Showing posts with label 909Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 909Day. Show all posts

Saturday, September 09, 2023

Happy 9/09 Day from the most hype drum machine of all time 💪🏼!

video upload by Samples From Mars

Happy 909 Day 🎉 #rolandtr909 #drummachine

video upload by Luke Million

"Today we celebrate the iconic Roland TR-909 Drum Machine from 1983. It’s sounds have been a staple for Dance and House music and used across pretty much all electronic music sub genres."

Happy #909day Jam with DSI Evolver, RMX-500, CR1604

video upload by Freaky Tweaky

How to make classic DETROIT TECHNO track like JEFF MILLS - The Bells

video upload by

"Happy 909 day everyone!
Without further ado we are breaking down a classic tune by Jeff Mills called The Bells and performing it live from scratch without ever stopping the sequencer!

Ground Control project files:"

Happy #909day Jam with SH-4d, RMX-500, CR1604

video upload by Freaky Tweaky

Friday, September 08, 2023

Akunull Prototype app

video upload by Akunull

"Synthesizer workstation app prototype in the works"

"Multi-platform open-source set of audio and modulation tools that focus on synthesis, live electronic music, interconnection, probability, unique sounds, and intuitive interfacing built by Akunull in Pure Data starting in 2014"

Friday, July 28, 2023

Audio Coding+Production Stream #6 | synthesis, low-level audio, Pure Data, piloslib

video upload by Akunull

"Some issues with lag so it's short, apologies. Making electronic music for a little here. Only used one type of synth, Imp, for all sounds

About these streams:
Synthesis, sound design, coding, and production using all or mostly open-source software, centered in Pure Data vanilla (piloslib)

Download Pure Data vanilla:
Download piloslib: (also on deken/Pure Data vanilla)"

Sunday, July 09, 2023

Amen break slicing with Pure Data and Korg padkontrol

video upload by Akunull

"Amen break sliced and treated in Pure Data and triggered by padkontrol via midi. Using piloslib's samp_slice for the slicing"

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Upcoming synthesis program

video upload by Akunull

"Upcoming program that's currently using some old parts. Coming for Android and hopefully more

#puredata #piloslib #synth #electronicmusic #distortion #experimentalmusic"

Sunday, June 04, 2023

v1.0.3 of Piloslib available on deken and github. Pictured here is beat_note_vvc

video upload by Akunull

"Available on deken or

Pictured here is beat_note_vvc, a control that interpolates between note frequency and beat
New objects:
Added nv_repeat(_vvcm), an object that repeats a note-velocity pair (or any pair of floats) n amount of times at a rate in beats and a multiplier of that rate to send a note-off
Added vcf_npnp_mix(_vvcm)~, an n-pole band-pass or low-pass filter with mixing, basically a wrapper and mixer for multiple [vcf~]
Added multi_vcf(mix_vvcm)~, an n-pole band-pass, low-pass filter or [bob~] (virtual analog resonant low-pass) with mixing
Added sequencer counter called seq_counter(_vvcm) to be used instead of seq_count(_vvcm) for more intuitive sequencer control (wrapping is done by extend instead of making length longer than steps)
Added pulse_gate(_vv/c), a simple modulator that travels from one value to another in a pulse fashion with adjustable values and width
Added beat_note_vvc, a control that outputs an amount of beats, but can be set by midi note value. Lower block sizes in the current window are necessary for most notes (see [block~])

New example plate_onou.pd
Updated INTRO.pd sequencers to seq_counter
Fixed adsr_ppa_vv~ variables
Deleted print objects in sampler
Oscillator A in both imp and ajah has the pitch_env setting to 1 instead of 0 by default
Added more lfo parameters to synths with mhx engine
Shading added to moduation vvcs (ie hsl_4m_vvc, nbx_6m_vvc)
Small UI changes
Renamed retrig_vvc~ to retrig_vvcm~
Added length_mult and dry_amp to retrig~
Added another output to ci_strip_vvcm for amount of controls
nip_mod_chan's channel is put through a modulus so channels 16+ are included
Cleaned up ajah synth interface
Changed default parameters for delay_extfb_vvcm~
Changed default parameters for (type)_mix_vvcm objects
samp_slice_vvc no longer graphs on parent
Readme updates and fixessamp_slice_vvc no longer graphs on parent"

