Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Korg Electribe EMX-1 SN 009427 w/ Original Box

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Kawai K3m Multitrack

Published on Jun 6, 2018 Joakim Floke

"Kawai K3 is a really good sounding synth with limited features. It sounds really fat and has loads of low end. Mabe a bit corny song but I just want to show how it sounds so there's 3 different parts.

Start: funky bass part
2:27: pads & arpeggio
3:33: E.piano and stubby fat bass

i used the patcheditor to make all the sounds and for some tweaking while recording."

many tomorrows: norns study 1

many tomorrows: norns study 1 from tehn on Vimeo.

VCV Rack Outdoor Session #1

Published on Jun 6, 2018 Omri Cohen

"I always wanted to sit under a tree or next to a lake, and combine Nature with my music. This is me, letting a patch evolve while breathing the fresh air of the great outdoors..."

The Delay Lama

The Weirdest VST Plug-In I Have Ever Used Published on Jun 6, 2018 Levi Niha

"I love Delay Lama.


Strange Patching: Parallel Envelopes

Published on Jun 6, 2018 MAKEN0ISE

"Allen Strange wrote the book on modular synthesizers in the 1970s. Electronic Music: Systems, Techniques, and Controls. Unfortunately since the expanded 1982 edition, it has never been reprinted, and in today’s landscape where more people have access to modular synths than ever before, very few have access to the knowledge contained within. This video series will explore patches both basic and advanced from Strange’s text. Even the simplest patches here yield kernels of knowledge that can be expanded upon in infinite ways. I have been heavily influenced by Strange since long before I became a modular synth educator. Please share this knowledge far and wide.

This video shows parallel envelope patching to create two simultaneous note events with different shapes and durations."

MAKEN0ISE Allen Strange

Mainstage Auto-Sampler Tutorial - Sampling AudioUnit (AU) Plugins | SYNTH ANATOMY

Published on Jun 6, 2018 SYNTH ANATOMY

"Some time ago I showed you how to sample hardware Synthesizers with the Auto-Sampler in Mainstage. Here is now a tutorial on how to sample AudioUnits plugins like U-he DIVA or Chromaphone 2 by AAS.

Available here:"

Juggling Rhythms with Muxlicer & Burst from Befaco

Published on Jun 6, 2018 DivKidVideo

"Here's my first play around with the new Befaco Muxlicer and the Burst. Burst is creating polyrhythmic bursts triggering my hi hat, Muxlicer is sequencing, ratcheting / gate sequencing, trigger several percussion and one shot sounds breaking up gates across the steps and a hole lot more. Both really great modules for juggling and playing around with rhythms."

Tips n' Tricks: Creating a voltage-controlled envelope with 2x Moog Mother-32

Published on Jun 6, 2018 Alastair Wilson

"Welcome back to another tutorial, this time for 2x Mother 32!

In this video we use the VC Mix feature to morph between 2 envelopes with different decay times, giving the effect of a single voltage-controlled envelope. Never underestimate the power of utilities on a synth; by adding the VC Mix feature, Moog have made the M32 a million times more powerful!"

How to: Create atmospheric soundscapes with FORM | Native Instruments

Published on Jun 6, 2018 Native Instruments

"Product expert Tim Cant shows you how to create complex, atmospheric soundscapes and FX using REAKTOR synthesizer FORM. By using Oscillator FX, changing the modulation, and sample wave form, Native Instruments will show you how you can easily create eerie sound landscapes in next to no time."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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