MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Jörg Schaaf

Showing posts sorted by date for query Jörg Schaaf. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Jörg Schaaf. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Delta CEP A Drumsounds Demo

Published on Mar 18, 2018 Jörg Schaaf

"Sounds programmed on the Delta CEP A and sampled afterwards. Samples have been imported into the Spectralis. Then I programmed some patterns with the new sounds."

Friday, March 09, 2018

Jörg Schaaf - Hypnotica Hypnotica

Published on Mar 9, 2018 Jörg Schaaf

"Tonight I tried to bring a little bit controlled random into a A-155 sequence. My approach is a little bit different from other setups. It uses one VCA, a noise source and a sample and hold module. Very important in this setup is also a quantizer for the pitch control voltage. I used the Delta Cep A quantizer for that and selected a minor pentatonic scale for my sequence. The output from the sequencer is fed into the VCA input and the VCA output connects to the 1V/Oct input of the oscillator. If you run the sequence you can already change the resulting melodies by changing the VCA level. You will realize, that lower pitched notes will get affected less than higher pitched notes. I like that behavior. Adding random is quite easy. One trigger line of the A-155 sequencer triggers the Sample and Hold Circuit. The noise is connected to the S&H probe input and the S&H output connects to the VCA control voltage input. Because of the quantizer, only matching notes are generated.

I added a bass sequence from the Spectralis Hybrid synth with Spectralis' internal step sequencer. Some steps are running with a probability of only 50% to get variations in the bass sequence too. On top of the two main sequences I added a little disturbance by triggering a chimes multisample I did last week. In order to get a more unrealistic metallic sound out of that multisample I set the envelope to a very short decay and send this through the hiphpass filter, put some random pan onto it and added a pitch modulation (vibrato). Logic ProX acts as the clock for the A-155 (via an Arturia Keystep) and for the Spectralis.

I could not resist to play some live notes on top of the backings. I played mainly the Accelerator, the DX-7 II and the D-550. I hope, you like it...

And yes - everything sounds just better with a couple of different delays. So I added them here too ;-)"

Friday, March 02, 2018

DeltaCepA Stranger Sounds

Published on Mar 1, 2018 Jörg Schaaf

"Stranger Sounds from the Delta Cep A

All the sounds are produced with a single Delta CEP A Synthesizer. I added one external step sequencer and the external sequencer was clocked with an external LFO. I also used a control voltage mixer to mix the modulation signals from the delta.

I added a little bit reverbration from Logic's Chromaverb and had fun to produce some bizarre visuals with the Kaleidoscope function of Final Cut Pro X and old video footage. And no - I did't take anything in to produce this bizarre shit."

Thursday, March 01, 2018

Delta CEP A - Snappy envelopes for sequencer sounds

Published on Mar 1, 2018 Jörg Schaaf

"I simply love the envelope generators of the Delta Cep A! ... and the multimode filter of course! (Audio example from a single Delta Cep A with it's internal delay FX)
Ich liebe diese Hüllkurven vom Delta Cep A einfach! ... und natürlich das Filter. (Audio Aufnahme von einem einzelnen Delta Cep A mit seinem eingebauten Delay FX)"

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

One day, earth will turn green again...

Published on Feb 20, 2018 Jörg Schaaf

"Radikal Technologies Accelerator, Delta CEP A
Moeck C Recorder, Sonor Chimes, Rode NT2-A microphone
music written and performed by Jörg Schaaf"

Sunday, February 18, 2018

One step at a time...

Published on Feb 18, 2018 Jörg Schaaf

Jörg Schaaf of Radikal Technologies.

"In this little sequencer example I am using the pitch quantizer of the Delta CEP A and the Swarm oscillator to modify multiple sequences just by changing the scaling of the sequencer control voltages. As I selected the same pentatonic scale for both quantizers, the resulting sequences always match and create endless variations.

