MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for MotasSynth

Showing posts sorted by date for query MotasSynth. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query MotasSynth. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, May 07, 2020

New Motas-6 Synthesizer Demos

Published on May 7, 2020 MotasSynth

Previous demos here.


1. Motas-6 phase modulation with arpeggiator
This demo shows the arpeggiator playing with use of the VCO analogue phase modulation features.
2. Motas-6 micro-tuning demo with arpeggiator
This demo shows some of the 32 built-in micro-tunings on the Motas-6 synthesizer with the internal arpeggiator. Motas-6 also allows a further 32 user-defined tunings to be imported using standard MIDI tuning dumps (e.g. using Scala software).
3. Motas-6 synthesizer paraphonic playing demo
This video shows how chords of up to 3-notes can be played on the Motas-6 synthesizer. Motas-6 has 3 analogue VCOs each of which can be set to track independently allowing paraphonic playing.
4. Motas-6 synthesizer phase modulation demo
This video shows some of the phase modulation capabilities of the Motas-6 synthesizer.
Motas-6 allows analogue (or analog) phase modulation of oscillators 2 and 3 to create PM/FM type sounds. Oscillator 3 can be phase modulated by oscillator 2 which can be modulated by oscillator 1 so allowing more complex modulation sounds.
5. Motas-6 synthesizer vector morphing demo
This video shows the vector morphing feature of Motas-6 where 4 patches can be blended in real-time using external controllers such as MIDI control messages or CV inputs. A little external reverb has been applied to the audio output from Motas-6.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Motas-6 synthesizer 50 new patches

Published on Dec 12, 2019 MotasSynth

"Factory bank #4 - 50 new patches for the Motas-6 synthesizer!

This video is a short demo of all the 50 patches in the new factory bank #4. As you can see I've used an Arturia Keystep to play the sounds via MIDI.

The audio is recorded directly from Motas-6 with no external effects.

You can download this new bank of patches for your Motas-6 from the usual place: Of course you can load this bank into any of the 10 banks on your Motas-6, it doesn't have to be into bank #4!

A document explaining the patches in this new bank can be downloaded:

More samples from this bank can be also be heard:"


Friday, July 06, 2018

Motas-6 synth plays OMD Joan of Arc (demo 07)

Published on Jul 6, 2018 MotasSynth

"Motas-6 synth demo 07 - playing extract from OMD's 'Maid of Orleans' (Joan of Arc) with some external reverb applied.

Several independent LFO modulations have been used on the master pitch, individual oscillator pitch, PWM (oscillators 1 and 3) and filter frequencies to try to re-create the wow-and-flutter sound of the legendary Mellotron used on the original.

The haunting tune is programmed into the Motas-6 internal pattern sequencer which plays in an endless loop whilst the Motas-6 parameters are adjusted.
The Motas-6 paraphonic capabilities are used with oscillator 1 tracking the highest note played, oscillator 2 the middle and oscillator 3 the lowest.
As the tune plays the 3 filter settings and mix levels (including the internal feedback control to the mixer) are adjusted, as well as phase modulation on oscillators 2 and 3. The mixer gain is adjusted - listen for the rich distortion caused from over-driving the filters (starting at 3:13) with the mixer gain set to 'boost'. Also look out for the spectrum analyser display at the end that tracks the notes showing the harmonics."

Thursday, June 21, 2018

New Motas-6 Demo Videos

Published on Jun 21, 2018 MotasSynth

"Demo#6 of Motas-6.
The new MotasEdit software plugin is running within Ableton and a repeated simple bar of notes is playing (Motas-6 is connected via USB MIDI).
Parameter changes on the Motas-6 hardware are sent to the plugin/DAW (and likewise changes in the DAW/plugin are sent to Motas-6).

I play with various Motas-6 parameters including the analogue phase modulation, analogue noise and internal feedback (which comes from the audio output before the final volume control) to the pre-filter mixer."

Monday, April 09, 2018

Motas 6 demo 05

Published on Apr 9, 2018 MotasSynth

"This demo shows new MotasEdit control software (to be released soon as a free download for Motas-6 users). The software allows users of the Motas-6 analogue synth to edit sounds in real-time with live screenshots from the Motas-6 hardware.

Please watch your speakers and ears, it is a bit aggressive in parts! The sound you hear was generated internally by Motas-6 hardware with a little external reverb.We use lots of the independent LFOs for a complex sound. No controller keyboard was used."

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Motas-6 synth demo 04

Published on Mar 15, 2018 MotasSynth

"Motas-6 analogue synth. A little room reverb applied. Demo #04."

See the Motas label below for more.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Motas-6 demo 03

Published on Oct 16, 2017 MotasSynth

"Short demo playing a pattern and adjusting the sound."

See the Motas label below for more.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Motas6 demo 02

Published on Oct 14, 2017 MotasSynth

"Motas-6 analogue synth. Demo #02. Using the arpeggiator and some acid sound from LPF2. A little room reverb on the output."

Demo 1 here.

Friday, October 13, 2017

New Motas-6 Desktop Analog Synthesizer

Motas-6 synthesizer demo 01 Published on Oct 13, 2017 MotasSynth

"Demo of the Motas-6 analogue synthesizer, changing some basic settings. A little external reverb has been used.
See a live stream from the display (over USB) in the top corner."



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