Monday, July 09, 2018

ENSONIQ SQ80 CrossWave Synth SN SQ-14591-E

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ROLAND SH-01A Boutique BLUE Synthesizer SN Z210485

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KP-836 Synthesizer Build - Custom Knob Laden Keyboard Enclosure for the Korg Poly-800

Published on Jul 8, 2018 elkelektronik

"The KP-836 is a custom keyboard enclosure, designed to make the most of the Korg Poly-800, by combining a solid enclosure with the functionality of the KP-8 interface.
Check out more about the build at"

I have been working on this project for a while now. There is still work to do, but I'm excited to have achieved some key milestones in the construction of the case, and successful integration of KP-8 with the Poly-800.

KP-8 is a programming interface for the Korg Poly-800 Synthesizer. KP-8 offers access to all of the Poly-800 functions via a 6 x 8 matrix-style programming interface.

Parameters are logically grouped to allow access for up to 8 parameters at a time.

The pin for pin compatible interface enables you to simply unplug the cables from the screen/button board of the Poly-800 and plug in KP-8 for full control of the synthesizer via the new interface.

The KP-836 is a custom keyboard enclosure, designed to make the most of the Korg Poly-800, by combining a solid enclosure with the functionality of the KP-8 interface."

Additional details at

Casio SK1 into the Mattoverse Inflection Point - Part 2

Part 2 added here.

VOLCA Bass with a Straight Drum Beat

Published on Jul 9, 2018 Roxton Fone

"When I grow up, I want to tour the world, with a band, playing the Korg VOLCA Bass."

Just a Minute - Little case making crazy noises

Published on Jul 9, 2018 Stefan Tretau

Yamaha DJX-II trying to speak

Published on Jul 9, 2018 organfairy

"BeskrivelseThere are many human voice bits in the library of the DJX-II. I got the idea that I could try and make a song with words out of them. But unfortunately I could only construct the sentence 'the real bass'. So this is what the voice is saying in this video."

Digitakt Vacation Meditation #1

Published on Jul 9, 2018 ahlstrominfo

deltAdata : iAccept ( lofi hiphop samplr outdoor live jam, Stephen Hawking voice generator)

Published on Jul 9, 2018 deltAdata

iTunes: Samplr - Touch the Music - Marcos Alonso

"Lofi hiphop electronica ish samplr live jam performance with Stephen Hawking voice generator !

The text of the speech is from a french anonym letter send to a news paper, i translated it with the help of google translate and corrected what i found wrong, so maybe there still is some translation problems... i hope it's good enough !

Used: ipad mini 1, samplr, audiobus and audioshare to record, sony xperia z3c (head cam), sony xperia m4 (side cam), reaper (on pc for main video sequencing, audio master limiter and a some delay at the end), after effects for the overall look and of course the Stephen Hawking voice generator.

Stephen Hawking Voice Generator :

Thanks for watching ! ✌"

Teenage Engineering OP-Z, Deep House Demo

Published on Jul 9, 2018 djthomaswhite

"The fantastic OP-Z sequencer/synthesizer/drum machine from Teenage Engineering is in beta testing phase. Lucky for me I am able to be involved (Thanks TE!). The OP-Z is so much in such a small package. It is probably close to 25% of the mass of an OP-1 and is super powerful. It also does photo, video and lighting (DMX) manipulation but I am not testing those functions. I am using the internal tracks and default sounds/instruments to make some groovy beats and the track here shows me moving through patterns I have created inside one project. There are no external mastering or sound processing here. The OP-Z is due to be released soon."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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