MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for VCV Rack

Showing posts sorted by date for query VCV Rack. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query VCV Rack. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Pole Dancer analog filter: Zoxnoxious synthesizer voice card demo

video upload by Ultratroninator 3000

"Here's a demo of the Pole Dancer filter, the latest voice card for the Zoxnoxious synthesizer. The Zoxnoxious synth is a VCV Rack controlled hardware synth with a modular voice card architecture. The Pole Dancer earns its name with its unique pole mixing filter functions. Able to take on many different filter modes and morphing between "Personality" filter modes. The Pole Dancer and the Personality module give the VCV Rack user full control over the filter mix levels for pole mixing.

The demo shows the details on the Pole Dancer's VCV Rack module. Also shown is a few ways on how one could use VCV Rack to morph and sequence filter modes. The video ends with detail on how effective the Pole Dancer is on taking on complex filter modes.

The Expedition Electronics webpage used in the demo to show various filter modes is here:

I'm hoping to get the voice cards and Zoxnoxious synth available sometime soon. I'm still looking into how best to do that. It's all open source with schematics, Raspberry Pi, and VCV Rack stuff all on Github:

00:00 - Intro
01:00 - Crossfade example
02:09 - Module frontend
04:19 - Personality: pole mixing
05:34 - Filter sequencing
06:20 - Tweaking the filter sequencing
09:00 - Pole mixing background
11:45 - Filter analysis"

Monday, January 20, 2025

How to build a synthesizer with a patch bay and interface in VCV Rack

video upload by Omri Cohen

"You can find the complete synth patch on my Patreon - / 120041091

00:00 - Introduction
00:21 - The synth
03:44 - Organizing things
05:06 - VCO Waves
06:04 - Interface \ VCOs
10:23 - Interface \ Mixer
11:49 - Interface \ Envelopes
12:46 - Interface \ Filters
20:07 - Interface \ Modulation
22:43 - Interface \ FX
24:30 - Patch Bay \ Outputs
27:03 - Patch Bay \ Inputs
32:11 - Finished Synth"

Monday, January 13, 2025

4ms Tapographic Delay overview and tutorial

video upload by Omri Cohen

"Here you can find the VCV Rack tricks and tips PDF - / 119073839
You can find these patches, along with many others, available on my Patreon page - / 119561290

00:00 - Introduction
00:16 - Basic functionality
06:12 - Panning
10:15 - Filter
13:41 - Patreon
14:03 - Sequence mode
17:22 - Repeate and Sync
21:06 - Meta"

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Zoxnoxious: The Four Voice Cards

video upload by Ultratroninator 3000

"Four voice cards developed (so far!). And their VCV Rack interfaces.

Up til now the voice cards were named based on the analog chip the card was designed around. The Z3340 for the Curtis / Alfa Rpar 3340 VCO, Z3372 for the Curtis / AS3372 chip, and the Z5524 for the Curtis / Alfa Rpar 3394 + SSI2130 (3394 + 2140 = 5524). A boring but technically accurate description.

The most recent card could have been named Z2140, for the SSI2140 filter chip. Or 2040, after the SSM chip it originated from. Z4330 would have also been acceptable given it's core function is SSI2140 + SSI2190 chips. However, nothing better describes its function than Pole Dancer. It's a rarity and deserves a name better describing the function. Take a great sounding analog filter, add voltage controlled mixing of the filter poles, and you've got the Pole Dancer. This voice card does a good job of realizing many many filter types. Lowpass, highpass, bandpass, notch, allpass. Along with morphing between them. Not to mention it has options for resonance compensation, something not present on other '2140 implementations. So boom. Baby. Boom.

Open source on github:"

Monday, December 23, 2024

Instruō - øchd Expander DIY tutorial && VCV Rack update

video upload by Instruō

Happy end of 2024 :)
I hope you've had a good year.

I would like to thank everyone that has supported Instruō this past year and previous years. The company has grown a lot since I was pottering about in my spare room.
I have the pleasure of working along side an incredible team.
A lot of the work these past few years has been very much behind the scenes.
2025 is going to be exciting! I'll leave it at that!

This is a video I've been meaning to do for a while. Since we launched the øchd expander.
The expander module itself was a really fun challenge. I wanted to utilise what the øchd generates in as efficient a way as possible to expand its utility.
Much of the theory behind it I prototyped in VCV rack. Especially the DAC section.
This is a full real time step by step of how to DIY the signal processes and outputs of the øchd expander.
There may be more efficient ways of achieving these and many modules out there provide the same utilities, but this is a collection of patches that I reach for then I need such things.

It's a bit technical, but I hope the video introduces some ideas for patches.
Thanks for watching!

Monday, December 09, 2024

ALM Busy Circuits MCO in VCV Rack Patch From Scratch with MATTHS

video upload by sonicstate

"‪@matthsmatthsmatths‬ used the new ALM Busy Circuits MCO MK2 as the main sound source, as well as other modules, to create a Patch From Scratch for us using the VCV Rack version, the same techniques should apply in the hardware.

Some great patching techniques as well as a chance to check out the module.

