Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wicks looper - Luna Mod

YouTube via grandtippler — June 10, 2010 — "This is the new Wick Looper. It's name Luna Mod comes from my cat, Luna who is always hanging around when I make these things.

For more info on my other items see:"

Luna Mod and Kaoss Pad


YouTube via ALFA8902 — June 09, 2010 — "Hello this is a Demo video showing the functionality and condition of my Arp 2600 model 2601 which will soon go on sale [this auction] This unit is an early version featuring the 4012 MOOG ladder filter the serial number is 006X . Thanks for looking"

ARP video demo part 2

via this auction

Faderfox goes USB

"This probably world’s smallest DJ-controllers are designed for live use on the stage.

All Faderfox controllers are professionally manufactured in series in Germany, ensuring high quality.

The 3rd generation brings a lot of new features like USB connection, better controls, access to four decks, access to four FX slots and much more.

* Special controllers for DJ software (optimised for Native Instruments
Traktor Pro and Ableton Live)
* Setup files for Traktor Pro/Duo (as of V.1.2.4) and Live (as of V.8.1.1)
are shipped with the controller
* USB interface - class compliant / no driver necessary
* USB bus powering – consumption less than 500mW / 100mA
* Very compact design in a black, plastic casing (desktop format 180x105x70 mm, 350 g)
* Silver aluminium front plates with an anodised coating (abrasion resistant) and inscriptions
* High-quality faders, pots and encoders from ALPS
* New rubber knobs for best tactile feeling

5 new devices are optimized for a lot of different DJ setups.
Everybody should find the right device for each individual setup.
There are many possible combinations of micromodul controllers.
Start with a single unit and expand to a large controller setup later.

Enjoy the little beasties..."

Lux Divon "Loveolution"

Lux Divon "Loveolution" from Mike Abb on Vimeo.

"Austin Texas based band Lux Divon performs their original song "Loveolution" live at the Red Line Hookah Bar."
Livid Instruments Block

Akai LPK25 review - The DSP Project

YouTube via TheDSPproject — June 10, 2010 — "The LPK25 or "Laptop Performance Keyboard" is a very portable 25 key USB midi keyboard with built in arpeggiator. Even though the keys arnt full sized I still found it very usable for working out quick melodies and bass lines. Here I go into detail with the arp option to show you it actually gives you quite a few options and even better it can sync to you DAW's midi clock.

What say you?"

Simply double (2 Doepfer Dark Energy + Plogue Bidule + Audacity)

YouTube via GruithuisenCityMan — June 10, 2010 — "Hello ! My name is Frederic Gerchambeau. I have made this movie and this music. The music has been made with 2 Doepfer Dark Energy echoed by Plogue Bidule. The all thing has been made in one take and has been a bit edited with Audacity (short stereo delay and compression added). Enjoy !"

DS-10 EP: Megatroid

Listen and download here

Update: Note the download has 7 tracks.

Earthquaker Devices Hummingbird v1

via this Noisebug auction

"The Hummingbird is, at heart, a hard and choppy tremolo. What comes out is more akin to vintage synth style oscillations. It's core is based on the old Vox Repeat Percussion with several updates to reduce noise, enhance the "chop" and add more control. It can create ring mod-like octaves, slow pulses, ping pong delay-like stutters, light blipping through machine gun stutter tremolo and many more wacky sounds!"

OK Go Plays a White Bleep Labs Thingamagoop on Leno

via Bleep Labs

See it in his right hand? :)

Solo comes in right after the three minute mark in the video below.

(HQ) OK Go - "End Love" 6/9 Leno (
YouTube via yayforcbs — June 09, 2010 — OK Go performed "End Love" on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno on 6/9/2010. Follow us on Twitter"

Two brilliant vids by OK Go in case you missed them:

OK Go - This Too Shall Pass - Rube Goldberg Machine version - Official

YouTube via OkGo — March 01, 2010 — "From the new album "Of the Blue Colour of the Sky" available at
OK Go on Tour
Directed by James Frost, OK Go and Syyn Labs. Produced by Shirley Moyers. The official video for the recorded version of "This Too Shall Pass" off of the album "Of the Blue Colour of the Sky". The video was filmed in a two story warehouse, in the Echo Park neighborhood of Los Angeles, CA. The "machine" was designed and built by the band, along with members of Syyn Labs ( ) over the course of several months.
There is an in-depth behind-the-scenes look at the warehouse here:
OK Go thanks State Farm for making this video possible."

2nd vid: OK Go - Here It Goes Again - Embedding disabled for this one for some reason. Click through.

October 1976 ARP Arpeggio newsletter, Volume 5, #2

via Retro Synth Ads where you'll find scans of the full newsletter and the write-up.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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