Wednesday, January 10, 2018


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"It's triggered by any instrument using regular input and output jacks. It's a very unique synthesizer and 100% working. It's in great shape with only some minor cosmetic wear."

Roland Jupiter 6 JP-6 Vintage Analog Synthesizer SN 353979

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Update: now on Reverb here.

Akai X7000 Sampling Keyboard with Disk Library

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Moog MiniMoog Model D 1972 SN 9373

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"Minimoog D Moog Music (1972). These ones are the “famous” old osc. board but these osc board are not at all the same as the RA & Musonic. This is the common version of the Mini D. Their tunning was better than the first models (RA & Musonic). All serial numbers until SN 10175 were issued with this “original” oscillator board. First Moog Music models have metal panel (not only the RA and the Musonic). The later one (but before SN 10175) have full plastic panel. Modulation wheels are smooth white and perhaps the last models (but before 10175) the white ribbed plastic. Inscriptions around knobs are different than on the RA & Musonic models."


Published on Jan 10, 2018 LESINDES

"There is once a gain a new MOOG MINIMOOG MODEL D craze. So here you hear what the original MODEL D sounds like. Phatt as butter and crisp as toast: this is the original!
This model ought to be confused with Studio Electronics SE-1 which had the MINIMOOG architecture but unfortunately not the original boards and software modution and envelops: Not a bad analog VCO synth but another world!
Just a simple demo ofthe pure synth with an arpeggio and transposition with a little tweaking: Begins with a single pulse -- what a pulse! -- and then building and speeding up..."

Behringer Model D Is Shipping

A couple of pics shared by Behringer and a user video from YouTube below.

Via Behringer:

"It has arrived in stores. Whew..."

Quick Noodle Demo and First Look Published on Jan 10, 2018 Gubatz / Dirtbox

"I am trying out the retail Model D synthesizer by Behringer. Please make your conclusions ;)"

This one spotted and sent in via Soviet Space Child.

OB6 + Prophet6

Published on Jan 10, 2018 MR TUNA Music

"Just some more jams- PORTRAIT STYLE for your viewing pleasure!!!"

Black Corporation's Deckard's Dream Expander Coming to NAMM

Coming to Booth 10905

This one spotted and sent in via Soviet Space Child.

Steam Trax

Published on Jan 10, 2018 Vykaar Tones

"Step time sequenced analog synthesisers starting of with noise from the Trax RetroWave R-1 and then a bunch of stuff in my usual improvised old school one take and take a break style.

Other equipment used:
Elektor formant modular
Beat Step Pro
Roland CR8000
SH101 with tubbutec mod
Boomstar 4075
Waldorf Streichfett
Doepfer Dark Energy Mk1 x 3
Doepfer MAQ 16/3
Doepfer modular racks
Mackie USA mixers
Eventide reverb and delays"

Pittsburgh Modular Lifeforms Micro Sequence

Published on Jan 10, 2018 Perfect Circuit Audio

"This video shows a few things the Pittsburgh Modular Lifeforms Micro Sequence can do. The Micro Sequence is a small eurorack sequencer that has a built in quantizer and clock divider and has 8 playback directions and 8 scales that it can quantize to.

Available here:"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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