Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Bugbrand, Eowave, MFB

Title link takes you to some really nice shots on Sendling. Make sure to click on them for the full effect.

Bob Bogarts The Micron

flickr by Maggie Osterberg.

KORG 770 with Synthwood Mahogony

# Build date 18-Oct-06
# Mahogany



Shot sent my way via JB.

Guess the synths.

Mickey Moonlight - Interplanetary Music

YouTube via TAMcorp.

"Music promo for a cover of Sun Ra's "Interplanetary Music" by Mickey Moonlight. Shot on a Krasnogorsk-3 16mm camera at various locations in the Andromeda Galaxy. Featuring Susumu Mukai (Zongamin), Bishi, Suzy Silver & Mickey Moonlight. Directed by Mike Silver. Produced by Mike & Suzy Silver. Camera Operators: Matt Fletcher, Mike Silver & Fred Wihlborg."

via Mickey Moonlight:
"the kit list for the album is pretty interesting (imo)..
Korg Mini-Korg 700-S, Farfisa Syntorchestra, Roland Jupiter 4, Roland VP-330, Roland SH-2000, Moog Minimoog, Wurlitzer EP200A, BBC Portable Tone Source PTS-13, modified Roland TR-606, Korg mini-pops junior, Pearl Syncussion SYN-1, Fender Telecaster, Hohner B-Bass, Marshall Model 5002 “A” System, Dynachord TAM-19, Roland SPF-325 , Boss Dimension C DC-2, Moog MF 103, home made ring modulator, home made valve phaser, WEM Copycat Super Shadow Type 1, Master Room MR II, STC 4038 (BBC), STC 4033A (BBC), STC 4032, home made microphone pre-amp, Akai M-8, Revox PR99, Thermionic Culture - Culture Vulture, Manley Variable Mu, TLA EQ-1, NOS Mullard valves, Digitech Studio Vocalist, Apple iMac G5, Apple Logic Pro 7, Native Instruments Reaktor 5, Destroy FX.

the vid does features a very rare bbc portable tone source pts-13. the guy i bought it from claimed that it was saved from being scrapped by someone from the radiophonics workshop, where it was used for years. i have no way of verifying this and have always suspected it to be pure provenance hype to encourage me to buy it.

you can see some pics of it here..."

OS Update for the Little Phatty adds Poly Mode

via Amos on AH:

"I just wanted to mention that an OS update for the Little Phatty has been released, OS version 1.03c. Among other things, this new OS adds a "Poly" mode, which allows you to chain together any combination of LP and Voyager synths together via MIDI for up to 16-note polyphony controlled from one master keyboard or MIDI sequencer. I have set up a 4-voice system using two LPs and two Voyager racks, and it's pretty cool.

If you have an LP, check out the new OS at - go to the "Little Phatty" pull down menu on the front page, pick Tribute or Stage Edition, and look for the "Software" link to the right of the product picture.



[direct link to software page]


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Ensoniq ESQ1 Emulating a TB-303

from EDMX -

I thought you might like to share this with your readers, it's an MP3 of my Ensoniq ESQ1 trying to sound like a 303.

It took about an hour to make/tweak the patch. All sequencing and drums are from an MPC1000, there's a little slapback delay on the ESQ1, and some reverb on the drums. The ESQ1 would've sounded better with some compression but then, so does my 303.

I won't be selling the 303 just yet but it's a nice sound. The big difference of course is that I had to spend ages programming all the note velocities and portamento, and remember what range of filter and envelope settings the patch sounds good within, whereas a 303 practically writes good patterns for you and sounds good whatever you do with the knobs :)

By the way, it's not trying to be a good track, just a demo of the sound!"

mp3 backed up here

Klaus Schulze Black Quasimidi Polymorphs

Saw this posted on VSE by Shagghie.

"I'm forced to depart with the most incredible example of a quasimidi polymorph ever. It is one of K.S.'s black polymorphs from his 'wall' tour, complete with the original 'moogy' knobs he prefered, and running the latest OS and restore to original settings/condition. This is the one to own...and it sounds amazing. One of those pieces I swore I'd never sell...but life and finances are really pressing right now, and I'm not able to use it like it deserves to be used. I will include original manual, original PSU, and the black hard-case I store it in with custom foam fitting.

It's one of these, though I am not sure which one...perhaps the one he's reaching for?

You can see the actual one here in this video right around 1'20" into it:

Previously posted Serious Quasimidi / K.S. fans only. It doesn't get any better than this... $1500 / obo" Interesting. I didn't realize they were Black and made for Klaus Schulze with MOOG style knobs. If anyone has any close up shots of it, post a comment. I sent Shagghie a PM to see if he can take some for us before it sells. Update via Shagghie: "Hey Matrix....I did some digging at the request of someone and apparently Manikin Electronic ( made a half dozen of these "Special edition black K.S. Polymorphs" that were a continuation on the 'K.S. factory run' they did for his wall originally in the first place. Still, a very limited/rare piece, however! Hence, i can't be positive that this actual unit is from K.S.'s wall! I don't want to give any wrong impressions given the way the post currently reads. A huge favor it would be if you could append this to the end as an 'update' from me? -shag" Update: Here's a shot of it (click for a bigger pic):

Interview with Jordan Rudess

Title link takes you to the interview sent my way via Richard Lainhart of O-Town Media. Includes discussion of synth and keyboard techniques, among other things. The interview was conducted by Richard Lainhart with questions supplied by Tokafi.

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