animator Pad' is directly linked to the main target parameters, with additional routing through Grand Central Station. Pad movements are recordable and polyphonically activated, reminiscent of Rob Papen's Blade instrument. Synthesis types include wavetable, granular, fixed waveform, FM and tuned noise."


Published on Jan 31, 2014 Ebotronix·939 videos

4ms Peg RCD
Analogue Systems 4x RS 110
DoepferA 134 pan by Moog MP 201
Flame Chord Machine
Make Noise 2x Maths QMMG Wogglebug
Malekko 4x AO 4x Unkle
SSL Orgy
Tiptop Audio Z 8000
Logic Sequencer 2x Kenton Pro 2000 II
drum Ultrabeat
FX Boss VF1 Line 6 Echopro TC M3000

Tiptop Tomio WTF patch

Published on Jan 31, 2014 Tiptop .Audio·52 videos

NAMM 2014: Moon Modular Sequencers

Published on Jan 31, 2014 sonicstate·686 videos

"NAMM 2014: Moon Modular Sequencers Guided tour of the large cabinet and sequencer"

The Korg Volca Series: 3 Volcas Combined- Song 2

Published on Jan 31, 2014 AutomaticGainsay·195 videos

"The instruments in the Volca series are excellent individually, but they can also be combined to create a miniature electronic studio.
When I first acquired the Volca series, I combined them, improvised sequences, and then shot myself improvising manipulation of those sequences. That is the origin of these 3 Volcas Combined videos.
In the right hands and with a little practice, some great music can come out of these as a set. Don't let my little experiments fool you. ;)
Because I got tired of looking at my face, I have created weird visual narratives from vintage educational films to go along with these songs.
Please forgive me for the sloppy mixes... in haste, I ran them all through a single mixer for recording during performance.
Thanks for watching!"

All parts here.

Roland Juno-60 "London Trip"

"(c) 2014 vintage synthesizer demo track by RetroSound

all sounds: Roland Juno-60 Analog Synthesizer (1982)
drums: Roland TR-808 (1981)
recording: multi-track without Midi
fx: reverb & delay"

via Marko on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge


Published on Jan 31, 2014 thevco·78 videos

live mix on
TR 808
Elektron Analog 4
Korg Ea1
Korg MS 20 mini's X 2
Kiwi technics Patch Editor
TR 707
ASR 10
Dark Time Sequencer
Kiwi 106

via Damon on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge


live in your lounge

VoltageCtrlr - Glitchmachines Fracture vs. Modular Synth + Microbrute

Published on Jan 31, 2014 VoltageCtrlRtv·19 videos

"This demo features the Fracture plug in by
I setup a complex rhythm patch on my analog modular synth and processed it with the plug in. I also incorporated the Auturia Microbrute analog synth for the melodic part of the patch. everything was recorded live in one take.

FRACTURE is a FREE buffer effect plugin geared toward creating robotic artifacts and abstract musical malfunctions.

Fracture is the fifth installment in our FREE downloads series. Our goal is to bring you exclusive, high quality free content with the same uncompromising production values as our paid products.

Fracture features a buffer effect, a multimode filter, three LFOs and a delay. This plugin is geared toward adding glitchy articulations and abstract textures to your projects. Use it on anything from drum and percussion loops to synth lines and sound effects. Fracture's intuitive interface and diverse features make it simple to give your projects a unique technical edge."

via Shiro on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge


via Andrea on Facebook

"we are illogic"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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