I am playing a little bit on the Spectralis hybrid synth from time to time. But it I apologize that this live playing sometimes sound like I am drunken or falling asleep. I can promise that that was not the case. I just forgot to activate the realtime quantize function of my right thumb and pinky ;-)

The sequences are running over the Delta CEP A delay and the Spectralis over a Strymon Timeline.
I am using both RT-311 outputs. One is fed into the external input of the Delta CEP A and the other output is fed through the RT-451 filter into a separate VCA with an independent envelope. The output of the VCA is then fed into the direct FX input of the Delta Cep A."

Monday, January 22, 2018

DELTA CEP A - paraphonic Chords

Published on Jan 22, 2018 Jörg Schaaf

"In this demo I am mostly showcasing the paraphonic mode of the DELTA CEP A semimodular synthesizer. I hope, you enjoy the little demo."

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Radikal Reveals Upcoming Desktop Version of the Eurorack Paraphonic DELTA CEP A

via Radikal Technologies

"01/20/2018 Fernwald – Namm 2018 news

Radikal Technologies announced today, that they are going to release a desktop version of their awaited semimodular, paraphonic synthesizer DELTA CEP A. The Delta Cep A desktop case is just the first family member of a complete range of eurorack compatible cabinets that we will see from Radikal this year, said Jörg Schaaf.

Post navigation"

Previous posts including demos!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Delta CEP A - EG release time meets oscillator pitch quantizer

Published on Jan 17, 2018 Jörg Schaaf

"The LFO triggers the Envelope Generator and the Output of the Envelope Generator controls the tuning of the Oscillator. However - I activated the pitch quantizer function and set it to a pentatonic scale. Later I switch the scale from minor to major."

Radikal Technologies NAMM 2018 teaser!

Published on Jan 17, 2018 Jörg Schaaf

"Please join us at booth 10508 in the Anaheim Convention Centre!

The latest album "Indiscreet" with this song is available at my bandcamp page:"

Check out Radikal Technologies new Delta CEP A - Paraphonic Semi-modular Synthesizer Eurorack Module here.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

New Radikal Delta Cep A First Audio Demo

Published on Jan 16, 2018 Jörg Schaaf

"Only for getting a first idea, how it actually sounds when you are running a little sequence into the Delta! I was actually checking the current state of the envelope generators. The for my most essential section is around 3:12 just after the section which is unfortunately clipped. Short, snappy sequencer sounds with really short envelopes. At the end I crank up the digital delay in a good way"

See this post for details on Radikal Technologies new Delta Cep A.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

New Paraphonic Synth Module from Radikal Technologies in the Works

via Jörg Schaaf of Radikal Technologies.

"Nothing compares to this special moment, when you assemble a new frontpanel with knobs, LEDs and buttons for the first time."

Looks 3hp, so likely a new eurorack module.  Paraphonic implies polyphonic through one filter, shared envelope, etc.  You can take a look at some of the controls in the pics.  It appears to be a mini synth module with Mod, Mixer, VCF, ADSR, VCA, and FX sections.  The OSC section is likely offscreen to the left.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Radikal Technologies Jam // Synthfest 2017

Published on Nov 24, 2017 DivKidVideo

"Radikal Technologies had a jam on their modules at Synthfest 2017 for us. Some sequencing, keys playing, stereo FX and big voices."

Jörg Schaaf of Radikal Technologies.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Radikal Technologies' Jörg Schaaf Repairs a Roland D-550 Display

Jörgi's Reparaturen: Roland D-550 Display Reparatur

Published on Nov 13, 2017 Jörg Schaaf

"In diesem Video lernen Sie zum einen, wie man die Display-Leuchtfolie des Original-Displays beim Roland D-550 auswechselt und zum anderen, wie Sie das Original Display gegen ein moderneres Äquivalent mit LED Hintergrundbeleuchtung austauschen.

