MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Martin Doudoroff

Showing posts sorted by date for query Martin Doudoroff. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Martin Doudoroff. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Sunday, December 08, 2024

Simple Major Tom Tetrachords jam

video upload by Martin Doudoroff

"Zero effort quick-and-dirty proof of concept pairing of Major Tom and Tetrachords. Major Tom channels are kick, bass, melody, and chords, respectively. Tetrachords channel one is bass (BIA), channel two is melody (E370 through Natural Gate), and channel four is chords (MIDI to DAW synth)."

Monday, June 10, 2024

Cycle Instruments Tetrachords and Expert Sleepers FH-2 (quick and dirty)

video upload by Martin Doudoroff

"This is just a simple example of using the FH-2 as an output expander for Tetrachords. In this case, I have the FH-2 providing pitch, gate and velocity from MIDI channels 3 and 4, which I have assigned to Tetrachords tracks 2 and 4, respectively. (Audio is just from the cell phone.)"

via Cycle Instruments

"The Tetrachords is a 4 track polyphonic CV & MIDI note sequencer for Eurorack systems.

Featuring extensive connectivity, the Tetrachords can act as a bridge between a modular system and the rest of a studio.

The unique, built-for-purpose interface turns a studio into a melodic and harmonic playground. Easily explore anything from unisons and simple melodies to dense note clusters, made-up scales and polytonal mayhem."

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Jasmine & Olive Trees Water (a demo)

video upload by Martin Doudoroff

"Informal, unofficial, unauthorized demo of Water for Eurorack modular synthesizers

00:00 intro (how it seems to work)
09:07 melodic demo (three pitch sequences)
12:48 drum voice demo (parameter sequencing the BIA)"

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Logic for Sound Design

video upload by Martin Doudoroff

"Logic modules aren’t just for making rhythms: here we show some simple ways that logic can contribute to sound design.

Featured logic module: Klavis Two Bits

Patch diagram design borrowed from Monotrail Tech Talk [posts here]

0:00 Introduction
1:33 Overview of Two Bits and base voice patch
3:34 Example: Events during note release
6:47 Example: Probability-based events per note
11:37 Example: Events at note start and/or end
15:36 Example: Threshold conditions"


Dual logic processor with chaining and CV functions
Two dual-input logic processors
15 different functions
Simultaneously available normal and inverted outputs
LEDs on all outputs
Chaining optionally inverted by dedicated button with LEDs
Chaining does not waste any input or output; an additional virtual input is created in the second section
Functions with duration, voltage, percentage, and ratio are user editable.
User settings are stored automatically
Random pass, voltage comparator, clock mult/div and delay line functions allow CV control
White LEDs next to the pots confirm the matching of knob position and function
The outputs can be Ored by simple shorting in a multiple
Firmware upgradeable by playing an audio file
Low consumption, skiff-friendly & compact module
Complements Klavis’ Logica XT with a varied feature set

Additional Klavis Two Bits posts

Tuesday, August 09, 2022

How to tune the 4ms Ensemble Oscillator

video upload by Martin Doudoroff

"A brief tuning process tutorial."

Thursday, July 09, 2020

Patching the Koma Komplex

Martin Doudoroff

"A 20 minute demo building a two voice patch with the Koma Komplex.

Note: the focus drifted on me while I recording—so frustrating!—so it gets a bit soft, but I think it’s probably still watchable."

Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Klavis Quadigy: Minimoog-style retriggering behavior

Published on Feb 4, 2020 Martin Doudoroff

"Addendum demonstrating how the Klavis Quadigy implements a retriggering behavior reminiscent of the MInimoog."

First part here.

Friday, December 06, 2019

ACL Sinfonion and the Qu-bit Chord 2

Published on Dec 6, 2019 Martin Doudoroff

"A quick look at the Chord 2 as a handy chord oscillator for Sinfonion’s chord section!"

Friday, October 18, 2019

Klavis Quadigy as an expressive ADSR

Published on Oct 18, 2019 Martin Doudoroff

"An exhaustive exploration of the ADSR features and behavior of Klavis Quadigy Quad Programmable Envelope Generator for Eurorack modular synthesizers.

