Friday, February 19, 2021

Korg Opsix Altered FM Synthesizer

video by Perfect Circuit

"The Korg Opsix is a six operator FM synth that can do way more than classic synthesizers like the DX7. The altered FM operators in the Opsix can act as modulators or carriers and in addition to FM they have ring modulation, wave folding, filtering and filter FM options. The operators go through a filter which has multiple modes (including Polysix and MS-20 modeled filters) as well as an FX section where you can chain up to 3 algorithms.

In this video Jacob plays a few of the factory presets as well as some custom patches with an explanation of some of the features and techniques used to create them.


00:00​ - Intro
00:05​ - First Patch
01:52​ - Overview
02:11​ - Funk Bass
02:29​ - Crystal Bells
03:00​ - Dat Electric Piano
03:36​ - Altered Operators
03:58​ - Custom Bass Patch
04:44​ - Randomization
05:40​ - Sub Audio Modulation
06:40​ - Complex Pad Patch
07:44​ - Synthesized Nature Patch
08:46​ - Outro

Available here:"

VGM #188​: WORLD 1 (Super Mario 3D World) Synth-Pop Cover

video by Amie Waters

"This video came about entirely because of Dunkey's recent video where he talked about how catchy the Super Mario 3D World music was. I hope you enjoy my take on it. I am particularly proud of the mix on this one!"

Buchla Envy

video by poorness studios

"I've really been geeking out on Buchla systems lately. I've watched several videos and read a lot of articles. The Buchla Music Easel has always captivated me and I've always wanted one. Anyway, I sat down to make a patch today and somehow... I made this. It sounds very Buchla-esque to me and I wasn't even trying to do that. I guess the things you read seep into your subconscious. I've got some serious Buchla envy."

DX5 playing Jan Hammer "Crockett's Theme" cover

video by DX5

"Gear used:
Left: Roland D-10 (Pad)
Emu Emax 1 (as MIDI controller, triggering the Kurzweil)
Kurzweil PC1x (Electric guitar sound)
Right: Emu Emax II. (Lead and low pad, both made based on layering different synths/sound libraries).

Backtrack previously recorded and sequenced, track by track, by me, on Pro Tools.
Composed by Jan Hammer.
Performed here by Jose Maria Bara."

Polyend Preset Euclidean Generator

video by Polyend

"Polyend Preset firmware is now open source. The first alternative firmware version is equipped with a generative sequencing machine – Euclidean generator (which can be downloaded in the Releases section).

Find more about it at blog
Made by Patrik Veltruský"

Polyend Preset - A Fun Ideamaker

"The Polyend Preset Eurorack module can function as a control surface for multiple destinations in your system. But this is only one of the ways you can achieve a rewarding and inspiring musical outcome."

VERMONA Analog Synthesizer - Made in GDR (1982) - Ten sounds from east germany

video by RetroSound

"(c)2007-21 by RetroSound
supported by UVI:

From my video archive. I have made this video in 2011 so is the video quality not the best. Sorry.

VERMONA Analog Synthesizer from the year 1982
Made by VEB Klingenthaler Harmonikawerke, east germany

2-VCO monophonic analog synthesizer with a 24dB VCF, two ADSR envelopes with envelope presets, LFO, glide and more.

500 synths produced. Many of them were exported to the Soviet Union.
Also called as Zonen-Moog ;)

RetroSound synthesizer demo videos since january 2007.
All is for free. If you like my work, so can you support me with a donation or a purchase of my synth shirts or music albums. Thank you!

RetroSound Home:"

Sonicware Liven XFM Prototype - Demo 3 - Bass and Strings

video by ChrisLody

ChrisLody Sonicware Liven demos

Analogue Solutions Announces Colossus #4

I almost skipped posting this as the only news here is there's a 4th production run of the Colossus. I guess it's interesting knowing how many are out there. What's also interesting is I always assumed the Colossus was either built in a limited initial run, or it was built per order only. This is a mammoth endeaver and each one costs 25,000 GBP which comes out to $35,000 US. It is $4500 less than this little Sennheiser VSM201 Vocoder!

Note, the images in this post appear to be stock. You can find demos of the Colossus in previous posts here.

Press release follows:
""Analogue Solutions announces forthcoming fourth run of Colossus supersized synth that trips back to the future of analogue

KINGSWINFORD, UK: following a showstopping showcase during its introduction at SynthFest UK 2019 in Sheffield, British boutique electronic instruments innovator Analogue Solutions is proud to announce a forthcoming fourth run of Colossus — its supersized synth that trips back to the future of analogue, albeit symbolising so much more than a powerful analogue ‘workstation’ with no fewer than 12 VCOs (Voltage-Controlled Oscillators) beating at its monumental musical heart, rather representing art, architecture, and superlative studio furniture at its hand-built best by taking its design cues from the colossal classic that is the EMS Synthi 100, although no Synthi circuit was cloned or copied in making the destined-to-be-classic Colossus fit for a new generation of high-flying owners — as of February 15…

White MacBeth M5N Analog Semi-Modular Synthesizer

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"This is the largest, heaviest, and most impressive synthesizer I had in the studio. It is made in a rugged steel case and although it's appearance is like an Arp 2600, it sounds nothing like it. This is the prize of the MacBeth offerings, and was limited to only around 50 made in white, and perhaps 50 in black. This one has no serial number, as it was made as a demo unit back in the early 2000's."

Yellow Waldorf Q Keyboard

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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