Thursday, May 16, 2024

~My Friend~ Synth Jam featuring Korg Polysix, Moog minimoog + Arp synthesizers.

video upload by Remco Rones

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Dreadbox Murmux v3 Patching

video upload by Phase of the Day

"The start of the vid is my first patch. Using the filter as a sine osc, Fm'ed by noise and the delay set to max for extra lofi. Rest of the vid is just knob twiddling :)

Audio recorded on Audacity using the Elektron Digitakt as my audio interface."

Dreadbox Murmux V3 8 More Patches

video upload by Phase of the Day

"8 more patches on the Dreadbox Murmux V3. A few of these are in unison mode. The first patch was doing something interesting when detuning the Osc's whilst FM'ing the filter with Osc two. The second patch was my, will it Boards of Canada test :)

Recorded using the Elektron Digitakt."

Yamaha Releases CP88 OS v1.6 Update

Yamaha | CP88 OS v1.6 Sound Demo video upload by Yamaha Synths Official

"The new update to OS v1.6 adds new modes to the already impressive feature set of Yamaha CP88 and CP73. The three functions grant more versatility, especially for synth lead purposes. It is now possible to switch between monophonic and polyphonic operations, allowing for different play styles for lead sounds. With the second new option “Portamento”, users can adjust the time of “glide” between two sounds, giving it a completely different feel and aesthetic. Finally, “Pan” enables the positioning of sounds in the stereo spectrum. Employing these new functions allows users to customize the behaviour of sounds to optimize them for the application at hand.

The OS update to v1.6 for Yamaha CP88 and CP73 is available for free:"

ArpoLoop Key #arpoloop

video upload by LepLoop

"ArpoLoop the new version have a one octave keyboard with tree operation mode: play, transpose, and insert note in to the cube sequencer."

The ArpoLoop Desktop in Silver. The previous version was in yellow as you can see in previous posts here.

SUMU early access is out (link in description)

video upload by DATABROTH

You can pick up SUMU here: read my review here:

check out my wavetables and presets at
join my Patreon"

WORNG Electronics Introduces the SideCar Mixing VCA

video upload by WORNG Electronics

"SideCar from WORNG Electronics is a six channel mixing VCA (4x mono, 2x stereo) with 45mm faders and proprietary CV shaping circuitry to deliver high resolution level control, punchy envelope response, and improved headroom.

SideCar is designed to give you a proper mixing experience, letting you craft proper detailed mixes from within your Eurorack system like never before. We designed SideCar with a 'less-is-more' approach to enable you to just get premium level control with a clean and usable interface without trying to cram the interface full of features, giving you a high quality, truely modular building block for your modular system.

The inputs and outputs cascade for use as a mixer or for ease of more complicated patching, SideCar is also the perfect accompaniment for a SoundStage or Jumble Henge to add level control to your favourite spectral mixer.

SideCar is shipping now, contact your favourite quality modular dealer to order one today!"

Check with dealers on the right for availability.

the Modern Easel unscripted

video upload by Joel Davel

"My informal look at the Modern Music Easel: what's new and why. (Skip to 3:23 if you want to skip my introductory improv). As I was waiting for an opportunity to make a quality video going over the new case and the EMBIO, I grew impatient and just threw the iPhone up and strung together these videos. I hope it's informative and entertaining."

Moog - Spectravox - Sound Demos

video upload by NOISEBUG

See the announcement post here.

"The long wait is finally over. The Moog Spectravox has finally been released and we couldn't be more excited!

Spectravox, the newest member of the Moog semi-modular family, is a groundbreaking tool for sculpting sound. An analog spectral processor based around a 10-band filter bank, Spectravox creates lively drones and colorful tonal sweeps on its own and adds resonant depth and psychedelic spectral movement to any external sound. Hook up a microphone and Spectravox becomes a 10-band analog vocoder with innovative integrated modulation of all of its filters. An exploration and expansion of the topology of the vocoder and filter bank, Spectravox is a highly flexible instrument and signal processor with a comprehensive patch bay for integration into studios of all sizes.

Synthesists have delighted in playing with the spectrum of sound since the Moog 907 Fixed Filter Bank appeared in the 1960s, creating lush vowel tones and multicolored timbral animation with hands-on level control of each frequency band of a sound. Unlike earlier fixed filter banks, however, the unique filters of Spectravox are no longer fixed in place and will jointly shift around the frequency space, allowing for the creation of otherworldly voltage-controlled spectral animation and vibrant phaser-like sweeps. With 10 filters whose variable resonance can morph from soft precision to shimmering choral effects, Spectravox reshapes the sounds you love into surprising new forms and brings a new world of sonic possibilities to your studio.

Spectravox is a fascinating standalone sculptable synthesizer voice thanks to its built-in carrier sound source of a thick analog Moog oscillator and white noise generator. With its combo XLR/jack program input, Spectravox becomes a fully featured 10-band vocoder with a secondary filter bank for analyzing the spectral makeup of incoming sounds. In VOCODER mode its 10 analysis filters map the timbral characteristics of any external sound onto any other sound you can imagine. Shape the warm analog oscillator of Spectravox with the dynamics of your voice, or use a drum machine to animate guitar chords in a mesmerizing broadband percussive space.

