Friday, September 11, 2009

Ben Butler And Mousepad - Perform With Star6!

Ben Butler And Mousepad - Perform With Star6! from Star6 on Vimeo.

via Joe: "yamaha CS01 thru korg x911 guitar synth." "Performed at "An Evening With Star6" - Berlin, Germany on Sept 4th, 2009 at Jacki/Joseph @ Maria am Ostbahnhof.

For more info on Ben Butler And Mousepad:

Star6 is a iPhone/iPod touch app that (as you can see here) allows the user to manipulate and perform with samples by moving their phone in the air. For way more info check our website:

Get Star6 now from iTunes:

iTunes > App Store > Music > Star6"

Making of the Moanonme

vids previously posted

monome with arcade buttons

via Johan in the comments of this post

Elka Synthex ring modulator oddities

YouTube via MusicMiK. follow-up to this post.
"Seen as a repair, this was a failure. But i think, it could be of interest anyway.

Now this happens if you try to repair phantom problems. If you use both ring modulators on the Synthex, especially in conjunction with oscillator synchronization, you can get very strange sounds that sound like a defect of a voice. This is strengthened by the fact that when playing through the notes, it likes to happen on the same voice(s) all the time.

I measured around in the voice boards for hours and looked for differences between 2 voices, the only assumption was that the analog control of the 4070s used for waveform inversion are the problem - aging might lead to the problems. And i also suspected such aging factors in some analog switches. Couldn't prove this by measurement, so i could just replace all chips in doubt.

Fascinating enough, the problem was nearly gone after this - same test procedure. So i did the replacement in 2 other voices. But the next test procedure showed the same defects on one of the repaired voices. Evil stuff. Diving deeper into this just led me to the conclusion that this is the little bit of analog behaviour in the digital oscillators of the Synthex. It's not a bug, it's a feature.

Don't try to repair this. There is nothing to repair. And if you already did - don't take it too serious. I wasted a lot of time on this, but not everything in life, and especially in electronics DIY, can lead to success.

At least i hope you have some fun with the strange behaviour with this special sound configuration.

If you have a Synthex, please try around with this and tell me the results - as comments on this video or so. Would be interesting if this is reproducible on other units also."

Schizophrenia 4

YouTube via thedeepelement. some synth spotting.
"A personal experience of a massive four day party in the midwest. This video is not for you."

Japan: Adolescent Sex

YouTube via ecallender. spot the synths.

Simple distorsion fx

Simple distorsion fx from future control on Vimeo.

Simple distorsion fx 2 from future control on Vimeo.

Foxy Lady Fuzz effect from future control on Vimeo.

ABS3.0 VSTi demo 1

ABS3.0 VSTi demo 1 from future control on Vimeo.

ABS3.0 VSTi Demo 2 from future control on Vimeo.

ABS3.0 VSTi Demo 3 from future control on Vimeo.

SimplAE + ABS3.0 + BelgianStutter -> on Renoise from future control on Vimeo.

SimplAE FMatic 3e Demo

SimplAE FMatic 3e Demo from future control on Vimeo.

"a FM synthesis Rythm Box + Probabilist Sequencer + Breaking System made with Max/msp, pluggo."
via TrainingMan in the comments of this post.

Malekko Wiard Anti Envelope

via Malekko on Muff's:
"Well no rest for the wicked, and Grant Richter must never sleep!!!

He's been working very hard on the next Wiard/Malekko release, the much anticipated ANTI-ENVELOPE! Here is my initial mockup, nothing is locked into place, it is just initial. The top row are toggles, of course the red button is a trigger, the loop is a toggle to go from "one shot" to loop!

10 sliders
a row of pots
and outs

This is obviously a non traditional, and very complex env, capable of many interesting feats such as "strummed" notes etc

stack several firing at the same time or set multiple envs up serially for a monster sequencer!

Were shooting for a cost of about 300.00
More info coming soon!"

Circuit Bent Little Tikes PopTunes Big Rocker Keyboard

YouTube via thebarkpetition
"Circuit Bent Little Tikes PopTunes Big Rocker Keyboard. I added a speed pot, a harsh noise bend that can be activated by either a momentary switch or a toggle, and a switch to stick the keyboard into a one-note loop."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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