Showing posts with label Distropolis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Distropolis. Show all posts
Monday, October 14, 2024
Phantasmal Force BETA firmware 2.0 + Kasser Arcade & NTS-3 Kaos Pad explorations
video upload by Arman Bohn
"Purchase the Phantasmal Force here:
Testing out the latest BETA firmware for the Phantasmal Force micro MIDI controller with some help from the Kasser Arcade FM synth and the Korg NTS-3.
The Arcade is making the sounds - but the Phantasmal Force is sequencing all the notes by running 8 generative, monophonic ARP sequences and modulating parameters on the Arcade via two CC LFOs.
I’ve been listening to variations of this setup for the last two weeks.
Firmware is in BETA. I’ll be sending a BETA invitation to people on my mailing list … if you’d like to try it - keep your eye out for the email."
Monday, September 23, 2024
Phantasmal Force beta firmware + MIDISID + KORG NTS-3
video upload by Arman Bohn
"Phantasmal Force available here:
MIDISID info can be found here:
Phantasmal Force v2.0 firmware coming soon!
Testing out the beta firmware for the Phantasmal Force micro MIDI controller with a new friend. The MIDISID (purple dual SID synth on the left) is being sent Program Change messages from the Phantasmal Force to change the instrument sounds on each of its six channels. The Phantasmal Force is also sending six different sequences (one to each voice of the MIDISID). The sequences are different lengths, and follow different subdivisions of the master tempo. Sequences can have their notes, velocity and probability randomized. Notes can be locked to 43 different scales.
The NTS-3 is just here to add some fun ear candy.
There are a ton of new features in coming up in v2.0 of the the PF firmware."
Monday, September 16, 2024
Guitar noodles with Phantasmal Force (beta firmware), MT32-pi, norns shield XL
video upload by Arman Bohn
"Phantasmal Force micro midi controller is available here:
New PF firmware soon!
Testing out the new ARP/sequencer functionality in the beta firmware for the Phantasm Force. There are a number of new features and a lot of functional improvements and changes in the new firmware which I hope to release in about a month or so.
Here, we have eight of the sequencers sending notes on four different midi channels going into the MT 32 and triggering a soundfont of jazz guitar. The top row of four buttons are sending midi LFO signals  that are slowly changing the vibrato on the guitar sound.
The second row of buttons on the PF have sent program change messages to the MT to instruct it to load the jazz guitar sound before I started recording this video. The PF is really useful for sending program change messages to some of the synths that I have that require them to load new sounds such as the Kasser Arcade."
Sunday, January 07, 2024
Chompi sampler - first play w/ Prismatic Spray
video upload by Arman Bohn
"I backed the Chompi and received mine few weeks ago. I haven’t had a chance to test it out until now.
A quick perusal of the manual, online and off I go!
I’m using the Phantasmal Force to trigger that initial note.
The prismatic spray feeds some sound into the Chompi and then I start turning some knobs.
I have no idea what I’m doing.
My Prismatic Spray bytebeat synth can be found here:"
Saturday, March 25, 2023
Great Conjunction FM Fragment Synth Prototype
video upload by Arman Bohn
Great Conjunction FM synth prototype - it’s working! #synthwave #chillwave
"This is one of my favorite pieces I’ve made for a long time. I had it running for around 40 hours this week. The Norns is running my 'pixels' script, which is generating some sine wave blips. It is also sending mini note data to the Prismatic Spray which Casts a haunting melody over the top. Everything is running through the lemondrop, which chops and slices and dices."
Chill granular meditation music w/ Prismatic Spray, monome norns, Phantasmal Force, 1010 lemondrop
video upload by Arman Bohn
"This is one of my favorite pieces I’ve made for a long time. I had it running for around 40 hours this week. The Norns is running my “pixels” script, which is generating some sine wave blips. It is also sending MIDI note data to the Prismatic Spray which casts a haunting melody over the top. Everything is running through the lemondrop, which chops and slices and dices."