Spectravox uses the pioneering vocoding work of Bob Moog and Wendy Carlos in the late 1960s as its inspiration—work which was based on Homer Dudley's original designs from the 1930s and which was used to prominent effect in Stanley Kubrick's 1972 film A Clockwork Orange. Innovating further from these early designs, Spectravox uses 10 state-variable filters for its filter bank, all 10 of which are capable of being shifted with its internal triangle wave LFO or external control voltage. With the ability to emphasize vowel sounds via the Hiss and Buzz functionality of the Moog 16 Channel Vocoder, Spectravox is both a major step forward for analog filter banks and a loving exploration of early music technology history.

Scramble the frequency spectrum and create wonderfully unpredictable textures with patch points for each filter in the filter bank and included patch cables. Add analog warmth and subtle phasing to digital synthesizers and sound sources. Integrate Spectravox with other Moog semi-modular instruments or Eurorack modules with an extensive patch bay providing control over almost all of its parameters. Spectravox is a boundary-pushing instrument that invites you to explore creative new ways of shaping and sculpting sound."

Joranalogue Introduces Cycle 5 - New Compact Powerhouse VCO

For those attending SUPERBOOTH, you'll find Joranalogue at our their spot: booth W435 in the gymnasium.

Coming in Q3 2024.

A small Eurorack oscillator that packs a punch: that’s the best way to summarise Cycle 5.

At its heart lies a refined high-stability triangle core voltage controlled oscillator (VCO), with performance matching or exceeding that of much bigger and costly oscillator modules.

Instead of a coarse frequency knob, a 7-position octave switch is provided. This in combination with a perfect fifth transposition switch and factory pitch tuning, makes Cycle 5 an exceptionally straightforward and musical VCO to use: simply centre the fine tune knob, and the module will be instantly tuned to reference C.

Meanwhile, its dual precision volt per octave inputs add a great deal of versatility. For example, one could be used for pitch sequencing and the other as a generic exponential FM input, or both sequenced together for transposition effects—the dual inputs serving as a built-in precision adder.

Sporting all the classic waveforms, ranging from sine wave, triangle, saw and square/saw, as well as a hard sync input and low frequency oscillator (LFO) mode, Cycle 5 makes for a real workhorse VCO. The novel trigonometric waveshaper results in a very clean sine wave, ideal for sub bass duty.

Cycle 5’s highlight however, is its vari-wave feature. By adjusting the vari-wave knob, the waveform on the matching output will smoothly morph from sine, to triangle, saw, square and finally a very narrow pulse. The vari-wave parameter can be CV controlled, up to audio frequencies for some intense timbres.

Equally at home as a modest modulation companion to big VCOs, as being in the spotlight in miniature or polyphonic systems, Cycle 5 might just be the most multi-talented tiny analogue oscillator yet.

High-stability precision analogue triangle-core VC(LF)O.
Octave and perfect fifth switches—all intermediate frequencies can be reached using the front panel controls.
Dual volt per octave FM inputs.
Outputs: sine, triangle, saw, square/pulse (PWM) and vari-wave, smoothly morphing between all waveforms.
Reset (hard oscillator sync) input.
Wide frequency range: 48 mHz (20 seconds) to 3.7 kHz.
Don't waste time tuning: pre-tuned for 0 V = C.
Impedance-compensated outputs with dual-colour vari-wave LED.
Trim potentiometers accessible from the front panel.
Precision-milled 2 mm anodised aluminium front panel with high-resolution, non-erasable graphics.
Bullet-proof design: polarised power header and MOSFET protection circuit.
Includes 16-to-10-pin Eurorack power ribbon cable.
Premium mounting hardware: black screws, black nylon washers and matching hex key.
High-quality components and assembly; designed and made in Belgium.

As always check with your favorite dealers on the right for upcoming availability of all new modules and synths.

Bill Wolfer Jams With The Legend HZ Synthesizer

video upload by Bill Wolfer

"Every sound in this video is coming from The Legend HZ.

I just got this thing a few days ago, and I've barely scratched the surface of what it can do. Here's a quick jam using 13 instances of The Legend HZ. I love this instrument. I was sold on a faithful Minimoog emulation with six oscillators and a Fixed Filter Bank. But wait! There's more! Ha! Sounds like a paid promotion, but I assure you that I bought mine just like anybody else.

This bass line popped out of my fingers the first time I fooled around with it, so I decided to expand it, trying to use only The Legend HZ for all the sounds and effects. It was a fun thing to do.

Music written and performed by Bill Wolfer.
©Wolftoons Music,ASCAP. All rights reserved."

See the announcement post for The Legend HZ Synthesizer here. The HZ, of course, stands for Hans Zimmer.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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