Wednesday, July 27, 2011

POLYFUSE - La Petite Mort

POLYFUSE - La Petite Mort from Justin McGrath on Vimeo.

"La Petite Mort, coming soon."

pretty noises turn me on

YouTube via DrOctave1 | December 09, 2010 |

"a patch with pretty tones and short drones"

The Enzyme Black Synth

YouTube via musicprotutorials | February 18, 2011 |

"In development.."

MORTON SUBOTNICK - A Sky of Cloudless Sulphur | live @ fluc vienna | 2011-02-16

YouTube via klubmoozak | February 21, 2011 |
Also see this post for some pics and words via Noiseconformist.

22:00 Uhr Morton Subotnick: Demonstration des originalen Buchla Synthesizer

22:45 Uhr Silver Apples of the Moon (1967) und A Sky of Cloudless Sulphur (1978)

Morton Subotnick: Buchla/Laptop
Lillevan: Live-Video

im Anschluss: MOOZAK Dj-Line

Eintritt (Abendkasse): 10,-
Vorverkauf Jugendinfo (1010 Wien , Babenbergerstr.1): 8,-

Vor 50 Jahren lernte Morton Subotnick, einer der Pioniere elektonischer Musik, Don Buchla kennen und gab kurze Zeit später einen Synthesizer in Auftrag, den Buchla 100 series Modular Electronic Music System. Diesen Synthesizer von 1963 nutzte Morton Subotnick, um Silver Apples of the Moon zu komponieren, das erste Werk für Elektronik, das von einem Plattenlabel (nonesuch) in Auftrag gegeben wurde.

Gemeinsam mit Robert Moogs' Moog Synthesizer revolutionierte der Buchla die Musik und den Sound seiner Zeit.
Nach ihrer Performance Ende Jänner bei der Transmediale Berlin 2011 präsentieren Morton Subotnick und Lillevan auch beim Auftritt im Fluc in Wien die Werke "Silver Apples of the Moon" und "A Sky of Cloudless Sulphur" mit Live-Elektronik (Morton Subotnick) und Live-Video (Lillevan)."

System 100 Brain & René

YouTube Uploaded by Ebotronix on Jul 26, 2011

"Roland System 100 (101&102)
Make Noise Brain (2xPP) and René to Doepfer A 152 as a 40 step sequencer
to Toppobrillo Quantimator two outs to 101&102
System 101&102 cross modulation (ext cv in)& Ringmodulation
Ringmodul 1 from 102
Ringmodul 2 Maestro Ringmodulator
both RM's Carrier in from Moog Freq Box
System 101 & 102 to Boss PN 2 to Boss PN2to Boss SL-20
Drums Roland EF 303 Syn Rhythm function midi out to Boss DR770
DR 770 to EF303 audio in
EF 303 to System 101 &102 to Boss SL-20
Master clock Logic Kenton Pro 2000 II to 4ms RCD
7 tracks
Donna da cat"

Yamaha TG 33 Vector Synth

via this auction "Rare vector synth with a unique gritty aliasing sound together a similar grainy reverb. At
the very foot of this page I have uploaded a Soundcloud demo of what it sounds - the TG 33 was recorded directly into an Akai z8 Sampler with no added effects.

With the advent of 'plugins' too many artists in the electronic field sound the same and so the search for unique, by-gone instruments continues. Here we have a TG 33 which was developed by the people left at Sequential Circuits who had joined Korg who were later takenover (briefly) by Yamaha. Dave Smith was behind the SY22/TG33 a sort of poor mans Sequential VS. The Sequential boys went on to develop the Wavestation for Korg however, that was a silky sounding synth that was very much of its era. The TG 33 on the other hand as this grainy, bitcrushed sound that is very of the moment - think Daft Punk Tron or Chiptune music.

It was released in 1990 (I was 10!)

What is good for? Metallic, droney strings and scraping sounds. Excellent for ambient sounds which would take ages to program on any other synth but with Vector you are mixing 2 synth engines ...its not just mixing

TG33 has two synthesis engines: AWM (12-bit PCM) and CWM (2-Operator FM). This hybrid architecture is called DASS. There are two layering modes: 1PCM+1FM (32 polyphonic) and 2PCM+2FM (16 polyphonic).
The Vector controls the mix balance and the detuning.

AWM section
TG33 has 128 12-bit PCM waveforms in 1MB ROM. There is no filter, as is the case with lower-end PCM synths at that time.
The LFO modulation is relatively fast. It can be used to imitate a kind of cross-modulation like Roland JV's FXM.

FM section
TG33 uses 2-Operator FM with 8 basic waveforms.
It can be only partially editable from the front panel. Users must choose one from 256 preset FM settings, and edit Amp Env, Brightness, LFO etc.
As the AWM section has no filter, timbre motion should be created with this FM section.

Using SysEx, all the hidden parameters can be edited (see below).

There are two Vectors; Level Vector and Detune Vector to control mix balance and the detuning.
They can be controlled in realtime with the Joystick/MIDI CC or 50-step sequence for each. The vector sequence stops in the release segment.

