MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for MIDERA Prophet 10

Showing posts sorted by date for query MIDERA Prophet 10. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query MIDERA Prophet 10. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Sequential Prophet 10 REV4 soundscape - Tonight there are no dreams

video upload by MIDERA

"Today I went through documents that I found from my mother. Some of these things were cards she had written to my dad (Hallmark cards, with love underlined), and vice versa. I found her old drawings from when she was 4 to 6. My grandmother saved them. Seeing a '5 year old' version of my mom, drawing a picture of a snowman with red hair (my mom had red hair), it was... really hard to look at. Kind of thinking of the fleeting world we live in.

Some day - my kids kid could be looking at pictures that my kid drew when she was young, the way that I'm doing this now with my mother. It's just wild how fast it all goes.

My grandma had also saved a locket of my mom's hair from when she was 5. I guess it's the only part of her I still have... I don't know what to do with it, but I can't really throw it out either.

Anyway, this track was made in response to my Kawai SX-240 soundscape, because I didn't know if I could make anything quite as nice as that one, but I think I got close.

Strymon Volante used for delay.
Eventide Blackhole VST used for reverb."

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Groove Synthesis 3rd Wave first impression and walkthrough

video upload by MIDERA

"A few notes: I think it's clear that the OS version on this unit is not current. I'll figure out what it is later and post it, but looking at the website it appears that it now has poly unison - something I wasn't able to use in the video. I'm also hoping it fixes whatever happened with 'Make Waves' where it crashed twice. I read up on it later and this is for recording incoming sounds to 'make waves' and was arming the input. However, I do think it should allow me to exit, so I hope other owners can chime in and say whether that's been 'fixed' (if there is indeed something off with what happened to me).

Again, please realize I basically spent zero effort looking into this before playing it. Think of this as your friend testing this out in the most likely way that you might do so yourself before using it.

Also note - that because I didn't spend any money on it (this is borrowed) it's very easy for me to be dismissive of certain features. If I pine after something for months and then get it, I usually feel like I can 'trick myself' into believing it's the most amazing thing in the world. Although - that's possibly not entirely accurate, because when I got the Prophet 10, I kind of hated it for how much I spent. I have grown to love that thing as a top 5 synth I've ever used... but when I don't put any money into it, I can see myself saying 'Well, cool, but what's the point?' And that sort of thing could give it a negative spin on something, especially when the only thing I know about it is that it's like a modern PPG.

I'm now sitting here wondering if I could have held the source and destination, LFO, and other buttons and twisted the controls to 'connect' things easier - that would be nice, but something that didn't occur to me during this first video.

No external FX used. I chose not to in this video because, well, it has FX."

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Dave Smith Prophet 12 soundscape - The way is broken

video upload by MIDERA

"Onto my next synth for soundscapes series. The Prophet 12. Not really a synth I've thought about selling - or rather, I do think about selling it, but it's such a cool looking synth and does do a lot of interesting things. Of which, I probably did about 5-10%. That's the interesting thing about the Jupiter 6, you can kind of go anywhere within a few movements. On the Prophet 12 or Poly Evolver, you kind of need to think it through more.

Still - the Prophet 12 is one of the best laid out synths. I guess I'm still not sold on its sound.

Eventide Blackhole VST used for reverb."

Monday, May 20, 2024

Roland Jupiter 6 soundscape - Descent into a timbre of darkness

video upload by MIDERA

"This was a journey... There were many moments when I thought 'How is this occurring?' I would then try to manipulate something to determine how it happened. To be clear, I recorded this thinking 'I will be deciding tonight whether I keep or sell this infernal machine.' I honestly can't believe the breadth of the sounds I got out of it. My typical go-to comment about the Jupiter 6 is this: 'The Prophet 10 sounds the same, but better.' And unfortunately, that's just not true. The Prophet 10 just sounds like a warm soft blanket that always sounds good. The Jupiter 6 sounds like a cold wet towel, and you know what? Sometimes in a blazing hot summer day, that wet towel probably feels good. Plus, you're really not supposed to leave home without a towel, generally speaking.

