Thursday, July 22, 2021

Ocean Noise Generator - Analog Relaxation Beast

video upload by SyntherJack

"Ocean Noise Generator (as the name says) generates stereophonic ocean-like noise, by simulation of background noise and different kinds of waves ("close" and "far"). The device is built around 2 white noise generators, 4 filters (to get pink and kind of hi-frequency boosted pink noise), 4 VCAs controlled by 4 LFOs with variable waveshape and modulation depth. By mixing generated signals you can go from waterfall-like sound to gentle sea or storm if you like. All this is 100% analog.

Originally, the main usage was supposed to be ambient mixes for chill out-zones, but it greatly will serve as well as a home relaxation device, may be also useful for yoga classes. As the white/pink noise generators quality is not bad, will work as a backup, two-channel, generator for simple measurements."

Reflections | Using regular sound files with Tasty Chips ECR-1

video upload by Cinematic Laboratory

"A convolution reverb uses recordings of a reflected sound (e.g. a gunshot) in a room or space, thus creating super realistic reverbs. However, you can also use any sound file to create spaces that will never exist in real life. In this video, I've been using the new 'angel hair' Morphagene reel which was recently posted by MakeNoise to create rooms which were originally sliding windows, toy trucks running from a playground ramp and crushed angel hair spaghetti falling down on a vibraphone. Rings and Strega were used as voices, Desmodus Versio provided some regular reverb when ECR-1 was doing the unreal rooms. You can download the reel here:"

Moog Model 15 & Korg Foot Balancer Pedal..

video upload by noddyspuncture

"My Korg FK-5 - I knew that one day I would find a use for it...!"

Gieskes insolventunclesam explained

video upload by ggijs

AtomoSynth MochikaX4 Jam

video upload by atomolab

"Hello World, just jamming using the AtomoSynth MochikaX4 synchronized by midi to the Ipad"

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Roland System 8 | FM glass pad

video upload by MIDERA

"Working on recreating some sounds I loved from my old Yamaha TX7. Surprisingly, I felt I got pretty close to the sounds, although it's much easier to edit.

One of the only things that sucks about the System 8's FM implementation is that there's no way to have a static pitch across the keyboard to modulate the sound. Oh well."


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Arturia MatrixBrute Noir in Original Box

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via this auction

Almost thought that sticker was an odd shaped box.

Sequential Prophet 6 & Boss BD2W Blues Driver Waza Craft

video upload by 3rdStoreyChemist


video upload by NOISEBUG

"Here are a few of our favorite patches from the Schmidt 8-Voice synthesizer."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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