Bitte beachten Sie - im Inneren des D-550 liegen bei nicht abgezogenen Netzstecker an manchen Komponenten 220 V an. Eine Berührung dieser Komponenten im laufenden Betrieb ist lebensgefährlich. Ziehen Sie den Stecker von daher immer ab, wenn Sie nicht gerade einen Funktionstest durchführen. Sollten Sie noch nie einen Lötkolben benutzt haben, kann ich den Umbau nicht empfehlen. Ich übernehme keinerlei Gewährleistung für den Erfolg einer nach dieser Anleitung durchgeführten Reparatur. Das Gerät kann bei fehlerhaftem Umbau zerstört werden! Wenn Sie sich die Reparatur nicht zutrauen, sollten Sie die Finger davon lassen."

Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Radikal Technologies EFFEXX String Filter Algorithm Demo by Creator Jörg Schaaf

StringFilterDemoWorkshop Published on Nov 7, 2017 Jörg Schaaf

"In this eurorack modular workshop video I explain the usage of the EFFEXX string filter algorithm. If you already have an EFFEXX module you probably have the three additional modules I used for this workshop. For my sound examples I added one Noise generator, one ADSR envelope generator and one VCA. The workshop explains the cabling and gives a lot of tipps how to tweak the parameters for different sonic results.

If you just would like listening to the string filter sounds you can skip the first 4 minutes."

Friday, November 03, 2017

Radikal Technologies Jörg Schaaf All In Sync Jam

Published on Nov 3, 2017 Jörg Schaaf

"Today I made a little synchronisation test for my Jam Setup. The masterclock is produced by Logic. The Spectralis, the Keystep and the Beatstep are running in Sync. The Keystep does not only receive the MIDI clock. It also produces the sync clock for the Doepfer system and there especially the A-155 step sequencer. I hope, you enjoy the little Jam. The distorted filter sound is produced by the RT-451 multimode together with the drive function of the EFFEXX multi FX module.

I hope you enjoy the JAM ;-)"

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Dawless Keystep Jam

Published on Oct 26, 2017 Jörg Schaaf

Jörg Schaaf is the man behind Radikal Technologies.

"This is a live studio improvisation Jam. I played the following instruments:
Keystep left: Spectralis
Keystep right black: D550
Keystep right white: DX-7II
Accelerator: JX-3P
Beatstep & Turbo Volcon: MKS-50
The modular synth plays an F on the swarm oscillator. The signal is fed into the RT-451 Filter and from there into the EFFEXX multi effect module.

I hope you enjoy the JAM ;-)"

Monday, August 21, 2017


Published on Aug 21, 2017 Jörg Schaaf

"In spite of my unbridled desire for modular synthesizer worlds, I now and again show courage to mawkish tunes - in this case exclusively from the Accelerator Synthesizer.

Trotz meiner ungebändigten Lust auf modulare Synthesizerwelten, zeige ich hin und wieder Mut zur kitschigen Schnulze - in diesem Falle exklusiv vom Accelerator Synthesizer."

Saturday, August 05, 2017

Into The Dark Cavern

Jörg Schaaf
Published on Aug 5, 2017

"The RT-1701 Multi FX module 'EFFEXX' is a very flexible, digital effect module for Eurorack Modular Synthesizer. Setting can be memorized in snapshot memories and the unit can interpolate and crossfade through different snapshot memories. In this example we pass the gate to a psychedelic cavern."

Thursday, August 03, 2017

RT-1701 Multi FX Modulation FXs

Jörg Schaaf
Published on Aug 3, 2017

"The EFFEXX module sports modulation FXs like Phasing, Chorus and Flanging. In this example you can listen to the interpolation through 4 different snapshots.

Snapshot 1: Dry Signal
Snapshot 2: Delay & Phasing & Reverb
Snapshot 3: Delay & Chorus & Reverb
Snapshot 4: Delay & Flanging & Reverb

In the beginning the interpolation is controlled by the internal LFO. Later I show the manual control with the big knob.

The music pattern is a little Spectralis pattern with samples from the Sample Library 2.

I hope, you enjoy this little audio demo!"

You can find additional posts on the Radikal Technologies RT-1701 here.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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