Thursday, January 19, 2023

C2_1 draft-drum pads triggering patch that's coded and synthesized in Pure Data vanilla

video upload by Akunull

"More music, code, and programs:"

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Puredata ambient𓆏Upcoming track with wetdreamsexciter

video upload by Akunull

"Draft of an upcoming track with @WETDREAMSEXCITER within Pure Data"

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

isto_syo draft 2||Distorted jam in Pure Data

video upload by Akunull

"Coded and synthesized in Pure Data, source available:"

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Vesernap jam excerpt-live coding/synthesis jam in Pure Data vanilla (Piloslib)

video upload by Akunull

"Live coding/synthesis jam in Pure Data vanilla (Piloslib)"

Long version:

Vesernap Jam - Live electronic music in Pure Data vanilla

video upload by Akunull

Friday, September 09, 2022

909 x Pure Data x padKontrol🟧

video upload by Akunull

909 x Pure Data x padKontrol 2🟧

Happy 909 Day: Acid Techno jam with TR-909, TR-09 and TB-303 Devilfish

video upload by Honeysmack

"What day is it, yep its 909 day! Another year has passed and the 909 has sequenced around the sun one more. We give thanks to the church of Roland for giving us this holy day and the TR-909.

May the beige banger provide you with good techno for another year.

Whilst I still have your attention, are you interested in learning more about making and performing improvised techno with hardware, modular synths and everything in-between? Perhaps you've already bought a heap of gear and need help making sense of it all. I'm now offering 1-on-1 personalised tuition. If you'd like to know more please email with some brief details of what you'd like assistance with to 🤓

Audio mixed live through a Playdifferently Model1 DJ mixer and Elektron Analog Heat (off camera) giving it a little more ooomph."

Happy 909 Day 2022 - RD-9 Jam

video upload by Johan Wave

"A jam with my RD-9 by Behringer to celebrate the 909 day. I hope you like it!"

ER-99 Online Web-Based Roland TR-909 Emulator by Extralife Instruments

video upload by Extralife

Update: video added above.

"Play the ER-99 free here!

Celebrate electronic music history on 9/09 day with ER-99, a web-based instrument 🎛️ based on a famous Japanese drum machine from the 1980s. It was built to celebrate 9/09 day 2022 🎉!

All of the drums are synthesized using the WebAudio API. The hi-hats, crash, and ride cymbals are produced from sampled audio.

The complete source code is available on Github:"

Original post:

This one is in via Extralife, maker of the Super Sixteen DIY Eurorack Sequencer, featured in additional posts here.

"This year, to celebrate 9/09 day, I've built a free, open-source analog drum synth you can play in your web browser. It's called ER-99, and you can play it here (works best on desktop devices!)

You can program patches and sequences on the web interface and save them as presets using the menu below the sequencer. (I have also added MIDI input for sync with external sequences).

You can also read the complete source code on Github. It's surprising how simple many of these sounds are to make!

The original Japanese drum machine that inspired this project is an analog sound design masterpiece, and you can read circuit analysis about its clever use of noise and bandpass filters over on Network 909. I've tried to use the same techniques in the digital domain but I'm sure I can tweak them to get even closer sounding:"

Check out ER-99 here:

Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Grainstorm mobile granular synthesizer jam

video upload by Akunull

"Creating grain effects with grainstorm for Android. Download grainstorm:"

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Patharee jam - live electronic music in pd vanilla

video upload by Akunull

"Fully synthesized quick session with a simple drum beat and a synth line using Pure Data along with some objects I've made (piloslib, now on deken.)"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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