00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:12 MCO MK2
00:02:00 Start Patching
00:09:33 Second Voice
00:12:27 Kick Drum
00:19:41 Chords
00:24:52 Effects On Pads

Exclusive extra content on Patreon / sonicstate"

Parameter Locking and Motion Recording in VCV Rack

video upload by Omri Cohen

"You can find these patches, along with many others, available on my Patreon page - / patches-from-117634332

00:00 - Introduction
00:23 - Basic concept
07:12 - With complex sequences
13:36 - Motion recording"

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Introducing Ocean Swift Wavetable Creator - Craft Custom Wavetables for Any Synth!

video upload by Ocean Swift / Faxi Nadu

Follow-up to this post. The editor is now available at

Ocean Swift - Wavetable Creator | Overview and Demonstration

video upload by Ocean Swift / Faxi Nadu

Press Release follows:

Create, Customize, and Export Wavetables Like Never Before!

Save 40% - just €25 (normal €40) , until January 10, 2025

Ocean Swift is excited to announce the launch of the Wavetable Creator, a powerful tool that empowers everyone to create custom wavetables for high-end synthesizers, modular environments, and audio production tools.

The Problem:
Today's wavetable synths, modules, and apps often require wavetables with specific frame sizes and cycle counts, making cross synth compatibility difficult. No existing app or wavetable pack guarantees seamless compatibility across all platforms.

The Solution:
Ocean Swift’s Wavetable Creator – a powerful tool to design morphing wavetables that work anywhere! From Serum to Eurorack, this tool lets you craft wavetables with innovative crossfade, morphing, and blending techniques, and robust compatibility export options. Whether you're producing music, designing game audio, or developing synth plugins, this app is built to unleash your creativity with an easy intuitive interface.

Pricing and Availability
The Ocean Swift Wavetable Creator is available now at a regular price of €40. As a special introductory offer, you can purchase it at €25, a limited-time price valid through the Black Friday, Christmas, and Winter Holiday season until January 10, 2025. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your sound design toolkit at an unbeatable price, with a unique product!

Grab the Wavetable Creator here:

Monday, November 04, 2024

5 new VCV Rack modules you should try in November 2024

video upload by Omri Cohen

"You can find these patches, along with many others, available on my Patreon page - / patches-from-new-115356563

00:00 - Introduction
00:12 - Venn
03:14 - ORBseq
06:18 - Tri Delay
09:16 - 24 Conditions
14:51 - Venom"

Friday, October 25, 2024

Beginner Friendly Techniques with for VCV Rack

video upload by Omri Cohen

Here you can find the collection for VCV -

00:00 - Introduction
00:25 - Subtractive voice
05:35 - Sequencer
10:54 - Sequential switch
13:46 - Wave splicing
17:15 - PWM with a clipper
20:19 - Fixed filter bank
23:17 - Polyphony

Additional resources:

Thursday, October 24, 2024

4ms Meta Module - SonicLAB Review

video upload by sonicstate

"Many have tried to create this kind of platform taking software Eurorack or DSP synthesis from the desktop such as VCV Rack and running that code in a Eurorack hardware module. 4ms are up for the challenge - essentially you get a DSP module able to run some VCV rack modules (160 and counting) - the list is growing - but be sure to check the latest one.

Meta has 2x gate inputs, 6 audio/CV inputs, 8 audio/cv outputs and 12 assignable knobs to freely control the modules you built in it. With USB-C and SD Card storage, you can edit the setups adding modules and control until you run out of DSP, which will happen eventually - thats just the way it it.

You can create patches on the unit itself, with a well thought out UI for adding modules, routing and knob and connection assignments - though inevitably it can get a little clicky, its impressively well done.

Paulee Bow aka ‪@magicalsynthadventure3216‬ takes a look for SonicLAB and finds it can do quite a lot... Available now priced at $649/£569 street"

Check with dealers on the right.

Key Moments:
00:00:00 Introduction to the 4MS Meta Module
00:02:38 Adding and configuring modules
00:03:50 Sound examples and patching
00:05:18 Navigation challenges on the Meta Module
00:06:45 Connectivity & integration with VCV
00:08:10 The Pod case
00:09:00 FM Sound examples
00:10:48 A patch with Mutable Warps
00:11:34 More patch examples
00:13:36 Processing Guitar input
00:14:25 Thoughts and conclusions

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Introducing VCV+: Unlimited access to VCV Rack modules

via VCV

"Introducing VCV+, a new way to get instant access to VCV Rack Pro with an extensive library of premium modules.

For $29/month, or $19/month billed annually, customers get access to a growing collection of products:

VCV Rack Pro: DAW plugin and standalone application.
All VCV-branded modules: VCV Pluck, VCV Drums, VCV Pro, and more.
Official virtual Eurorack modules: Synthesis Technology, ALM Busy Circuits, and more.
Hundreds of premium third-party modules by participating developers.
VCV+ unlocks risk-free exploration of new modules without extra cost and simplifies patch sharing with other VCV+ subscribers.

All products and modules remain available for individual sale of lifetime licenses on our store.