16 FX types including reverb, short delay and digital distortion are available. There is no modulating effect like chorus."

SpaceICE- Yamaha TG 33 Sample by rtype909

Roland MC-202 Microcomposer with Original Box

via this auction

SN 338400


via this auction

Circuit Bent Psychedelic OMNICHORD OM-27

via this auction
video here
See squidfanny on eBay for more.

"The OMNICHORD is a unique Analog (Analogue) Synthesizer originally built in 1981 by Suzuki. It's part Electronic Touch Harp, Part Chord Organ and Part Analog Drum Machine with Rhythms with Accompaniment and a built in speaker. It's been used by David Bowie, Jarvis Cocker (from Pulp) and Flight of the Conchords.

There is nothing quite like an Omnichord.

Needless to say, this very special machine has had some stunning modifications and is now capable of producing a whole range of other-worldly sounds previously un-imagined by the original engineers......

Each Section of this Omnichord synthesizer has been modified in the form of Upgrades, Expanded Features, New Sounds, Additional Modulation and Expressive Control.

This includes 35 Metal Touch points, 10 New Knobs, 28 New Switches (including Rotary Knobs) & 27 Beautiful Psychedelic LED lights......

An array of Metal touch points allow a whole new way of playing the Omnichord. Use fingers to connect the points on the Right of the machine with any of the points on the left of the machine for bleepy Squarewave tones, Bass tones and Chord Tones. The tones are harmonically arranged in a similar way to the Harp.
The top row of 12 points are fixed tones. The centre Row of 12 Points will change according to which Chord is being played, and will always stay in tune with the chord, in a similar way to the harp. The Bottom Row of 5 Points are Bass tones, and will modulate when using the Omnichord in Accompaniment mode.
5 Points on the right will connect the tones through various parts of the Omnichord's analog circuitry, and produce different effects, ranging from straight amplification, crunchy Distortion and Ring Modulated & Filtered synth tones.
To the right of the Harp plate are an additional pair of Touch points which can be used to modulate the Omnichord's pitch. These provide really expressive control and can be used for similar results to a whammy bar on a guitar and will produce Hendrix-esque mind-bending.....

Beautiful modern LED lights indicate various activity within the Omnichord's circuitry and flash along with the sounds.
The LED Lights also serve to divide the metal touch points and make performance more accurate.
Pink Lights represent the Drums & Chord sounds.
Green & Blue Lights Indicate the LFO rate.
Purple Lights indicate the Bass

ANALOG DRUMS (left Photo Above) -
The Omnichord has a built in Analog Drum machine, and provides warm punchy Rhythms with Chord / Bass Accompaniment. There are 6 preset patterns (Rock, Latin, Swing, Etc.). These patterns cannot be edited, however I have installed 6 Metal Switches above the rhythm buttons which allow these preset patterns to be combined with each other. This allows a whole range of unique & complex Rhythmical Structures to be created.
5 New Soft-Touch Knobs Allow the Analog Drum sounds to be tweeked. Controls affect Decay and Filtering for the Bass, Snare, Claves and Hats. Yellow knob provides Decay for the Chord when used in Accompaniment mode.

SONIC GLITCH (Right Photo above) -
This is a very special new feature for this Omnichord, which produces a staggering array of unique techo-esque sounds from the Omnichord's preset Harp / Chord & Bass.
Sounds range from Bubbly Echos, Sweet Arpeggios & Syncopated Modulation to De-tuned Notes, Dark Ring Mods & Watery Dis-chord.
Use the Rotary Knobs to select the required 'Glitch', and the metal toggle Switch to active the effect. Each Rotary knob can be used individually or all 3 Knobs can be used at once for increasingly dramatic results....
Once the required effect is selected, the switches can be used as part of a live performance.
There are a total of 27 Sonic Glitches which are spread over the 3 Silver Rotary Switches.

LFO Modulator -
Additional LFO circuit has been installed in this machine to allow a whole range of very impressive modulation capabilities..... The Large Knob is used to alter the LFO RATE, the signal can then be used to drive the Omnichord's Pitch, which will affect the Chord, Bass, Harp and Touch Points. It will not affect the tempo or the rhythms, which makes it a very useful feature for performance. A soft-touch knob controls the LFO Pitch depth when turned fully anti-clockwise will turn the effect off.
A pair of metal toggle switches allow the LFO to be used as a Gate / Chopper for the Chord & Bass.
Another Soft-Touch Knob allows the LFO to act as a Linier Volume Gate and can create a nice basic rotary speaker effect.
LFO Circuit has a Switch (above the large Rate Knob) to turn the circuit ON/OFF.
The LFO also has a small flashing Green LED Light which indicates the Rate.

Additional controls in the photo above are -

A pair of Switches which are used for cutting cirtain elements from the Bass Accompaniment.
Bass Volume Knob (Red Knob) can also be used to completely mute the bass.
Master Pitch (yellow knob) is used to tune / de-tune the machine.

New controls are all arranged in a logical and instinctive order, with juist a little practice you'll quickly understand their functions."

More pics at the auction.

ROLAND SH-1000 Analog Synthesizer

via this auction

This is the one in this video.


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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