Sunday, January 29, 2023
Drone vibes w/ monome norns (pixels), Prismatic Spray, Phantasmal Force
video upload by Arman Bohn
"Crushin’ drone vibes with the Phantasmal Force MIDI controller guiding the norns running my script 'pixels' which in turn is blasting sine waves and sending MIDI notes to the Prismatic Spray. The Bluebox provides epic reverb walls."
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
Prismatic Spray (back in stock 01-24-23)
video upload by Arman Bohn
"Another batch of Prismatic Spray!
Back in stock on 01-24-2023"
See the Distropolis label below for addtional demos.
Saturday, January 07, 2023
Prismatic Spray chaotic chords an melodies.
video upload by Arman Bohn
"Prismatic Spray through the 1010bluebox for delay/reverb. Playing around with some notes/chords. The Prismatic Spray will be back in stock in about a week or two. #jamuary2023 #diy #synth #bytebeat #tinysynth #tinystudio #generativemusic"
Sunday, December 11, 2022
Prismatic Spray - algorithm #24 test
video upload by Arman Bohn
"Batch #3 of the Prismatic Spray is going up tonight 12/11/2022:
Prismatic Spray - algorithm #24 test.
Glitching Gifts
Dizzying Displays
Infinite Incantations"
Tuesday, December 06, 2022
Sunday, December 04, 2022
Prismatic Spray - bytebeat adventure synth!
video upload by Arman Bohn
"Tabletop bytebeat synth w/ 9 knobs, 6 buttons, code looper, analog filter, time skip, slomo, visuals & full USB/TRS MIDI implementation.
I’m making small batches of these in various colors available here:
The manual can be downloaded here
Prismatic Spray can be purchased here"
Additional demos followed by pics and details form the Tindie page:
"Prismatic Spray is a deeply explorable bytebeat synth that implements many novel features. It includes a multitude of physical controls, mesmerizing visuals and full MIDI implementation. Highlights include but are not limited to:
A Full User's Manual
Yup. You won't just get a link to a github repository and some hex. Prismatic Spray comes with a multi-page instruction manual to guide you in your explorations (it is approximately 8.5" x 5.5" if you are searching for frames). This manual is written in the tongue of old and should be incomprehensible to anyone not familiar with first edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons.
Chromatic Tuning
Prismatic Spray is tuned to a western 12 tone chromatic scale. You can play it like any other synth. No horsing around with cycles and Hertz. Prismatic Spray is adjustable through about 6 octaves from the dark blue knob on the front panel. The full range of MIDI notes is available when using MIDI via USB or TRS-A.
Prismatic Spray can be set to loop over any region of a bytebeat equation. The start and end points are adjustable after the loop has been set. At the tightest settings, Prismatic Spray becomes almost granular sounding. Irritatingly granular.
Prismatic Spray can display a visual representation of the current bytebeat audio output in real time on the 1.5" color display. Alterations to the bytebeat equation using the knobs will effect the patterns and colors of the visualization. There is also a regular menu with actual useful data to look at if you hate cool graphics.
Analog Filter
Are things sounding too wonderful? Can't take any more bristling fizzles? Prismatic Spray has an analog filter to roll out as much high end as you'd like. Like pretty much all of it.
40 Bytebeat equations
Prismatic Spray has 40 bytebeat equations to explore. Each equation has three variable to adjust (along with pitch, time skip and a kind of 'time stretch-ish' effect). You can get lost. I heard a voice talking in there once. It was saying "YaaaaYaaaaYaaaaYaaaa".
Over 30 presets
Okay ... that's not a lot to brag about, but the non-volatile memory inside the Prismatic Spray is limited. You get ~30 preset slots for saving your favorite crusty, ear splitting zapazoids.
A Case
Yay! You don't have to worry about shorting anything out, snapping the PCB in half or breaking off a protruding component! Prismatic Spray comes fully enclosed in a 3D printed case (available in various colors). The glowing innards of the Prismatic Spray are clearly visible (mostly with the clear case) while the unit is in operation.
Prismatic Spray has the following controls:
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
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