Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Moog Little Phatty an' Ciat-lonbarde Trimin

YouTube via opsysbug
"Ciat-lonbarde "trimin" triple theremin
( into filter cv
input on Little Phatty. Mash it up !"

Minimoog Keyboard Maintenance

This came in on the Lords of the Mini list. From The MINIMOOG Model D - Technical Service Manual

"Section VIII: Keyboard Maintenance
Occasionally il will become necessary to clean and adjusl the keyboard. The contacte, although gold plated, may become dirty, conlaminated, or corroded. When conlacts become poor, noises and erraíic sounds may be generated while playing the instrumenL
To service lhe keyboard, the bottom cover must be removed. This cover is held on with 8 wood screws. If the keyboard compartmení is found to be excessively dirty, it should be blown out with air first.
Avoid touching the buss bars Or the spring contacts with the fíngers since hand oils and perspiration will cause corrosion. Under normal conditions, any dirt can be removed by spraying the assembly with a light coating of a high grade contact cleaner. At the factory, we use and recommend Cramolin®. If this is not availabie, TV tuner spray may be used. Do not under any ciTcumstances use abrasives or abTasive tools, since this will destroy the goldpiating. If spraying does not cure the problem, try wiping the buss bar with a cotton swab in the área of the problem key OT keys.
Sometimes it is necessary to adjust the spring contacts for more tension. This is done by bending the spring so thal it is closer to the buss bar. It is easiest to bend at the end nearest the mounting board. In ali cases, the "pitch" contact must occur before the "trigger" contact. The pitch buss bar is nearest the front of the instrument. The trigger buss bar is in the center, and the third buss bar nearest the rear of the instrument is not used and therefore need not be cleaned or adjusted.
To clean fhe keys, use a soft cloth moistened with a mild soap solution. Never allow solutions or spray cleaners to run down between the keys. Avoid harsh solvents, since the keys are made of plastic and may be dissolved. Scratches may be removed with a plastic or automotive poiishing compound. Waxing the keys is not recommended."

Electro Harmonix EH - 0400 Analogue Mini Synthesizer Demo

YouTube via derrytift2
"Watch this space for auction details... One thing I forgot to mention in the video was that I have also replaced the pitch bend slider."

Nick's World Of Synthesizers Trailer

YouTube via sheffieldvision
"buy now from full-length version featured in 'The World Of Pink Grease' DVD"

Moog Realistic MG-1 (genuine 24dB/oct Moog filter)

Moog Realistic MG-1 (genuine 24dB/oct Moog filter) part 2

YouTube via bostich1
"Moog Realistic MG-1 (genuine 24dB/oct Moog filter) with mobius sequencer"
"The MG-1 is a 2-VCO monophonic/polyphonic analog synth with a genuine 24dB/oct Moog filter. On the MG-1, the VCOs are referred to as 'Tone Generators'. It can produce sawtooth, square and pulse waveforms, and the oscillators are detunable and syncable. A simple ASR (attack, sustain, release) envelope called 'Contour' can be applied to both the amp and the filter. The LFO section provides triangle or square wave patterns as well as Sample-and-Hold. Additionally there is a simple Ring-Mod effect called 'Bell'.

Unique to the MG-1 is a slider on the far right side of the keyboard which controls the volume of a simple 10-voice polyphonic organ sound. This feature makes it at least a little more versatile than theRogue. There are 1/4inch inputs and outputs, Pitch-Trigger (CV- Gate), Stereo Out, Aux In (Filter In). It is used by Peter Gabriel, Nortec, 808 State, Remy Shand, and KMFDM."

Roland JX-8P Synthesizer "carpet-strings" ;-)

YouTube via retrosound72

"relaxed synth demo by RetroSound

'carpet-strings': Roland JX-8P on the carpet
bass drones: SCI Pro-One
drums: Roland TR-606"

MusoTalk 119-NAMM Report 2008-Audiocubes-Mtron-Nordwave

YouTube via musotalk

MPC5000 Demo Track

via Boele of SCD:

"I am betatesting the new MPC5000, which has a VA synth on board. And a quite good sounding one as well. Did a demosong for it.


It has a three voice synth on board with all kinds of filters (some
*very* good sounding ones!), two ADSR's, 2 LFO's, sync, crossmodulation, ringmodulation, noise, etc.
The VCOs have sine, sawtri (really from saw to triangle wave), Pulse, White Noise, Pink Noise, Red Noise and PWM)
Filters: Lowpass, Highpass, Bandpass, BandStop, BandBoost, Model 1, Model 2, Model 3, Vocal 1, Vocal 2 and Vocal 3. Most filters with choosable 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8 poles!
Envelopes are snappy. There is a stereo spread that positions the indivual position of each VCO in the stereofield.
There is great arpeggiator as well, plus you can route the synth through the build in effects (to many to mention, and very nice ones in there as well).
The synth is *completely* controlable with the so called Q link
controllers: 12 buttons, 8 knobs and 4 sliders. The user interface is very cool.

The song is pure MPC, only the drums are samples (also from the MPC).

Regards, Boele"

You can find more info on the MPC5000 here.

The Tiracon 6V

You might remember the name Tiracon way back in 2005 from this post (more info there). The 6V appears to be a different synth. Below are the specs from this site where you can find a few more shots and info. Be sure to click on the link above the pictures when you get there for more. Also note this is hosted on Vermona site. via André

"6 stimmiger, polyphoner Synthesizer
VCO Wellenform : Sägezahn 4' und Rechteck 4', 8' und 16' kombinierbar
VCF : 24 dB Tiefpaß mit regelbarer Resonanz
3 LFO's : je einer für VCO, VCF und Pulsbreite
32 Programmspeicherplätze
Sequenzer mit 2 Spuren für 250 Noten
Chord-Memory Funktion
Interface für Kassettenrecorder zum Sichern
Midi: in out und thru
Gewicht 14 kg"

slices issue 4-05: legowelt/bunker records part1

YouTube via deaflikeelvis. "an extract from slices magazine dvd"

slices issue 4-05: legowelt/bunker records part2

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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