Wednesday, February 10, 2016

El estand de Moog en el NAMM Show 2016

Published on Feb 10, 2016 Hispasonic

The best booth at NAMM this year. Spot the rare GenoQs Octopus sequencer in there as well.

Exciting the PPG filter experiments

Published on Feb 10, 2016 Mark Pigott

"Experiments with the PPG filter.
Lag Generators and LFOs"

The X-Files whistle for you.

Hordijk No Oscillators

Published on Feb 10, 2016 Todd Barton

"Here's a fun little patch using the Hordijk ENV generator as an oscillator. For better audio and more variations on this go to:"

Midi Sync Output // Launchpad for iPad Update

Published on Feb 10, 2016 Launchpad for iOS

"We’re adding MIDI Sync Output to Launchpad for iPad. This will allow you to use other apps and external hardware at the same time whilst locked to the beat."

iTunes: Novation Launchpad - Novation

"What's New in Version 1.18
- Sync MIDI-compatible apps and hardware to Launchpad (iPad only, In-App Purchase)
- Support for AudioCopy Multi-Paste when importing audio files (iPad only)
- Minor bugfixes"

And a video with the Launchpad Mini:

Novation Launchpad for iPad – Launchpad Mini Performance | Full Compass

Launchpad Minis on eBay | Launchpad Minis on Amazon

"The Novation Launchpad Mini MK2 is Novation's most compact and affordable Launchpad grid instrument for Ableton Live. It offers all the functionality of the original Launchpad in a smaller and more portable controller that is ideal for compact setups.

Launchpad Mini displays your Ableton Live session view on 64 mini pads, which let you trigger clips, play drum racks, control your mixer, FX and make amazing performance videos for YouTube. All the pads are backlit with multi-colored LEDs that show you which clips are loaded, playing, and recording. Separate buttons around the outside of the grid are designed to trigger scenes, switch modes, and navigate your session in Ableton Live.

Launchpad Mini is compact and tough enough to throw in your bag, so you can take it anywhere. It will work the moment you plug it into your laptop and you won’t need any drivers or power cables, because it’s class compliant and bus-powered via USB. You can also connect it to your iPad via a Camera Connection Kit to control all sorts of iOS music apps, like Novation's free Launchpad App.

You can combine Launchpad Mini with any other Launch products, like Launch Control and Launchkey Mini, to create a compact and hands-on studio setup. It is designed for Ableton Live, but integrates immediately with FL Studio as well. It also comes with everything you need to start making music, including Ableton Live Lite, Novation Bass Station virtual instruments, and 1 GB of samples from Loopmasters."

Animodule M1xxor eurorack audio CV mixer sequencer

Published on Feb 10, 2016 Flux302 of

"New Module from
price $199 8 hp, depth 33mm
available now
How It Works:
-Signal goes in to Channel Input (it's DC connected so you can use Audio OR CV).
-Signal is attenuated via Channel Attenuator.
-Signal is allowed to pass through to Individual Channel Output AND Mixer Output IF Gate Input is High OR Switch is depressed.

-Clock Pulse High in to Clock Input Moves Sequence forward 1 Step.
-The Channel that the step is On will be open*
-CV can be used to control the Sequencer via the CV Input.
-There is a resolution of 5 steps (4 channels and a 0 step allowing for all channels to be cleared from the Sequencer).
-There is an attenuator and offset to help properly scale and position your CV Input.
-CV Input is expecting 0V to +5V, but with the Attenuator and Offset will easily work with -/+5V.
-Clock and CV maybe used in tandem resulting in some mind melting rhythms!
-In that case the Clock will step forward 1 step from it's current position (unless it's on step 4 in which case it will roll over to step 1)
-The Clock used in conjunction with the CV will bitshift the sequence to the left, incrementing the static position of the step counter by 1 (wrapping around to step 1 after step 4).
-Fer' Instance, 2 Clock counts and CV is on 0. Step will be on Channel 2
-Gate High in to Reset will reset Clock counter to step 1 OR if Clock Input is being used in conjunction with the CV Input the reset will clear the Clock Counter and return the step to where the CV indicates it should be without any BitShifting

*Gate Input / Switches in conjunction with Sequencer:
-The Sequencer and the Gate Input / Switches combine in a XOR gate. If one is High and the other is not, that channel will be open. If BOTH are High, that channel will be closed.

Despite the lengthy description, the M1xXOR is very intuitive (and unbelievably Fun!) to use.
Each Channel (and the Mixer) May be used independently of the Sequencer.
So if you're not in the mood for Rhythmic Insanity You still have a gateable 4 Channel DC-Coupled Mixer AND/OR 4 independent and gateable channels of Attenuation."

MOON MODULAR @NAMM16 - meet and greet video re-uploaded

In case you missed it, the video is back up here.

Mogees - Clouds experiment

Published on Feb 10, 2016 Alba Ecstasy

"A short demo of Mogees via Clouds. I used percutions from Interpol808 and the Granular mode of Clouds.
More on"

KORG MONO/POLY Synthesizer Serviced

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"Everything works as specified, overhauled before shipping to have long life and to keep original sounds.
Change all electrolytic capacitors and voltage regulators, some short life OpAmps and logis ICs with new ones,
and keys knobs, sliders, switches and jacks cleaning before shipping."

KORG PolySix SN 386334 w/ Orig Green Case

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

Arp 2600 with 3604P Keyboard

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"This one has the more sought after Moog filter. Also 8 years ago it had extensive work done by a professional vintage synth technician. The power supply was reworked maybe even replaced as I can't remember, A few of the boards had there epoxy coating removed. Beneficial should potential service need to be done . All semi internally routed patches were tested and repaired,Some jacks were replaced with Switchcraft equivalents. Since then, it has lived in a home studio environment and has been solid working.

Known issues; the right speaker does not work, however when you patch this MONO synthesizers audio out to both the Left and Right output jacks, It's mono signal does flow through like it should. You may want to calibrate if you see fit.

All patching points are 1/8th/3.5mm and this will easily plug into today's common Euroracks as well as computer based systems. No need for adapters unless your using 1/4" or banana jacks."


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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