• I didn’t realize until after the video was done that the PUNCH parameter is considered part of ATTACK for the purposes of the FULL ATTACK mode; so, with FULL ATTACK turned on, you’ll get at minimum the full attack and punch of the envelope; good to know
• I should have clarified that the time value of the HOLD parameter is relative to gate/trigger on, not relative to the end of DECAY
• I should have clarified that the HOLD parameter can be used in conjunction with gates as well as with triggers; with gates, the HOLD parameter effectively sets the minimum duration of the envelope (not including RELEASE)"

Update: follow-up video:

Klavis Quadigy: Minimoog-style retriggering behavior

Published on Feb 4, 2020 Martin Doudoroff

"Addendum demonstrating how the Klavis Quadigy implements a retriggering behavior reminiscent of the MInimoog."

via Klavis

"The Quadigy is a complex envelope generator focused on live play. The goal is to allow the user setting up rich, interactive and dynamically evolving envelopes without the risk of breaking up a subtle and intricate patch once on stage. This is achieved by offering two main modes, one where full control is available and a Live mode where only the settings that are sensible using on stage are accessible.

Quad 7-stage envelopes
Continuous curve shape setting
Independent output level
Cycle capability with auto fit-to-clock
Elastic time stretching
5 internal clocks with tap tempo
External clock control
Multiply/divide and offset
Individual cycle ext. control
32 presets with naming
External preset control via CV/Trig
Simultaneous 156-point CV matrix
Morphing on presets and CV Matrix
Multi-editing for polyphonic uses
Live mode for easier/safer control
Graphical display
Real-time envelope stages LED indication
Current state retained over power cycle
Easy firmware update via an audio file
Skiff-friendly and compact module

Friday, April 06, 2018

Koma Komplex Skip Step Demo II (a different setting)

Published on Apr 6, 2018 Martin Doudoroff

"At the risk of redundancy and confusion, here’s a different experiment using the skip step jack to advance the phasing between two simple sequences. In this version, the first Mode setting on sequencer B is enabled so that phasing advances are not temporary—this is a more typical phasing arrangement than in the previous demo. (I got confused by the documentation, which gets the settings backwards.)

Sequencers A and B are connected to basic VCO/VCF voices; this time, I’m lazily using Sequencer C for a simple bass line (gate only—pitch is recycled from Sequencer A). Everything is clocked by a Gatestorm. The Gatestorm is also generating the gate to trigger the skip step."

Thursday, April 05, 2018

Koma Komplex Skip Step Demo

Published on Apr 5, 2018 Martin Doudoroff

"Demonstration of using the skip step jack to advance the phasing between two simple sequences"

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

CONTROL Demystifying Maths 101 Set for February 23 in New York


"Control is pleased to present "Demystifying Maths 101," an introductory intensive on the Make Noise Maths lead by Martin Doudoroff.Are you baffled by or afraid of Maths? Is Maths just sitting in your rack, neglected? Or are you just curious what the fuss is about? We’ll straighten all that out for you in this introductory workshop on one of the most versatile tools in Eurorack. Choose Session A (5-6:30pm) or Session B (6:30-8pm). Feel free to B.Y.O. Maths, but it is not required. The class will look at the basic topology and functionality of Maths with a focus on: simply understanding/demystifying the discrete components of Maths; bread-and-butter usage (envelopes, slew, mixing/attenuation/offset); and if time allows, getting into some Serge-style patch programming.The class will take place on Friday, February 23rd at Control, Brooklyn, NY. Please choose one of the two sessions A or B. Due to the desire to keep this workshop seminar-like in nature, seating is limited. For this reason, you will be asked to pay a refundable $5 deposit in order to reserve a seat. The charge will be refunded upon arrival. No refunds will be issued for no-shows."

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Control Forge BPM Mode (firmware 1.01c)

Published on Jun 24, 2017 Martin Doudoroff

"Casual, unauthorized overview of using the new BPM feature"

Monday, May 15, 2017

QMMF-4 for modular EQ timbral sculpting

Published on May 15, 2017 Martin Doudoroff

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Control Forge Demo

Published on Feb 11, 2017 Martin Doudoroff

"Unofficial, casual, cursory demo of the Control Forge"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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