Showing posts sorted by date for query ALEQ Modular. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query ALEQ Modular. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Friday, January 31, 2025
video upload by ALEQ Modular
"Drone, slow modification of the sound, this time more noisy and agressive.
Two DUAL UNDULA OSCILLATOR, one for the sound, one for the modulation.
The sound pass trough 2 voices of the 4TOMS, used as a noisy/fuzz box.
Modulation controlled and routed by the Attenuverter Bank.
Two Rampage for others modulations.
LE modules available online here:"
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
video upload by ALEQ Modular
"Drone, slow modification of the sound.
Two DUAL UNDULA OSCILLATOR, one for the sound, one for the modulation.
Modulation controlled and routed by the Attenuverter Bank.
Two Rampage for others modulations."
Monday, September 16, 2024
Impro with LARIX-ELEKTRO modules
video upload by ALEQ Modular
"I'm using the same setup used to demo how to use the new TIME SHIFTER.
So, except a Erica synth RND, used as a clock, all other modules are from Larix Elektro.
Here, I'm using this small case in a more "unusual" way. It's noise music (!)
The Ritournelle CV & Trig generates triggers, for the 4TOMS.
The TIME-SHIFTER just adds some blur into the triggers (Means: not in time)
And the 4TOMS is not used as a classical tom generator, but as a noise machine. It uses the advantage of the default of the analog circuit. Something you may have some difficulties to do with digital modules or sample players.
For more details on the modules, see more"
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Modular improvisation, July 2024
video upload by ALEQ Modular
"I'm having the opportunity to use the case that LARIX-ELEKTRO use for demo. And so, deeply using some of LE modules. Especially the DUAL UNDULA OSCILLATOR that should be available on september/October.
here an improvisation, Drone/noise.
Monday, June 24, 2024
Hacking the XAOC Berlin VCO
video upload by ALEQ Modular
"The XAOC Berlin is a digital VCO compatible with the Leibnitz system of XAOC. This system allows to play with bits: Interesting !
Here, I'm using the Leibnitz connectors, and two multiple from Larix-Elektro to have access to the 8 bits that generate the SAW wave.
Just because it's very simple way to convert the Leibnitz connectors into jacks !
And after, I'm explaining how to produce new kind of waveforms.
This is not a safe way to use the module. But its a good way to understand it, and thinking about acquiring some Leibnitz compatible modules, to play with bits !
The Multiple from LE is not yet available, this is a prototype originally designed to add I/O to others modules like the 4TOMS.
Shold be available after this summer.
Thanks to the LE CV Generator, and the Attenuverter Bank, from LE too...
Try this carfully: I haven't checked how the circuit is built, if the I/O of the Leibnitz connector are protected. So maybe you can damage your module...
I strongly recommande to use modules from the Leibnitz system instead."
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
4TOMS , deviant uses
video upload by LARIX ELEKTRO
"The Larix-Elektro 4TOMS is made to produce tom sounds...
But in fact, this module can do more !
Here some example of creative use of the 4TOMS.
mainly by using an audio signal for the Trig input.
- VCO into a Tom
- A Tom into another Tom
- Audio file into Toms
- Crossfeedback without anything else, between two Toms.
Note: Watch this video that uses only the techniques explained above for the soundtrack:"
Hack the drums
video upload by ALEQ Modular
"A full improvisation of modular synth and drawing.
Here, I'm using only (and really only, no more modules !) the Larix-Elektro 4TOMS in a unusual way: Like the 'No Input Mixing ' technique, this is here a 'no input drums' technique.
To be more precise, it's simply taking the input of one tom, and connecting it to the trig input of another tom... and crosspatching these two toms.
Noises, rhythmic loops, sub...etc.
Of course, after recording a long time of improvisation, I'm cutting and mixing together various moments of this improvisation.
The drawing was done without having thought about it before. I only knew that I wanted to start with the drawing of a drummer, and twist this drawing with reminiscence of modular synth elements."