New refund policy

VCV now offers a 7-day refund guarantee. If you aren’t fully satisfied with your purchase, let us know within 7 days of purchase and you can return the software for a full refund.

Knobcon and upcoming Eurorack modules

Visit the VCV booth at Knobcon Chicago on September 7–8 for previews of upcoming Eurorack modules for VCV Rack:

Synthesis Technology E352 & E370
Grayscale Nexus

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Building a complex voice for the 4ms Meta module in VCV Rack

video upload by Omri Cohen

"The patch file for the Meta module is available here -

00:00 - Introduction
00:37 - First layer \ KickAll
04:03 - Second layer \ FM-OP
06:16 - Third layer \ Dark Energy
08:42 - Mixer and more connections
14:08 - With hardware

Consider joining our community on Patreon and Discord - / omricohen
Want to learn Modular Synthesis? have a look here -

Check out my Modular Cookbook:

Sunday, August 25, 2024

4ms MetaModule // an easy way to make your own hardware synth or effect // Review & tutorial

video upload by loopop

0:00 Intro
1:30 Overview
5:55 Automap
7:20 Remapping
9:35 Using knob sets
10:05 Patch workflow
10:25 Finding modules
11:20 Patching
13:05 Using modules
13:40 Mapping knobs
15:15 Hidden params
16:15 Patch settings
16:40 System settings
17:00 Plugins
18:20 Sample rate
19:20 Block size
19:50 How CPU% works
21:40 Using VCV Rack
23:40 Meta module
23:55 Macro map
26:20 Polyphony?
26:55 Headroom
27:15 MIDI mapping
27:55 VCV tips
28:55 Pros & cons
33:40 A few patches

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

VCV Pluck

video upload by VCV Rack

"Available at

Each patch performed with and without drums (VCV Pluck solo).

Patch created by Simon Bader."

VCV Pluck - Stringed Out - madbrain

video upload by VCV Rack

"Patch created by madbrain"

"VCV Pluck

A physical modeling synthesizer simulates the acoustic properties of real instruments such as vibrating strings, resonating tubes, and struck surfaces. VCV Pluck uses DSP algorithms to model physical instruments with an intuitive interface to perform and fine-tune the sound. Musicians and sound designers can use this module to create familiar sounds or explore novel sounds beyond acoustic instruments.


Like many synth voices, VCV Pluck can be controlled by sequencers or MIDI sources via its V/OCT pitch and GATE inputs. If a polyphonic cable is patched to V/OCT, VCV Pluck generates a polyphonic voice. Optionally, patch a trigger signal into RETR if you need to retrigger the voice while the gate is active, which re-strikes the instrument even when playing legato notes. The VEL velocity input controls the intensity of sound from a 0–10 V signal. If VEL is unpatched, the voice’s intensity behaves like a 5 V velocity signal.

Enable HOLD to sustain the voice after the gate falls. This is useful for triggering percussive models like bells while allowing them to ring out completely, or for creating sustained drones."

Sunday, August 11, 2024

VCV Compressor demo

video upload by VCV Rack

"Get VCV Compressor free with VCV Rack Pro.

Patch created by Simon Bader."

Friday, July 05, 2024

Live Stream || Modular Noodling with Glass Shard in VCV Rack

video upload by Omri Cohen

Pateon -
Want to learn Modular Synthesis? have a look here -
Interested in more patching techniques and ideas? Have a look here -

Monday, June 24, 2024


video upload by Omri Cohen

"Here is where you can find the book:

US \ Perfect Circuit

EU \ Schneidersladen

UK \ Signal Sounds

If you’re interested in getting a copy, but it’s sold out, please still make an order, so I know how many more copies to print and send to the shops.

If you’re just interested in the PDF version, take a look here:

00:00 - Introduction
00:37 - Hardware
06:27 - VCV Rack
12:42 - Bitwig"


Whether you're a total Eurorack beginner or a patching expert, Omri Cohen's Modular Cookbook Volume 1 is filled with 50 recipes and examples to spark inspiration on you modular synthesizer. With topics ranging from compositional approaches to sound design and beyond, Modular Cookbook suits anyone working with any sort of modular synthesizer including Eurorack, Buchla, Serge, semi-modular instruments, and even software applications like VCV Rack. With Modular Cookbook, you'll be able to explore your modules with greater depth, and you might even come out of it with new ideas and ways to use your system that you might not have considered before.


Collection of patch tips and examples
50 recipes across 115 pages
Easy-to-read text accompanied with clear diagrams
Numerous examples available for VCV Rack"

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Paul Dempsey - HC One plugin for VCV Rack - ContinuuCon 2024

video upload by ContinuuCon

"aul Dempsey - HC One plugin for VCV Rack"

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

What if a DX7 can have a lot of CV inputs?

video upload by Ariel Raguet

"And what if three DX7 can have a lot of CV inputs??!!

Three Arturia DX7 VST in VCV Rack controlled by polyphonic sequencers for notes and gates, LFO's and random generators for many DX7's parameters.

Ariel Raguet

Buenos Aires, 2024/04/06

Arturia DX7 VST
LoudMax Brickwall VST"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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