Monday, January 04, 2021

Quasimidi Raven Dreamy Chords

The Free Radikal

Cabernet - A distortion + cabinet simulator for your KORG logue-sdk synthesizers


"Cabernet, is a distortion pedal simulator + cabinet simulator for your KORG minilogue-xd, prologue, and NTS-1 synthesizers.

Cabinets may be selected with shift+depth (including bypass), overdrive amount with 'Time' and distortion tone via 'Depth'."

Available at

Sunday, January 03, 2021

The Beatles - Here Comes The Sun (Isolated Strings and Moog)


"Abbey Road 1969"

Wait for it...

The Beatles - Maxwell's Silver Hammer (Isolated Electric Guitar and Moog)


Audio comes in about :40 seconds followed by the Moog.

Ambient synth cover of a wonderful song on a rainy day


"It's raining. Perfect occasion for a non-monetized, melancholic ambient synth rendition of a wonderful, classic song from the late 1960s.
Synt: Oberheim OB-Xa;
Reverb: CKK InfiniteReverb Stereo pedal
Rain effect: Videvo"

KORG MS-10 Synthesizer SN 132557

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via this auction

Vintage DrumFire DF500 Five Channel Drum Synthesizer w/ Original Box & Patch Channel Overlays

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"Vintage DrumFire DF500 Five Channel Synthesizer Mixer with Triggers, Cards & Box."

Z506 Swiss Daisy DSP - looping AD demo

O.Z. Hall

"One of the modes of the Z506 Swiss Daisy DSP is 'oscillator' mode. The oscillator section (left half) can be used as a 'filterless' voice when combined with the ADSR and VCA (right half). Once of the waveforms is 'Noise'. In VCO mode with the Noise waveform, the bottom left knob is a 6DB per octave lowpass filter (tone control). The noise spectrum can be varied from white noise to pink noise to a little darker than pink noise (but not random), since the audio output is AC coupled.

There is a looping behavior in the ADSR when the sustain is below about the 8:30 knob position. This video explores/exploits that behavior."

Colossus Patch & Sequence Played Live with Touch Keyboard

Analogue Solutions

"Here's a little all-Colossus patch played live via one of the two built-in touch keyboards. It's not a high-quality recording, but it's enough to appreciate the cool factor of this patch and sequence."

Merlin (Moog Modular and MFB-501) by Benge

zack dagoba

"Moog Modular and MFB (standing for Manfred Fricke Berlin) 501B drum machine playing together. The Moog is using a Dotcom S&H to produce the sequence of notes (with an up-saw LFO plus clock). The reverb is the original Moog 905 spring"

Unsettled music for unsettled times: modular (Cursus Iteritas), Piano & delay


"small steps as I return to action after a fallow period.

Vaguely thinking about the rhythmic patches Zoviet France started live sets with around the turn of the century. Lots of related modulation from ochd & wogglebug on the Cursus Iteritas. Additional voice from the trusty DPO.

Piano is going through Valhalla Delay which I'm controlling a couple of parameters on."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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