Thursday, April 11, 2024
Beta testing a new module from LARIX-ELEKTRO
video upload by ALEQ Modular
"This is a new module from Larix-Elektro.
I'm testing the prototype.... For a Noise/Drone/Ambient/Indus like impro.
It's a dual oscillator based on sinus and wave folder.
With a strange mixer output that allows Mide-Side processing, or dual ring-mod kind of effect. ... and some more feature.
I'm using the module only: no others effects added, even during editing on the computer (no "mastering")
More at:
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Modular - complexe sequence
video upload by ALEQ Modular
"One way to build complexe sequences with modular:
- Multiple sequencers (here some Ritournelle CV Generator from LE)
- A Matrix mixer (the Attenuverter bank from LE too)
- Of course, some synth voices, here with the RYK Vector Wave.
- And to glue all together, a delay. The 4MS Dual Looping Delay
The goal is to route the sequences to the synth voices.
With the matrix, we can mix these sequences in real time. Inverting, adjusting the range etc.
And if all sequences have different clock division and number of steps, the result can be very complexe.
To stay in harmony, a quantizer is inserted between the matrix and the synth voices. here a Klavis CalTrans."
Thursday, December 14, 2023
December sketch - Technical details
video upload by ALEQ Modular
"In the last video, I used intensely the Ritournelle CV and TRIG Generator from LARIX-ELEKTRO.
Here some explanation of how I'm using them.
I'm also using the new (soon available) Attenuverter Bank: 4 by 4 attenuverter, freely configurable as mixer / dispatcher / matrix. Tha I use here to mix and dispatch the various CV from all the CV Generator modules.
This is a very simple use, that can be a good strating point to more complexe (and so rich in variation) sequences."
Thursday, October 12, 2023
Neuzeit Instrument WARP - Additive synthesis
video upload by ALEQ Modular
"I'm just receiving the new Neuzeit Instrument WARP.
Because I'm a bit obsessed by additive synthesis, I wanted to try it quickly...
So here a test of the additive synthesis part of this module.
Yes: I'm not doing a full review of it: only the spectrum edition (and a bit of the SPEC menu too)
To resum, I must admit that contrary to what we may think, the edition is pretty easy and fast. It just need to spend few minutes to read the quick start guide. So it's quite easy to build evoltive and complex sound.
( takes time, but it's because there a lot on it, not because of ergonomic issues)
In addition to the WARP, I'm checking the VECTOR WAVE from RYK, which seems similar in some ways. Also easy to use. And finally, a small reminder of the Kawai K5000R, beast of additive synthesis but too hard to program."
See the announcement post for Neuzeit Instrument's WARP here.
Monday, October 09, 2023
September sketch
video upload by ALEQ Modular
"The third sketch.
The objective of this video, in addition to the image and music, was to test the Ritournelle modulesThe objective of this video, in addition to the image and music, was to test the Ritournelle CV and TRIG modules from Larix Elektro.
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Random Source Serge Demos by ALEQ Modular
video uploads by ALEQ Modular
Serge module, one more
Serge module, again
SERGE sequence
Serge Modular, sequencing test.
Serge Modular, 2nd test
Serge Modular, 1st test
North Coast Sequence Test | R*S Serge Wave Multipliers vs North Coast MSK013 VCO
video upload by ALEQ Modular
"Simple test of North Coast MSK013 VCO and MSK007 Leapfrog filter."
R*S Serge Wave Multipliers vs North Coast MSK013 VCO
video upload by ALEQ Modular
"Both modules are completely different. But the center section of the Serge module should be identical to the middle part of the North Coast module.
Identical ??? In fact, the result sounds (and looks) very similar, so...
Of course, in one hand, you have a module dedicated to wave shaping, with 3 "flavours" . And on the other hand, you have a dual VCO.
In fact, there is a small "trap" : In use, in a more complex patch, who is able to tell the difference between the 2 wave shapers ? (Listen to the second part of the video)"
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