Thursday, August 01, 2013

Featured Listings for August 2013

This post hosts all Featured listings that drop off the top of the site. Many of these listings will obviously end in time. They will remain here as a record of what went up over time. You can click on them to see what items went for as long as they remain on eBay. You'll find a link to prior months below. This list only hosts some of the more interesting and unique items that have gone up over time, so be sure to check out the Auctions label for everything else. You can of course search for any synth with auction in the search box on the top left of the site. If you click through the auction links you can see what items went for. You can also search by serial numbers to track the history of specific synths.

July 2013 - September 2012

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Malekko Richter Megawaves

Mobile Music Making Seminar

Mobile Music Making Seminar - Day 1 Part 1

Published on Jul 31, 2013

"A little insight into the first day of the international App Music Seminar at the Berlin Summer University of the Arts 2013. We played a classical piece to get in contact with sensor based apps and later we made some exploration.

The 'App Music' seminar will be a composition and sound workshop in the form of an experimental laboratory; a creative space to explore music and make new discoveries. Participants will investigate perspectives and potential of "app music" through a collective 'learning by doing' approach.

Camera & Edit by Lukasz Fabijanczyk"

Mobile Music Making Seminar - Day 1 Part 2

via Matthias Krebs on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

Follow-up to:
Mobile Music Making at the Berlin Summer University of the Arts
Mobile Music Making @Berlin Summer University of the Arts


Mobile Music Making Seminar - Day 2 Part 1

Published on Aug 1, 2013

"A little insight into the second day of the international App Music Seminar. We made crazy combinations of apps via virtual midi, audiobus, midi over wifi and with hardware controllers."

Mobile Music Making Seminar - Day 2 Part 2

Mobile Music Making Seminar - Day 3

Published on Aug 3, 2013

"Third day of the international App Music Seminar. We were controlling some apps via midi/osc and wifi. Very interesting was to controll some effects in the an audiobus setup. We also made a lot of recordings and then we edited them with apps and made something with the samples by manipulate them with effects."

Mobile Music Making Seminar - Day 4

Published on Aug 4, 2013 Appmusik - Musikmachen mit Apps·8 videos

"Fourth day of the international App Music Seminar: We were preparing the little concert presentation at c-base ( on friday. We produced a lot of samples and tried to play them in a collectiv improvisation. Andre was working on his self developed music app. Lukasz tried some video apps for some visualisations - looks very good.

Camera & Edit by Lukasz Fabijanczyk"

Mobile Music Making Seminar - Day 5 Part 1

Published on Aug 5, 2013 Appmusik - Musikmachen mit Apps·9 videos

"Fifth and last day of the international App Music Seminar: Last chance to prepare the little concert presentation at c-base ( the same day. Lina gets an ipad guitar. This is like christmas for her. She uses the app SynthX with it. Then we made some rhythmical improvisations and Andre finishs his music apps. After this we started to pack and went to c-base..."

Mobile Music Making Seminar - Day 5 Part 2 @BSUA_2013

Published on Aug 8, 2013 Appmusik - Musikmachen mit Apps·10 videos

"This video shows the final presentation of the creative activities that were made in the international App Music Seminar at the c-base. At first we played a sound collage on an idea of Debora. Then Andre shows a performance with his self developed music app. Finally we made a musical improvisation with Lina and her iPad guitar.

Camera & Edit by Lukasz Fabijanczyk

Berlin Summer University of the Arts (BSUA 2013) at the Berlin University of the Arts
"App Music: Mobile Music Making"
Matthias Krebs
July 29th - August 2nd 2013

The 'App Music' seminar was a composition and sound workshop in the form of an experimental laboratory; a creative space to explore music and make new discoveries. Participants were investigat perspectives and potential of "app music" through a collective 'learning by doing' approach."

4ms Modular Stackable Cases

via 4ms on Facebook

"So your synth is made of modules, but why isn't your synth case itself modular?

Well we think it can be. We're pretty excited about these new prototype ideas we've been batting around the shop this week.
Each row is an independent unit (all metal enclosure), and multiple rows can be configured in various ways using low-cost connectors.

Wood, acrylic, tolex, or your favorite material could be used for end caps. These standard-sized rows can drop into an existing case, and be pulled out, swapped, or re-ordered with just a few screws."

QuNexus cv out

Published on Jul 31, 2013 FSK1138·190 videos

"ML -185 sequencer directly out thru QuNexus cv MFB OSC-02 (Triple VCO)

second ML -185 sequencer triggers monotron rev02

audio damage AXON drums

two 4ms pegs linked in a cascade
- used to modulate 4ms vca matrix and
MFB OSC-02 (Triple VCO)

4 outputs of MFB OSC-02 (Triple VCO)
sent to 4ms vca matrix

4 outputs of 4ms vca matrix
sent to make noise MODDEMIX

sum out of MODDEMIX processed with
fabfilter timeless 2 - circuit bending xs patch

Hp compaq L2105tm touchscreen


ableton live 9"

The M-185 is a Max For Live sequencer. You can find it here.

