Showing posts sorted by date for query Ascetic Wires. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Ascetic Wires. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Sunday, October 09, 2022
Erica Synths Pico System II: Patch #10 ("the world’s smallest modular synthesizer") by Ascetic Wires
video upload by Ascetic Wires
"Patch made with Erica Synths Pico System II Modular / Eurorack Synthesizer."
Sunday, September 18, 2022
Echo Works #13: Evans MX-99 Mini Echo BBD + Modal CRAFTsynth 2.0 Wavetable Synth + Boss BX-4 Mixer.
video upload by Ascetic Wires
"Here's a demo of the late 70's/early 80's Evans MX-99 Mini Echo BBD Delay (also known as the Melos MX99, Multivox MX99, Univox MX99 etc...) with Modal CRAFTsynth 2.0 Monophonic Wavetable Synthesizer and Boss BX-4 4 Channel Stereo Mixer. Enjoy!
Recorded on a Q2n Zoom Handy Video Recorder (Video + Audio) with some software compression.
Thanks for watching"
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
The raw sounds of Roland TR-606 in an improvised 15 minute jam session (no sound processing) Part 1.
video upload by Ascetic Wires
"1982 Roland TR-606 Drumatix Analog Drum Machine: the raw sounds of TR-606 in an improvised 15 minute jam session (Part 1) with no sound processing.
Ascetic Wires nº179 YouTube Video
Recorded on a Q2n Zoom Handy Video Recorder (Video + Audio).
Photos Credits:
Ascetic Wires
Thanks for watching"
Thursday, July 07, 2022
Erica Synths Pico System II: Patch #5 ("the world’s smallest modular synthesizer") by Ascetic Wires.
video upload by Ascetic Wires
"Patch made with Erica Synths Pico System II Modular / Eurorack Synthesizer."
Sunday, July 03, 2022
Dawless hardware jam #14 with Novation Circuit Tracks Digital Groovebox & Roland MC-09 PhraseLab.
video upload by Ascetic Wires
"Dawless hardware jam #14 with Novation Circuit Tracks Digital Groovebox & Roland MC-09 PhraseLab Tabletop Synth/Audio Looper with onboard sequencing and effects (here sequenced by Circuit Tracks).
Recorded on a Q2n Zoom Handy Video Recorder (Video + Audio) with some software compression."
Thursday, June 30, 2022
Modular Thing 01 with Moog Subharmonicon and Erica Synths Pico System II Modular / Eurorack Synths.
video upload by Ascetic Wires
"Moog Subharmonicon and Erica Synths Pico System II Modular / Eurorack Synths Jam (video 01) by Ascetic Wires. Enjoy 😊
Recorded with Q2n Zoom Handy Video Recorder"
Thursday, June 23, 2022
Echo Works #11: Evans MX-99 Mini Echo BBD + Roland TR-606 Analog Drum Machine + Boss BX-4 Mixer.
video upload by Ascetic Wires
"Here's a demo of the late 70's/early 80's Evans MX-99 Mini Echo BBD Delay (also known as the Melos MX99, Multivox MX99, Univox MX99 etc...) with Roland TR-606 Drumatix Analog Drum Machine and Boss BX-4 4 Channel Stereo Mixer. Enjoy!
Recorded on a Q2n Zoom Handy Video Recorder (Video + Audio) with some software compression."
Thursday, June 02, 2022
Echo Works #8: Evans MX-99 Mini Echo BBD + Roland TR-606 Analog Drum Machine + Boss BX-4 Mixer.
video upload by Ascetic Wires
"Here's a demo of the late 70's/early 80's Evans MX-99 Mini Echo BBD Delay (also known as the Melos MX99, Multivox MX99, Univox MX99 etc...) with Roland TR-606 Drumatix Analog Drum Machine and Boss BX-4 4 Channel Stereo Mixer. Enjoy!
Recorded on a Q2n Zoom Handy Video Recorder (Video + Audio) with some software compression."
Sunday, May 29, 2022
1 Minute Modular with Erica Synths Pico System II ("the world’s smallest modular synthesizer").
video upload by Ascetic Wires
"1 Minute Modular Synth track with Erica Synths Pico System II Modular / Eurorack Synthesizer ('the world’s smallest modular synthesizer'). More patches using only Pico System II will be released in the near future. Enjoy 😊"
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Dawless Hardware Jam #11 with Novation Circuit Tracks Groovebox & Roland SH-32 Desktop Synthesizer.
video upload by Ascetic Wires
"Dawless hardware jam #11 with Novation Circuit Tracks Digital Groovebox & Roland SH-32 Desktop Synthesizer (sequenced by Circuit Tracks).
Recorded on a Q2n Zoom Handy Video Recorder (Video + Audio) with some software compression."
Saturday, May 07, 2022
Dawless Hardware Jam #10 with Novation Circuit Tracks Groovebox & Roland SH-32 Desktop Synthesizer.
video upload by Ascetic Wires
"Dawless hardware jam #10 with Novation Circuit Tracks Digital Groovebox & Roland SH-32 Desktop Synthesizer (sequenced by Circuit Tracks).
Recorded on a Q2n Zoom Handy Video Recorder (Video + Audio) with some software compression."
Friday, April 08, 2022
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Arturia (Yamaha) CS-80 V3 (plugin) 10 cool factory patches by Ascetic Wires (Arturia V Collection 8)
video upload by Ascetic Wires
"Arturia (Yamaha) CS-80 V3 (plugin) 10 cool factory patches (in F#) by Ascetic Wires (Arturia V Collection 8)."