I did notice some clipping. I couldn't tell at what point it was occurring because the Jupiter was set kind of quiet, but I'm guessing it was a mix of the filter resonance with some other bass-ridden sounds. I honestly can't be sure. You'll have to just accept that it happened and move on.

This video was so long that my camera gave up recording. It must have just gotten too tired, or bored. Or too tired because it was too bored.

Where does this leave me? Well, for now, looking elsewhere for instruments to part with (Futuresonus Parva and Ensoniq EPS are the first to go).

Eventide Blackhole VST for reverb."

Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Yamaha RS7000 as a pseudo-vintage lo-fi sampler synthesizer (sampling the Prophet 10)

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"One thing I love about the Ensoniq EPS and Mirage is how lo-fi they can sound when you sample them at low sample rates (in the case of the Mirage, when you increase the amount of sample time, which I believe lowers the sample rate). It sounds so dirty.

Well - I think the RS7000 can do that too. You can sample it with a sample rate of 5 khz. You also have lo-fi effects (Master FX and regular FX)... and this is what you get (or rather, what I got).

Honestly, I was playing it against the EPS and I enjoyed using the RS more and thought it sounded just as good. What it does lack is synthesized loops and crossfading between two samples... which is a bit of a pity.

Sample came from Sequential Prophet 10
Added Eventide Blackhole VST for reverb"

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Tomorrow comes too soon | IDM music

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"I've been really pining after my old Nord Drum 2. I can't believe how much the prices have gone up over the last few years. I bought mine for $650 and it had all this extra stuff. Sold it for the same in 2019... now, they go for over $1000. I really just want to get it back, sigh. I don't know whether I will or not because that's just a lot of money. Been trying to see if my Tempest or Machinedrum can pull off the same sounds, but there was something weirdly organic in that Nord Drum 2 that I can't quite seem to get out of these. The Monomachine was actually much closer, but it can't exactly pull off that sound either.

I dunno. I know I don't need this stuff, and my studio already feels overwhelmed with gear. Well... who knows. It's a simple problem, which I'm glad of, after everything last year. I'll take it as a good problem to have and be thankful about it.

Gear used:
Radikal Technologies Spectralis 2
Sequential Prophet 10
Dave Smith Instruments Tempest
Eventide Blackhole VST for reverb"

Wednesday, April 03, 2024

Pulse | MIDERA - Downtempo IDM with Spectralis 2 and Sequential Prophet 10

video upload by MIDERA

"Just another track - used the Spectralis 2 and Sequential Prophet 10.

Tonight I can feel the development of a cold, a gift from my daughter who has been sick since the day before Easter.

I'm so tired... but I wanted to get this out there, just to be done with it.

Radikal Technologies Spectralis 2
Sequential Prophet 10
Eventide Blackhole VST for reverb"

Friday, March 22, 2024

Ensoniq EPS ambient pads

video upload by MIDERA

"Sampled in a sound from the Sequential Prophet 10. Realized only tonight how to layer multiple sounds that could play simultaneously. Was about to give up on the EPS, but I think there's a lot of stuff it can do that is interesting. This was one of those things."

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Gone | MIDERA - Downtempo IDM

video upload by MIDERA

"I have been debating selling my Roland JX-3P (well, trading it for my old Virus kB, because I just love that keybed, even though I've got the TI). So of course I brought my JX-3P out and tested it out. Then I tested it against my System 8. Doing that made me just appreciate the JX more. Sigh. I don’t know why it is so difficult to part with this stuff. But when I played this sound (that you hear at the beginning), it just sang to me. I loved the noise that seems to become additive with more notes. It somehow helps create the tone I’m going for, especially when sent through the Strymon Volante pedal. It’s not that the System 8 doesn’t sound similar (in fact, I think I created this sound on the S8 first and then ported it over to the JX), it does, but it doesn’t impart any noise, or what I would call “character”. It just sounds lifeless in comparison. And so I’m left with what I’m always left with. More gear, because I find all my stuff useful and fun.

Well, I’m sure I could just do the trade. I bet any number of synths I have could make this sound. It didn’t even use ‘that famous Roland Chorus’. I probably spend more time trying to tell myself I can sell my gear, and then don’t, than I do playing the gear for music.

But I guess this time I used it to my advantage. I made a song of it.