"This is a stage-driven sequencer. There are a total of 8 configurable stages and 3 layers for pitch, velocity and "aux" (= Pitch Bend or CC). Each stage provides 4 different play modes and can have a variable length from 1 - 8 clock pulses. Enjoy!"

Waldorf Zarenbourg First Impression

Published on Jul 31, 2013 AudioCentralMagazine·163 videos

"Waldorf Zarenbourg is a pretty, chunky, digital piano. It has a certain amount of internal sounds (physically modeled, sampled and fm synthesized). On this video, a quick run on the internal preset. Audio out goes straight into digital recorder."


Waldorf Zarenbourg Second Impression

Published on Jul 31, 2013

"Another quick run on the internal presets (Tine, Bars, Reeds, Clavi, CP Piano, FM Piano, Grand Piano...) contained into Waldorf Zarenbourg digital piano. Audio goes straight into digital recorder."

Waldorf Zarenbourg FX & Layers

Published on Jul 31, 2013

"Waldorf Zarenbourg offers several different FX for internal sounds (chorus, phaser, flanger, wah, reverb/delay, eq, distortion). You can choose single FX or create chains of effects serially connected. Still, is it possible layer two different sounds, with user defined balance."

ARP Quartet Demo

Published on Jul 31, 2013 SynthDan1·9 videos

"The magic of the ARP Quartet lies in layering its four sounds (Brass, Organ, Piano, and Strings) together in interesting ways to create some huge analog sounds. Here are a couple short demos of the huge analog walls of sound that can be created by combining Brass & Strings, and Strings & Organ together.

** Note: This ARP Quartet is currently listed for sale on eBay."

via this auction

"This ARP is in very good shape and is fully functional. It's a 100% analog String/Organ/Piano/Brass synthesizer. The magic of the ARP Quartet comes in layering the various sounds together to create some gigantic new sounds. Here is a short video I created to showcase a couple of these layers"

Serge & BugBrand Modular vid #69

Published on Jul 31, 2013 Phisynth·80 videos

Livid DIY MIDI Flame Organ Explained

Livid DIY MIDI Flame Organ Explained from Livid Instruments on Vimeo.

"Our DIY guru Mark explains how we made the DIY MIDI Controlled Flame Organ. Using the Livid Base to trigger notes and our Brain to send MIDI, we created a super awesome flaming star spangled banner fire show. Base and the Builder series are available at Check out the original performance with the DIY Flame Organ here:"

DIY Flame Organ from Livid Instruments from Livid Instruments on Vimeo.

"For the 4th of July this year we decided to go big. Fire big. We created a MIDI controlled flame organ, controlled by our Brain, some relays, solenoid valves, and performed on the BASE through Ableton Live and Pure Data. We mixed the best of our performance instruments, with the craziness of our DIY line.

Watch for our upcoming video explaining this setup, and how we built it from our very own DIY guru mark. Until then, happy 4th!"

1967 Vintage London MELLOTRON Programme Effects Generator From the BBC

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction
[You might recognize this one from this previous post]
"This is a very unusual branch of the Mellotron Chamberlin tape-replay family; the PEG - short for Programme Effects Generator, designed for the BBC in London. Circa 1967, the Streetly Company - makers of Mellotrons since 1964 - decided to use their expertise in sampling/playback technology to create this - an easy way to record/load/play sound effects libraries. Only a few were made (this one is serial number 47) although I have never seen or heard of another existing still. Supposedly, these were used for most shows for a few years in the late 1960s, as they could easily load/record and then playback any number of custom sounds without having to spool reel tapes as before. Dr. Who? The Archers? Yes, unlike normal Mellotrons, this unit does record anything you input.

The unit is currently crated for shipping. It runs on 220V 60Hz, so may need a step-up power transformer for North America. I have tried it and some functions work with lights, tape loading, motor action, etc, but have no audio output. It will certainly need work from a skilled technician. On the good side, it had HUNDREDS of pages of documentation- beside the full owner's manual, there is a rather extensive tech book with well over a hundred pages of circuitry, systems explanation, schematics, parts listings - this was common in the days of independent studios, who had to repair their own gear on-site.

The unit comes with a few dozen tape modules - these are Mellotronics' custom catridges that load into the unit; when loaded, the machine pulls and spools the tape around the playback system (an internal tape machine). They play as a one-shot, or can be auto-faded as they play.

The PEG comes with a spare 5th channel (4 are included in the 4-channel chassis) that I will ship separately, as well as a heavy unit that can be used to create varispeed (there is no multipin cable to connect this, but it will run at standard speed)..."

via @dyLABs


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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