Friday, August 19, 2016

Rocking Koma

Published on Aug 19, 2016 Jurgen SONICrider

"Patchinfo KOMA Komplex Sequencer
- Sequencer A:
--- CV to muliple to Moog Mother 32 & Pittsburgh Modular VCO
--- Gate 2 mutiple to Moog VCA & Pittsburgh Modular Dual VCA
(Pittsburgh VCA to Track & Hold controlled by Maths)
- Sequencer B:
--- CV to Gate Length sequencer A
- Sequencer C:
--- CV to Skip Step sequencer A
--- CV to Skip Step sequencer B
- Sequencer D:
--- CV to SSP sequencer A
--- CV to SSP sequencer C

Clock in from TipTop Audio Circadian Rhythm (plays also drum sounds)
Percussion sound Elektron Machinedrum"

AVP Synth MAD-5 through a spring reverb

Published on Aug 19, 2016 AVP Synth

"AVP Synth MAD-5 Midi Analog Drums running through a spring reverb (programmed with Ableton Live). Sorry for bad quality, direct audio will follow soon

More info:"

Pixel Mechanic - Modular Meets Electric Spring 2016

Published on Aug 19, 2016 DivKidVideo

"Here's Pixel Mechanic's set from Modular Meets Electric Spring. Unfortunately my camera cut off missing maybe the last 10 minutes (which were excellent btw) but here's the footage I have."

Synthrotek AstroNoise Eurorack Mod

Published on Aug 18, 2016

"Learn how to mod your AstroNoise here:

The AstroNoise is a massive vintage video game-inspired noise-making machine! Shape the galactic frequencies with 4 onboard controls. The "Oscillator Rate" controls the master frequency. The two LFOs and the LFO pitch modulate that frequency and together allow you to make rhythms, video game motorcycle sounds and more.

The AstroNoise whets your appetite further by letting you choose between 3 different radical vintage tones. The adventurous user can use it to make beats, lead lines and noise swashes by connecting other devices into the LFO input and the Control Voltage input (optional). The fun doesn't end after building the circuit! Take your creative skills further by designing your own custom enclosure out of an old cigar box, lunch box, doll head, etc!


- Tone Select Switch lets you choose between three classic sounds: bleeps and bloops, 8bit explosions and razor-edge squares
- Oscillator Rate Control ("Rate" on the PCB) changes the master frequency and rate
- LFO Rate 1 Control (OSC1)
- LFO Rate 2 Control (OSC2)
- LFO Pitch Control (OSC_LVL)
- Volume Control
- Oscillator On/Off switch (turns off LFO Rate 1/OSC1 and LFO Pitch/OSC_LVL)
- LFO Input (OSC_IN): use for external control of LFO Rate 1 with an input of 1-150 Hz
- Control Voltage (CV) input (disables LFOs)
- Power on/off switch
- 9V DC jack and battery clip"

VBrazil Overfolder Module Prototype

What's an Overfolder? Published on Aug 18, 2016 Quincas Moreira

"Playing with the new VBrazil Overfolder module prototype! Coming soon to a diy shop near you :)"

Quadraphonic Sound Concert, Live Synth Jams & Interviews at Modular Synthesizer Meeting 2016

Published on Aug 19, 2016 Ralph Baumgartl VLog

"This is the final episode of them #HappyKnobbing2016 Modular Synthesizer Meeting video series. The video features some excerpts of the Quadraphonic Sound Concert, interviews with Musicians who are explaining their individual Modular Synthesizer Rigs and some Live Jam performances.
Musicians in the order of their appearance: 1. To be determined, 2. MacroDX, 3. Reinhard Gleisner, 4.To be determined, 5. To be determined 6. Wolfgang Michalowicz, 7. Bernd-Michael Land"

Vermona DRM-1 Drum Machine

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"RARE Vermona DRM-1 drum machine made in Germany in the mid 1980s."

1978 MiniMoog Model D

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"Vintage Moog Music Inc 1978 MiniMoog Model D serial number 102XX...."

Sismo Live Jam! Synth of the Month

Sismo Live Jam! Synth of the Month from sismo on Vimeo.

"Sismo live jam! Synth of the Month: Neon, Ona and Comp1."

Midnight Oil - Lowgritt

Published on Aug 18, 2016 LoWGritt

"5U - Modular Drone Patch"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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