Thursday, February 24, 2022
Modular Cacophony by Ascetic Wires: Erica Synths Pico System II + Moog Werkstatt-01 & CV Expander.
video upload by Ascetic Wires
"Erica Synths Pico System II + Moog Werkstatt-01 with CV Expander Board
Recorded on a Q2n Zoom Handy Video Recorder (Video + Audio)
Video Credits: Ascetic Wires"
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
Echo Works #6: Evans MX-99 Mini Echo BBD + Akai Rhythm Wolf Analog Step Sequencer Drum Machine.
video upload by Ascetic Wires
"Here's a demo of the late 70's/early 80's Evans MX-99 Mini Echo BBD Delay (also known as the Melos MX99, Multivox MX99, Univox MX99 etc...) working with Akai Rhythm Wolf Analog Step Sequencer Drum Machine. Enjoy!
Recorded on a Q2n Zoom Handy Video Recorder (Video + Audio) with some software compression.
Ascetic Wires 193 YouTube Video"
Monday, January 10, 2022
Roland SH-32 Synthesizer unboxing (kind of…) in 01/2022 (32 voices 4-part multitimbral synthesizer).
video upload by Ascetic Wires
"Unboxing (kind of...) of mint Roland SH-32 Desktop Synthesizer (32 voices 4-part multitimbral digital synth) with:
Original Box
Printed Manual
Original Power Adapter
Ascetic Wires nº182 YouTube Video
Recorded on a Q2n Zoom Handy Video Recorder (Video + Audio from Roland SH-32 Desktop Synthesizer).
Photo & Video Credits: Ascetic Wires
Thanks for watching"
Sunday, December 26, 2021
Erica Synths Pico System II: Patch #3 ("the world’s smallest modular synthesizer") by Ascetic Wires.
video upload by Ascetic Wires
"This is the third patch i made with Erica Synths Pico System II Modular / Eurorack Synthesizer. More patches using only Pico System II will be released later this year. Enjoy 😊
Erica Synths Pico System II (SEQ + VCO + VOICE + VCF1 + DRUMS + RND + MOD + A MIX + DSP)
Recorded on a Q2n Zoom Handy Video Recorder (Video + Audio)
Video Credits: Kindel Media (@Pexels) (+edit by Ascetic Wires)
Ascetic Wires nº189 YouTube Video
Thanks for watching"
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Novation Circuit Tracks Dawless Hardware Jams by Ascetic Wires
"Dawless Hardware Melodic Techno Jamming with Novation Circuit Tracks."
1. Dawless Hardware Techno Acid Jam #1: Novation Circuit Tracks + Cyclone Analogic TT-303 & Roland TB-3
1. Dawless Hardware Melodic Techno Jam #2: Novation Circuit Tracks + Cyclone TT-303 MK1 & Roland TB-3
3. Dawless Hardware Melodic Techno Jam #3: Novation Circuit Tracks + Roland TB-3 Touch Bassline (303).
4. Dawless Hardware Melodic Techno Jam #4: Novation Circuit Tracks + Roland TB-3 Touch Bassline (303).
5. Dawless Hardware Deep Techno Jam #5: Novation Circuit Tracks + Roland SP-404A Sampler (404, 404SX).
6. Dawless Hardware Deep Techno Jam #6: Novation Circuit Tracks + Roland SP-404A Sampler (404, 404SX).
7. Dawless Hardware Ambient Jam #7: Novation Circuit Tracks + Erica Pico System III & Modal CRAFTsynth.
8. Dawless Hardware Melodic Techno Jam #8: Novation Circuit Tracks + Pico System III & Modal CRAFTsynth
9. Dawless Hardware Melodic Techno Jam #9: Novation Circuit Tracks + Modal CRAFTsynth Wavetable Synth.
Erica Synths Pico System II unboxing ("the world’s smallest modular synthesizer") by Ascetic Wires.
video upload by Ascetic Wires
"Erica Synths Pico System II unboxing (12/2021) by Ascetic Wires.
Pico modules included in the system are:
SEQ – powerful 16 step sequencer with 16 pattern memory
VCO – 32 custom waves in 2 banks, great 1V/oct tracking and LFO mode
VOICE – sound source with 8 sound generation algorithms
VCF1 – Polivoks-inspired LP/BP VCF, ideal for acid-like basslines
TRIGG – 4 trigger pattern generator & master clock for the system
2xDRUMS – 64 sample player with adjustable parameters and CV control
MULTI2 – buffered audio/CV/clock signal splitter
RND – LFO and random events (random trigger, S&H and noise) generator
MOD – lin/log ASR envelope generator and linear VCA
2xMIX – 3 input audio mixer
DSP – stereo effects processor with 8 great sounding custom effects
OUTPUT – stereo output module with headphone amplifier
Dimensions (WxDxH): 240mmx140mmx80mm
Mass: 1,35 kg excluding PSU
Soundtrack by Ascetic Wires: Erica Synths Pico System II"
Thursday, September 10, 2020
5 Custom Synth Patches for Sonicware ELZ_1 Digital Synthesizer: Soundset #12 by Ascetic Wires
Ascetic Wires
"5 Custom Synth Patches for Sonicware ELZ_1 Digital Synthesizer: Soundset #12 (more will come... ) with the following synthesizer engines:
Recorded with Zoom Q2n"
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
MATRIXSYNTH is supported by affiliate links that use cookies to track clickthroughs and sales. See the privacy policy for details.