Radikal Technologies Spectralis II (Drums, sequencing)
Virus TI (Pad parts and keys)
Roland JX-3P (intro part and similar sounds throughout)
Sequential Prophet 10 (synth part)
Strymon Volante (delay for JX-3P)
Eventide Blackhole VST (reverb)"

Friday, March 08, 2024

Black Corporation ISE-NIN versus Roland System 8 Jupiter 8 plug out

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"A friend of mine was very generous and loaned me his Black Corporation ISE-NIN so that I could compare it with my Roland System 8.

My main thoughts: they’re almost identical. The small differences felt extremely nitpicky. The ARP on the ISE-NIN is much nicer, with a longer gate time, and it just sounded richer? Hard to describe, but you can hear it in the video.

Honestly, this is a horrific comparison video, I freely admit it, but I felt pressed for time and didn’t want to spend too much time on it. So if you’re wondering why this is so crude, well, just don’t let perfect get in the way of awful, that’s all I have to say.

I talk towards the end about what my thoughts are - but really, the video was made just so you could hear the differences, not because I think you should buy either one.

Truth be told, I think the Prophet 5/10 is a better synth than the Jupiter 8 (or System 8, ISE-NIN). Different flavors perhaps. I think it’s reasonable to say that the System 8 and ISE-NIN are great alternatives to the Jupiter 8. If I could grab a Jupiter 8 for under $10K, I probably would, but I also think, based on the sounds out of these synths, I actually don’t think I would necessarily love it.

I’m impressed with the System 8, being completely digital, and seemingly able to compete with more accurate representations of the Jupiter 8. I also worry part of the differences could have been chalked up to my lack of skill, so you must take what I’m saying with a grain of salt.

Well, hope you enjoy the video anyway."

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Slowfall | Spectralis 2, Prophet 10, Virus TI downtempo IDM

video upload by MIDERA

"I feel like I haven't written any real music in months. I try and then I give up. I wrote something recently and hated it. Then I wrote this piece. And also hated it. But I felt like if I didn't just finish it, record it, and post it, I'd keep this cycle up and make nothing new.

I'll keep trying. That's about all I can do.

Eventide Blackhole VST for reverb"

Friday, February 16, 2024

Sequential Prophet 10 | The Disaster. An FX-soundscape

video upload by MIDERA

"This whole sequence of sounds just... was not good. I actually made part 2 first, but then started over and that's what you hear first. Part 1 I just got up and shut it down. But hey - maybe you'll find something inviting and interesting in this moor.

Eventide Blackhole VST used for reverb"

It's all about timbres and how you play them. Interesting as a follow-up to Prophet 5 - How does the Poly-Mod Work?

Thursday, February 08, 2024

DSI Prophet 08 (the better one) night time melodies

video upload by MIDERA

"I had no interest in recording anything tonight, but I feel like any time I sit down with the DSI Prophet 08, I enjoy it, so I recorded this. Sorry about the crackling. I don't know what it is about the P08, but it seems to distort more easily than other synths. Maybe I just have the levels all wrong.

I had been comparing the P08 to the P10, side by side, and I still have to say to myself 'WTF - I like the P08 more.' In almost every sound I create, the P08 feels more melodic. I don't get it. There's something almost 'boring' in the P10. Or maybe it can just go too wild at the 'same settings'? I don't know what it is, I am sure the P08 is more tame so in a way it more easily makes things sound pleasant. I can usually get them super close (which speaks highly to the P08 I think).

Also - I call it the 'better one' because I absolutely hated the REV2, after owning it once and borrowing it from a friend to compare to the P08. I concluded that the P08 was better then. And it's still one of the best synths I have. I like it more than the P10, PE, P12 (easily), Jupiter 6... Not sure about the Chroma Polaris, which itself is wild, but in a more "Bladerunner" sort of way.

On a personal note - I'm one week into being bald. It's weird. Most people don't say a word and I wonder 'Does that mean they think it looks terrible or does nobody care?' One person did stop me to say they thought I looked good, but I felt like maybe they said that just to be kind, knowing I must feel pretty bad otherwise. Truthfully, it's hard to get used to. I think 'great, I'm just another bald dude...' and think a bit less of myself, but part of me loves the idea of not having to think about my hair after I have a hat on or bike somewhere.

