Showing posts with label BDIY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BDIY. Show all posts

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Plants play Modular 🪴 w/ SYMBIOTIC

video upload by Andrea Marzilli

"I’m very happy to introduce you SYMBIOTIC :)

Made by the awesome guys and girls from @spad_electronics , this is a little but powerful utility that converts plants biodata in midi or cv signal! (It also functions as a midi to cv converter). It has a sensitivity knob that you can use to choose the amount of received signal and a setting button allows you to change some interesting stuff (threshold, MIDI channel, note scale and LED brightness).In this way, you just need some cables to easily jam with your plants by just connecting SYMBIOTIC to them!

So in this simple but effective patch, my gorgeous monstera is sending a mutating trigger through SYMBIOTIC to the @qubitelectronix Bloom, who is then sending its 'always-changing' sequence to the @mutableinstruments Plaits V/oct input.
Some lfos from Stages are modulating Data Bender.
Monsoon in Clouds mode is creating the right ambient for this biometric interaction. ✨🌱

Headphones as always. 🎧"

SYMBIOTIC is available on on eBay, Tindie, and Etsy.

Diy kits symbiotic biodata sonification midisprout

generate music and listen to your plants with our new symbiotc biodata sonification board, Just attach the electrodes to the leaves of your favorite plant or your skin or any living thing and the fluctuations of the galvanic conductance will produce MIDI/cv notes. sampling the pulse widths and identifying the fluctuations will generate control messages and MIDI notes. You can set the threshold, the scale, the midi channel and the brightness of the leds. you will only need a plant, a 9v battery and a synth (hardware or software) and you are ready to listen to them. if you buy the diy kit we send you the assembly pdf"

midi sprout a biodata sonification make singing plant thank our biofeedback

video upload by Spad_Electronics

"Our new version of randomic note generator based on electro micro variation of plant is ready to go. It can send midi note and cv/gate/trigger signals at your digital or analog synthetizer"

SYMBIOTIC is available on on eBay, Tindie, and Etsy.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

DIY Spring Reverb with feedback for Eurorack

video upload by KellerDev

"The module has Low and High Pass Filter, feedback and distortortion(soft clipping). The total price is arround 40 euro.

Sound Samples:
Schematics, PCB, Code and KiCad Files:

00:00 Intro
02:54 Self Oscillation
04:59 Schematics
07:02 Distortion
07:32 DIY Synth
08:32 Build Process"

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Building a Fairlight CMI: Episode 4

video by Syntaur

"Cris Blyth is a brave man. He has a dream of taking a Fairlight MFX and upgrading it to a Fairlight CMI Series III. In this episode, Cris gets booted, sort of - but only after he calls in The Terminator, and experiences The Bad Thing."

Building a Fairlight CMI Episodes

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Ciat-Lonbarde Plumbutter Videos by kozepz

kozepz·14 videos

Remember, if you are pressed for time, you can forward through the playlist via the controls at the bottom of the player.  They are all worth a listen on a good sound system.  Ciat-Lonbarde magic here.  BTW, be sure to check out the interview with Peter Blasser of Ciat-Lonbarde here.   And of course, if you want to get completely lost in his work over the years, see the Ciat-Lonbarde label.


1. Plumbutter dub variation number aa - Published on Jun 12, 2013
Left output of plumbutter clean, right output through fx in daw. Audio output of deerhorn goes into the blues and oranges out into the green of d'horn to get some sort of gated effect. A good low end will enhance listening pleasure!

2. Plumbutter dub variation number be - Published on Jun 12, 2013
Left output of plumbutter clean, right output through fx in daw. Audio output of deerhorn goes into the blues and oranges out into the green of d'horn. A good low end will enhance listening pleasure!

3. Plumbutter dub variation number ce - Published on Jun 15, 2013
Left output of plumbutter clean, right output through fx in daw. Right gong/avdog get triggered by deerhorn or by accident, top ultrsound receives both left and right audio out from d'horn.

4. Plumbutter drum variation - Published on Aug 13, 2013
This is a nice way to bring some variation in your pb 4/4 rhythms.

Quantum dust modulates the fm of the 4/4 gong (in trad) when signal enters the comparator.
Feeding signal manually would give you nice control over change.

In the last part the cable is patched, and changing the response of the upper gong gives you periodic control over change.

5. Plumbutters Orange Voltages

6. Plumbutter handshake

7. Searchin for a plum dub - Published on Aug 10, 2013
When I go dubbin with the plumbutter this is normally how I like to start.
Left output clean, right output through fx, patch a few cables and than just playin for hours and hours..

3-roll provides pulses for left and right gong
4-roll pulse provides pulse for mwrs, more or less in tempo with the 3-roll, so the pulse modulating the gong fm will always move and give interesting effects

mwrs orange pulse out modulates fm of right gong which gives the changing timbre of the 'chord'.

playing with the response time of the right gong gives interesting changes in delay movements

feeding signals, as deerhorn and quantum dust, into the ultrasound, which goes through the same fx as the chord, give those drone-ish, noisish sounds

8. Plumbutter dub variation S04D3 - Published on Apr 21, 2013
left output dry, right output through ableton fx

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Quantum Mechanics

Published on Mar 17, 2013

"My DIY modular (mostly Yusynth) doing Autechre-style beats. A not quite finished Barton Simple CV Quantizer providing notes for the Bass line. The output of the modular is feed into my custom built tube overdrive unit (based on the 'Real McTube II' by Fred Nachbaur) before being feed into the Kurzweil Mangler where excessive Reverb/Delay is applied.

No sequencers, computer or analogue, are used in this recording"

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Logan Mitchell Sr. & Baltimore SDIY Group Featued in the Baltimore News

Ed Baldi wrote in to let me know Logan Mitchell, founder of the Baltimore SDIY Group, is currently featured in the Baltimore City Paper. You can find the full article here.

snip: "In 2005, Mitchell saw bassist Marcus Miller perform. 'And I talked to his keyboardist, [who was] playing a Moog Mini D,' Mitchell says. 'We talked and I told him my background, and that I wanted to get a Mini-Moog, like he had. That inspired me to make my own...'

That led Mitchell to an online group called Analog Haven, a high-volume listserv that is a kind of massive catacomb of worldwide analog nerditry. In 2007, he sent out an e-mail to the group looking for synth heads from the Mid-Atlantic region interested in starting their own thing."

And little related plug for MATRIXSYNTH via Ed: "I connected with him [Logan] a few years ago through one of your posts. He has worked hard to book a synth fest at this relatively 'big' area venue. This is just a another example of the everyday people around the world, in the trenches, dedicated to making electronic music for no other reason than the pure joy and satisfaction on a deeply personal level.

You continue to be an advocate for this type of expression and just wanted to share the article. Thank You Matrix."

Baltimore SDIY Group & Friends live TV promo #1 - 3 on 06/25/2010

YouTube via BaltimoreSDIYGroup | October 01, 2010

"videos of the Baltimore SDIY Group & Friends live TV shot on Fox45 (WBFF-TV) in Baltimore MD on 06/25/2010. This video was done live at The Hexagon Space,, at 6:18am as part of Fox45's "Hometown Hotspot" morning show that helped us promote our Baltimore Electronic Music 2010 Summerfest event at this venue for 06/26/2010,

Check out our main website at

Click on our GROUP SHOWS link for a complete listing of our past & upcoming shows on our website.

Logan Mitchell Sr aka "Synth Tech Project",­ect
Baltimore SDIY Group's leader & founder"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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