Monday, December 26, 2016

Metroid - Tourian (Analog Synth remake)

Published on Dec 26, 2016 Luminist

"I wanted to find out what the original NES Metroid soundtrack would be like if it was remade with REAL synths, 70s/80s style. Here's Tourian.

All sounds were generated with a Korg MS20 Mini, then processed with some juicy studio effects to make things more atmospheric.

Original composition by Hirokazu "Hip" Tanaka - any credit goes to him for writing such an immersive soundtrack in the first place. Happy 30 years of Metroid!!"

The Modular Patchcast #003 Mungo g0

Published on Dec 26, 2016 Jurgen SONICrider

Track: The Modular Patchcast 003 Mungo g0
Module in focus: Mungo g0

Recorded: December 2016
Relaesed (SoundCloud): December 18 2016
Playtime track: 10M45S
Released (YouTube): December 18 2016
Playtime video: 10M48S


Patch info: Mungo g0 direct out slplited: 1= direct out / 2 = direct out via filter / 3 = direct out via Reverb."

Hardware techno #5 / Volca FM, PerFOURmer, Tanzmaus

Published on Dec 26, 2016 pawwakill

"Perhaps a bit more trancey tune actually.

Korg Volca FM, Vermona PerFOURmer, MFB Tanzmaus, TT-303, Eventide Space, EHX Memory Toy, Mooer E-lady."

ARP ODYSSEY Module Meets The DSI Pro 2

Published on Dec 26, 2016 experimentalsynth

"I took the Odyssey for a test drive, MIDIed to the Pro 2, and using Pro 2 CVs to modulate it's filter cutoff and VCO 2 frequencies. This made filter step sequencing and complex oscillator sync patches a breeze, and opened many avenues for exploration. This is possible because the Odyssey Pedal Input can be used as a CV input. When the Odyssey switches are in the filter position, the sliders above them can be used to attenuate the incoming CV signal allowing for precise sculpting of the modulation. Learn more at'

Tiny-TS Sequencer Demo w/ New v1.1 Firmware

Published on Dec 26, 2016 Jan Ostman

via DSP Synthesizers

"The Tiny-TS is only monophonic and doesn’t have an arpeggiator.

But with the v1.1 firmware it now also handles CV and Gate input from a sequencer to make it play arpeggios.

On startup it checks if the Gate output is grounded.
If it is it reverses the CV/Gate ports to inputs.

The Gate now triggers the envelope and the CV input shifts an octave up on the keyboard.

You can now play arpeggios."


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via this auction

ROLAND Synthesizer RS-505 Paraphonic Strings with Original Hard Case

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via this auction

"The RS-505 is a synthesizer which has 3 sections, bass, synth and strings. This piece of beauty has rich, analog sounds which are very warm.

The Synth section has 4 waveforms, which can be chosen by the white buttons located in the center section of the unit. The Synth section has its own filter cutoff, resonance, VCA, envelope and LFO.

The Bass section has three waveforms and this also comes with its own VCA attack and release sliders. The string has two presets and this part contains the features from the previous RS-202.

The sounds from the three sections can be blended to create interesting tones. This unit also comes with Chorus and Ensemble effects which can instantly warm and thicken the sounds up. The RS 505 is known to be Rolands one of the finest string synthesizer of its era, so a must have for your studio!!!"

RE-303 with VCOTwo Mod

Published on Dec 26, 2016 Altitude909

"Demo of 2nd VCO mod for RE/TB-303 with hard sync"

Follow-up to this post.

The Hollow Winds of Sorrow

Published on Dec 26, 2016 Alba Ecstasy

"We live in a twisted world... We lost a lot of great musicians this year and were too many and too wildly unreasonable and sad events... I really hope that 2017 will be a better year.

Using Roland JD-Xi for drums, bass and sequences, Roland JP-8000 - pads, Korg Radias - wind FX, voices sequencemade with my modular: Yarns (sequencer), Quadnic (voice), Doepfer SEM (filter), Roland Demora (delay), controller for Yarns - Novation Circuit ( for scale change), Virus Ti2 - pad.


Semi-Modular Breakbeat (Late Night Jam)

Published on Dec 26, 2016

"This song is called 'Be Good' and is the result of my experiments with a Semi-Modular setup consisting of a Doepfer Dark Energy and a Korg MS-20.

The source of my visuals is unknown: just found this 'cat on mars' gif one day...

Elektron Octatrack + Elektron Analog RYTM + Elektron Monomachine + Moog Slim Phatty + Korg MS-20 Mini + Korg Volca Keys + Ensoniq MR76 + iPad Samplr + iConnectMidi4+ + TC Electronic Dittox4 + Line 6 M9 + Line 6 M5 + Behringer RV600 + Ibanez LF7 + Kaoss Pad Mini
Additional samples from Yamaha MK-100."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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