Saturday, March 10, 2018

Yamaha DX200 6op FM Synth - Like DX7

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"Amazing tweakable 6 operator FM synth with step sequencer, filter, ADSR and lots more besides. Has the common data wheel issue, which skips values and is sometimes unresponsive. However, as this only controls a handful of functions it is totally possible to use the unit with this fault. I always used program change messages to select patterns for example."


Published on Mar 10, 2018 UncertainMusicCorps

"Self-contained generative system.

Disting 4(1) is in quantised ASR mode providing the shifting sequence. Disting 4(2) in dual random trigger mode providing clocks for 4(1) and the drumming.
Shuttle Control provides master clock with divisions.
Warps picks out a top line. Drone Commander does what it does. I try not to intervene."

MS20 / WEM Watkins Copycat

Published on Mar 10, 2018 se7ense7

blip ... blip ... blip ... blip

A little Bob Ross in there.

Friday, March 09, 2018

Doc Sketchy DIY Videos

Published on Mar 9, 2018 docsketchy

This one in via John L Rice.

Doctor Sketchy is David G. Dixon, who designed a few Intellijel modules. Check out the David Dixon label for some of his previous creations.


1. Doc Sketchy ASR Demo
Here's a little video of my ASR module. This is my improved version of the CGS (Cat Girl Synth) ASR from Ken Stone. I have added some extra useful features, such as Shift/Bypass switches and a Load/Loop switch, which is pretty fun to use. I've also added an input attenuator, which to me is crucial. I put a new PCB that I had just stuffed for a customer into my existing panel to test. I found that it was really drifty (like, portamento drifty) -- the culprit: a dodgy LF444 opamp used for the S&H buffers. I bought some LF444s at a local shop (originally sourced from Digikey) and they are all crap (either defective or counterfeit) -- I had forgotten. Anyway, I replaced it with a TL064, and there is no drift at all. I'm also using 100n film caps, so those are large enough to avoid obvious drift if the input bias current of the opamps is reasonably low.

2. Doc Sketchy Dual Interpolating Scanner Demo
Here is the dual scanner, all put together and ready to send to its lucky buyer. I'm feeding it with the outputs of 4 VCOs, with two up-octave outputs into inputs 5 and 6, all tuned to a chord. Here I'm mostly playing with the switch that selects either two independent 4-channel scanners or one 8-channel scanner. It all works perfectly -- I just wish those little pots were a bit further apart. As usual, boards, bare or stuffed, and complete modules are available. Just ask (preferably on Muffwiggler).

3. Doc Sketchy Interpolating Scanner Demo
Here is the second demo of my new interpolating scanner circuit, with the improvements suggested by the Muff Wiggler beta testing team. I'd still like to figure out how to get the CV to maintain a constant range as the Width pot is adjusted, but I haven't so far. In any case, the Fader and Width pots are doing exactly what I want them to do.

Roland TR8S Factory Patterns

Published on Mar 9, 2018 gestelt

Update: Created playlist covering the remaining presets.

Plexis - Peak-a-Moog (Novation Peak & Moog Sub 37)

Published on Mar 9, 2018 Plexis

"I bought the Novation Peak and this is my first live jam with it :)
I'm still overwhelmed by the possibilities of this synth. There will be a lot more videos in the future. (And maybe I have money for a good camera someday... Sorry for the video quality)."

Rocket Man - Otamatone Cover

Published on Mar 3, 2018 Michael Thomas Connolly

"In the early 70s, facing a fuel shortage and budgetary cuts, NASA experimented briefly with non-human mission commanders."

Roland MC-202 MicroComposer

Published on Mar 9, 2018 Jyoti Mishra

"Here's my ageing MC-202, delivering some lovely blarps, floobles and werps. I run through general capabilities of the synth and delve a little into the arcane but charming sequencer."

PLAITS - unboxing & first sound demo | Mutable Instruments | EURORACK - modular Synth

Published on Mar 9, 2018 Michael Kert

"Video contains unboxing of MUTABLE INSTRUMENTS PLAITS including first sounds demo. A MIDI sequence from ELEKTRON DIGITAKT was sent to MI Yarns.
Mutable Instruments Plaits is a macro oscillator module for a EURORACK modular synth. 16 synthesis sounds can be used for 8 pitched sounds and 8 noise and percussion sounds."

Serge Divide by NCOM - MU version

Published on Mar 9, 2018 Lower West Side Studio

You cand info on the Serge NCOM in previous posts here.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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