MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Electra One MIDI Controller

Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Electra One MIDI Controller. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Electra One MIDI Controller. Sort by date Show all posts

Monday, August 19, 2019 midi controller ∙ testing with Rhodes Chroma

Published on Aug 17, 2019 Martin Pavlas

MIDI controller • USB host • MIDI USB interface
In this video: in full control of Rhodes Chroma and acting as a USB host for Roland TB3 sequencer and Arturia KeyLab 61. All MIDI messages are fully routed with Electra Editor running on computer reflects activity performed on hardware controller and can be used to edit controller presets. All midi data are forwarded to computer bia USB MIDI."

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Electra One MIDI Controller Demos with the Yamaha DX7 & Roland MKS-50

Demonstration of the program change with DX7 Published on Oct 30, 2019 Electra One MIDI Controller

"Electra does not only send the sysex messages to DX7, it also reacts to program changes and retrieves the current patch parameters to keep in sync."

Reading patches from Roland MKS 50

Published on Oct 30, 2019 Electra One MIDI Controller

"This video show how Electra reads data from Roland MKS-50 after the patch is changed on the synth panel."

Saturday, February 23, 2019

New Electra 4 x 4 Next generation Touch MIDI Controller

Demos with a Rhodes Chroma & TB3 Published on Jan 24, 2019 Martin Pavlas

A new programmable MIDI USB controller from Martin Pavlas of

"Electra is a fully programmable MIDI controller for studio or live rig equipment. The controller provides real-time visual feedback for up to 36 MIDI controls at once. Features high resolution 360 degree pots with touch sensing and a capacitive touch display. Extended connectivity offers USB MIDI device and USB Host interfaces as well as four DIN5 MIDI In / Out ports.

The driving idea behind the project was to make programming of Rhodes Chroma synthesizer easier. Chroma has got almost one hundred sounds parameters and editing them without seeing other relevant parameters at the same time affected the creative part of the process. Over the time, Electra has become an all-purpose MIDI controller with extensive USB MIDI interface and host integration.

The main concept of Electra MIDI controller is so-called Control. The control represents a MIDI parameter, its value, and assignment to a MIDI port and channel. An example can be, say, Cutoff frequency of Rhodes Chroma connected to MIDI port 1 channel 2.

A control visualizes value of an assigned parameter as well as it can modify the value either turning corresponding pot or with a touch gesture on the display. Watch the demo of control manipulation on youtube.

There is a number of control types: faders, dials, switches, buttons, and selection lists. All controls can trigger CC, SysEx, or NRPN MIDI message.

Controls are organized on Pages. A page is a set of controls that are displayed on the display at the same time. Pages may group controls by their meaning (Oscillator, Filter, etc) or can be collections of controls that should be close together for a performance purposes (Filter cutoffs and modulations of several connected synthesizers).

A set of pages is called a Preset. A preset is a top level configuration of Electra and consists all information about controls, pages, connected instruments, and MIDI routing.

Presets can be created with an Electra Controller Editor application and users can easily switch between them.

Sunday, September 01, 2019

Making of the Electra One MIDI Controller

Published on Sep 1, 2019 Electra One MIDI Controller

"A short video about how first Electra's were made."

Electra One

Friday, May 17, 2024

SUPERBOOTH 2024: Electra One

video upload by sonicstate

"At Superbooth 2024 we caught up with *Martin *at *Electra One*, who introduced us to *Electra One*, a MIDI controller which allows you to modify sound parameters by turning 12 high-resolution 360-degree pots or with fingertips on the touch display.

Electra One not only transmits MIDI messages to linked instruments but also interprets incoming MIDI data, providing clear insight into sound structures and limitless opportunities for adjustments. It supports all varieties of MIDI messages, including System Exclusive.

Electra One Price 510 Euros ex VAT"

Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Electra One on-screen touch control

Published on Jan 7, 2020 Electra One MIDI Controller

"Firmware 0.9.10 brings the first version of on-screen touch controls for both faders and lists"

Electra One MIDI Controller

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Electra One - Generative Sequencer preset

video upload by Electra One MIDI Controller

"A demo of Electra One MIDI controller running a generative sequencer preset. The preset is greatly inspired by the Zoa sequencer IOS app.

Roland MKS-50, D550, and Kawai K5000 play the sequencer voices. Sound of MKS-50 is tweaked while the sequencer is running."

Sunday, August 25, 2019 with a soft synth

Published on Aug 25, 2019 Martin Pavlas

"A frequent question is if MIDI controller will work with soft synths and VSTs. Here is a short demo of using MIDI CC with Absynth 5. For more information visit is connected to Mac with a USB cable and ESI KeyControl 25 is connected to Electra's USB host port.

Three MIDI CCs are used to control Absynth 5's oscillator frequency, filter cutoff and resonance."

Sunday, September 08, 2019

Electra One with DX7

Published on Sep 8, 2019 Electra One MIDI Controller

"Electra One in control of Yamaha DX7. For more information and pre-orders visit

The video demonstrates modifying a patch that Electra downloaded fom TX7 tone generator. Operator frequencies and envelopes are being modified in real time. The sequence is run by Roland TB 3 connected to the USB host port of Electra."

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Electra One with SE Code Omega 8

Published on Sep 9, 2019 Electra One MIDI Controller

"Electra One in full control of Studio Electronics Omega 8 and in hands of one of our early testers - Bohdan from For more information visit"

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Jamuary #28 - Together we rock (ft. VCVRack, Eurorack,Soundplane)

video by TheTechnobear

"Today was all about trying to bring everything together....

The idea is simple, using the power of the computer (my little mac mini m1) to use the wonderful vcvrack, yet have it behave like an instrument with full hands on control.

Ive used vcvrack a bit in the past, but never really tried to integrate it fully..
the basics of the patch are simple.
- a couple of voices using instruo and vult oscillators and filters
- pianoteq (vst host) using a vult filter
- aalto (vst host)
- a mixer with a couple of sends to 2 vahalla vst reverbs (vst host)
- audio recorder to record the output
- midi to cv, to connect to hardware

the the bit thats Ive not done before... using midi mapping to map a controller.

on the hardware side.
the aim here was about hands on control...

the pyramid is used as the main sequencer and clock

the hermod is really the brains.
its sending the cv to the eurorack, midi to vcvrack, and its also taking cv/gate from the USTA to sequence vcvrack voices.

usta is a nice hands-on sequencer, quite different from the pyramid, more like an analog sequencer.

electra one [additional posts], lovely controller with encoders and is touch screen too - its easy to customise, so here I created a quick patch that controls vcvrack, things like levels, fx, and filters. once setup, I use midi map in vcvrack to assign controls.

the soiundplane again comes into play as the main playing surface :)

its was quite a lot of setup, but really just because it was the first time... so I had to decide how it was best to connect things, what role they would play.

its the first time my little mac mini struggle a little bit.
in fairness, it was fine whilst I was audio glitches at all.

but of course, as soon as I turned on the camera issues started appearing :)
the issue is I also had to run OBS to record the webcam, and quicktime to do a screen capture of vcvrack... that seem to just take it a bit over the top.

... which was. a bit frustrating, as I was getting tired by this point, and just wanted to finish... but I got there.

I might give it another go tommorow, now its all setup - so I can focus more on the music side , rather than cables and midi ;)

hope you enjoy

tech note: I should say VCVRack, plugins , OBS are all Rosetta , so I think we can expect them to improve. also honestly, Id have not even tried this on my old mac - its also possible the issue was related to usb traffic, given I have audio interface, webcam, monitor, soundplane, hermod, electra one ... alll sending a lot of data over usb ;)"

Patch n Tweak
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