And finally, today I got my final gift from my mom. It was new indoor slippers. She bought me a pair about 10 years ago and I wore them beyond the point that they had holes in the soles. I asked her for a new pair for christmas, but she didn't make it to then, and so I bought myself a pair. I'm wearing them now. It will be sad to throw the old pair out, but I should lay them to rest. They've served me well.

Prophet 08 with Eventide Blackhole VST"

Sunday, October 15, 2023

The warmth of the sun | An ode to Pivot & Bonnie

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"On the way to the emergency vet, Pivot by my side. I remember the sun on her carrier. I hoped it had warmed her. Or if nothing else, I hoped the sound of my voice or my daughter's kept her company. Today was a hard day. It was time to put Pivot to sleep.

Pivot was very sick. Yesterday, she had thrown up multiple times and afterwards, just laid down and wouldn't move. I couldn't entice her to eat, not yesterday, not today - it's my litmus test for how my cat is doing. She, in fact, would move away from it. I had hoped over night she would feel better, but it just did not happen. She laid by a water bowl in the kitchen and occasionally drink from it (a sign, I thought, that she was improving), but she just seemed not well. I made the call. It had to be done.

Everyone said their goodbye's. My wife would stay home with our 2 year old who would not have handled the mood very well. However, to my surprise, my 6 year old wanted to come. I was glad. Pivot had laid with her for years. She would lay on my wife when she was pregnant with my daughter. She would lay by her carrier when she was asleep in it. She was always with her. Pivot was her fur mama. She loved my daughter.

It was a big gift that my daughter came with. When I cried, she would say "It's ok Papa." She was strong. Of course, she cried too. But the resilience of a 6 year old who, in 6 months, has had to deal with the loss of two of her favorite pets, is impressive. Tonight there was a lot of "I miss Bonnie and Pivot." I do too. We cried a lot.

I got Pivot in August of 2008, a week after I lost my last cat, Winchester. Pivot was best friends with Bonnie. Pivot was nuts. She would fly around my house and body slam cat scratch toys. She would lay down with rugs and kick them. But she would lay next to my face and fall asleep. If I was sad, I could make fake sad meow sounds and she would run to me. She always comforted me.

I did want to try to do an in-home service for putting her down. I thought that would be the kind thing to do, because she hated traveling, but ultimately, I knew it should be done sooner than later, and honestly, those home services are kind of a lot of money ($700+ instead of $400+). I feel a little bad that I chose the cheaper option, because Pivot HATED traveling (like she would pee herself when we'd leave the house). Today - hardly a peep. She did meow, but she had such little strength. I knew sending her off earlier was the better option too. Doing it away from the house at least made it so I didn't need to look at a spot and say "That's where Pivot died." Pivot let go of this life at 1:10PM, in my arms, full of love, all of which I hope she took with her.

So - here I am, alone now, everyone else asleep in the house. I wrote this as I sat here and felt the mood was fitting. I think of myself as the Rhodes Piano voice, a sad depressing tone, mixed in with the voice of Pivot, dancing around my sadness, as she really did so well. It begins and ends without her, the way our lives were entwined. She will be forever missed.|

Rhodes Piano in Strymon DIG
Prophet 10 in Strymon El Cap
All through Eventide Blackhole VST"



video upload by Mike Lewis

"Mar 13, 2023
This last weekend, on March 11th, I put my dear friend Bonnie (Flame Point Siamese cat) to sleep. She suffered a stroke (or had a growth in her brain) on Tuesday March 7th. We found her walking in circles, I think she was suddenly blinded. She was not well. I thought "if this is a stroke, cats can recover, even if she's blind." I tried to hold on to her, but something changed even further on Thursday night. That was the moment I realized that she had stopped purring when I pet her (she had been purring in the day). I think she may have had seizures, because I remember seeing blood on her paw pads, where her nails would have dug in (which were not there in the afternoon).

I think only one word really describes how I feel about losing her: Devastated.

