Showing posts with label Noise Reap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Noise Reap. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 07, 2021

New Noise Reap Eurorack Demos

Noise Reap Foundation Bassdrum Sound Examples
Noise Reap Anomaly VCF
Noise Reap Foundation Bassdrum

Noise Reap - Paradox Complex VCO and Anomaly VCF
video upload by John Schussler

SUCH A COOL OSCILLATOR | Noise Reap - Paradox
video upload by DANIELE

"Paradox by Noise Reap: two oscillators in one compact module and lots of different possibilities to make a wide variety of sounds. It's also an amazing noise machine!"

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

WZ River #1 ➰ Ambient Eurorack Modular Synthesizer ➰ Clouds, Rings, o_C, Maths, NoiseReap ➰ πŸŒΏπŸƒπŸ‚

Published on Sep 27, 2017 Ben Moren

"Filmed on the Wisconsin Minnesota Border


πŸ•Έ Patch Notes πŸ•Έ
Ornament + Crime in Quad Turing Machine Mode → Rings → Clouds
Maths for Modulation
Bermuda + VCF2164 for low drone
Cicada + Crickets + WZ River for natural ambience
MST stereo → H1 recorder (no post effects)"

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Noise Reap 12dB VCF - Midiverse - TV - MVM #60

Published on Jan 31, 2017 MIDI-VERSE TV

"What's up everybody? Welcome to Midiverse - TV! Today we're going to be checking out the 12dB VCF from Noise Reap. This is a DIY Eurorack Synthesizer module that we recently finished building, in this video we'll go over the module, and show a variety of audio examples."

Noise Reap on eBay

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Noise Reap Bermuda VCO Eurorack Module

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via this auction

You can find a video and details on the Bermuda VCO here.

The schematic in the background appears to be for a Harmony guitar amplifier. Thought it was nice touch.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Noise Reap Bermuda Eurorack VCO Demo

Published on Dec 23, 2016 FatSynthDude

"I made this one with the focus being on the pair of Noise Reap Bermuda's I received today. These are fairly simple triangle-core oscillators with triangle, sine, and pulse wave outputs. What makes them different from other VCO's is that there's a control onboard to route the triangle wave back into the core. It's a simple trick that a lot of oscillators can do already with some self-patching, but it's neat that it's a built-in modulation here with a built-in attenuator. For those that have never tried feeding an oscillator back into itself, this results in distortions in the waveform. It's a trick that a lot of people forget exists, so it's handy to have a dedicated knob for it. The other special feature is the price. These are only $65 each. In my brief experience with them so far, they're fairly stable and track CV very well. I haven't done a side-by-side comparison to my other oscillators yet, but it will be interesting to see how they compete against the more expensive ones. Regardless of how well they compare, I'd say they're worth the phenomenally low price.

So for this composition, the Bermudas handle the bass synth and the lead synth. The Bassier one is ran through the 4075 and the lead goes through the Polivoks filter.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Noise Reap Eurorack Skew LFO ~ Eurorack Module

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via this auction

"Triangle and square wave low frequency oscillator. Skew control at noon gives symmetrical output shapes (triangle and square). Adjusting the skew control will gradually morph the triangle into a positive or negative ramp, and will vary the pulse width of the square. Frequency ranges from 0.007Hz (1.5 minute cycle) – 150Hz. A three position toggle switch changes between slow, medium, and fast frequency rates.


eurorack 4hp
12mA @ +12V
12mA @ -12V
+/-2.5 volt output waveforms
skiff friendly"

Noise Reap Swiss Army Mixer ~ Eurorack Module ~ Attenuator/Inverter/Diff amp

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"DC coupled Inputs 1-4 are summed and sent to the mix out. If a cable is plugged into outs 1-3, that respective channel will be pulled from the mix and become buffered attenuator.

There are three differential amplifiers outputs at the bottom of the module. A simple formula for the differential outputs is this: [diff output] = [ input 1 voltage ] + [ - input 2 voltage ]. Notice that the inputs are added together but the second input is also inverted. As an example, a 5 volt gate at both inputs 1 & 2 will equal 0 volts out of the diff output. Diff 3-4 works the same way, with input 4 being the inverted input. The diff outputs can also be used as simple inverters for channels 2 & 4.

The "diff-diff" is a differential amplifier for the two diff outputs (diff 1-2 is the inverted input to the diff-diff).


Euroroack 8hp
20mA @ +12V
20mA @ -12V
skiff friendly
List of basic functions:

voltage offseting
linear attenuators
differntial amplifier"

Noise Reap FLUX (random source) Eurorack Module

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"Flux is a glitchy/jerky low frequency* random CV source created with extreme low pass filtered analog white noise.

Two bipolar LEDs give some insight into what the module is doing at any given time. The bottom LED will turn blue when the CV is positive and red when negative. The top LED will match that color code but only comes on when the CV amplitude is 2 volts or greater.

The offset control is very sensitive and will give the random CV a positive or negative bias. It is possible to over offset the CV and have a tweaky +/- DC source.

There is a 1-3 minute "warm up" period before the circuit stabilizes and reaches equilibrium. Until then the random output will have a negative bias and white noise will not be heard and/or centered around ground.

*true random stuff doesn't actually have a frequency because it doesn't repeat


Eurorack 4hp
10mA @ +12V
10mA @ -12V
skiff friendly :)

Raw - amplified white noise output - usually normalized around +/-8 volts (may have a slight positive DC bias, not usually an issue at all for audio sorces, especially noise)
Ran (RANDOM) - subaudio control voltage out +/- 8ish

soundcloud demo"

Noise Reap Eurorack VCA Module

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"A rock solid VCA on the cheap.


eurorack 8hp
skiff friendly
DC coupled input
linear and exponential response
LED brightness correspondes to signal amplitude
reverse voltage protected"

Noise Reap Eurorack VCO Module

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"For the price, there's no beating this VCO. Great tracking over a minimum of 5 octaves, very low temperature related pitch drift, rugged build quality, a frequency range that goes from sub to super sonic, and most importantly, a phat analog sound. In addition to the standard features there is a folded or "freaked" triangle out.


Eurorack 8hp
33mA @ +12V
30mA @ -12V
module depth 38mm
Frequency knob sets pitch between 5Hz and 2kHz+

1V - per octave
CV (exponential control voltage) - CV knob controls the voltage amount from this input. Goes from completely off to more than double 1v/oct
RST (reset/hard sync) - sync oscillators together or get wacky with new sidebands/timbres
PW - changes the pulse width of the square wave"

Noise Reap Eurorack Votlage Sequencer Module

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Note this appears to be the first Noise Reap post on the site.


"9 step voltage sequencer with hold and reset functions. Patch-able gate outputs. Loops at 9 steps if no information is given to the RST or HLD inputs.


eurorack 22hp
skiff friendly
reverse voltage protected

CLK - clock input (for square wave LFO, dedicated clock module, etc)
HLD - a positive voltage here will cause the clock input to be ignored, therefore holding on the current step
RST - a positive voltage here will return the sequencer to step one ( clock will not start counting again until RST voltage is low again)
CV out - voltage output corresponding to knob position (+/- 2 volts, noon is 0 volts)
HLD@ - same as HLD (note: if a cable is patched form 5 to HLD@, the sequence will be 5 steps long and stop at step 5)
RST@ - same as RST (note: if a cable is patched from 5 to RST@, the sequence will be 4 steps long and loop)
outputs 2-9 - any given ouput will be high (+5 volts) for as long as the corresponding step is active."


Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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