She lived at least 15 years (with me) and was adopted in 2007, being about 2-4 years old (as a guess), meaning she was about 18-20 years old. That was a good long life for a cat. I had hoped she would have made it to 23 years old... dying in her sleep peacefully, but she (and I) didn't get that. I watched her suffer for a few days, but I think Thursday she stopped eating entirely. On Friday, I found her stuck behind the litter box and I knew that was time.

I don't know why I feel such guilt, but apparently that's a common feeling when you lose a pet. I think I feel guilty that I was kinda mean to her in the first year I had her. I even told people I didn't want her (note, that I could not ever bring myself to get rid of her). I don't know why I felt those things. I even said she was ugly (she did have a really funny weird brown spot on her nose that always made her look like she was snarling). I feel a lot of guilt for feeling and saying these things. I know she didn't understand them, but I wasn't kind.

What's strange is, all the things I found annoying or disliked, just now happen to be all of the things I miss. Like her tenacity to get in my lap and stop at nothing until she won (multiple times I'd get her off my lap, eventually she'd sneak in and win). Or her licking my arms. Or that funny snarl look on her face. These things... they just stick in my mind and I just absolutely devastated that I can't experience them now.

The hardest part for me was after realizing she was going to be put down - telling her what a good kitty she was, how I loved her so much, and that she was one of my best friends. Well, the hardest part was holding on to her as life left her. I knew she was no longer in pain, but I think that feeling will stay with me forever. We drove to the vet in the same car she came home in when I adopted her. I thought she'd like that. I talked to her in the car, telling her how beautiful it was outside with the thick snow falling gently in the grey sky. While she was probably deaf, and now blind, I hoped she could hear me, even just a little.

Now, she is gone. I look at the kitties and puppy I have left and tell myself that I need to be more present for them. I also tell myself, everything that bothers me about my pets will be the very things I will miss when they're gone. I need to be more present in general, for my wife and my kids.

There is the biggest hole in my heart, where apparently Bonnie resided. I had no idea how big that space was until she left me."

Friday, October 13, 2023

Moog Minimoog Model D | First pass experimental ambient sound design

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"I've wanted a Minimoog for some time, but it was 'always out of my price range' (and it still is - 0% financing for the win?). When the new version was released at $5000, I laughed and said, well, that's not going to happen. After the mass layoffs at Moog - I guess I was somewhat compelled to get one. I'm sure this is, by itself, a fairly irrational reason to get it. At the time, I didn't know (or maybe it's still not 100% certain) whether Moog would make more Minimoogs in the US. Originally the thought/fear was that everything would be produced elsewhere. So yes, that played probably an unhealthy role in my decision making process. I've heard the Mini would still be made in the US. I guess I'm not entirely proud to say that maybe by buying it under InMusic, I wasn't doing Moog any favors. I honestly don't know.

If you remember when I got my Sequential Prophet 10, I remember being let down. I wasn't sure it was as good as I thought it should be for the price. While I have come around, it was a major fear I had after buying the Minimoog. I'm quite happy to report that these misgivings were not in my head at all when I first turned on the Mini. Of course, there are some things that confused me. First, I didn't hear any sounds and that made me nervous (turns out my mixer wasn't on). It does take a little reading in the manual to know what switches and knobs are doing exactly what. It's less immediate than one would think on first glance.

It's hard to know what to say. I don't really want to fetishize the instrument - but I think that it's a bit impossible. It's a cool synth. It's one of the most iconic synths - so in that aspect, I will fail this immediately. But it does LOOK and FEEL very impressive... and elegant. In a way that the Matriarch doesn't. The keybeds seem the same though. Getting to the sound - it's got such a rich sound. I would love to A/B it with my Matriarch (which has other benefits such as paraphonic mode, arp/seq, patching), but I think the pure tone from the Minimoog is better (again, I want to test this).

So what I did here was send the output to the Strymon Volante and then added Eventide Blackhole VST. I didn't prepare anything except the original sound. Honestly, I didn't even know what I was going to play throughout. This is just me fiddling around after playing it for 5 minutes to get my bearings straight.

Before I forget. The first sound you hear is actually just the filter with some noise modulation on it. I later add oscillators.

I hope you enjoy."

Friday, September 29, 2023

Studio Electronics SE-1 | Borrowing a friend's SE-1 while I contemplate getting a Model D

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"I probably was wrong thinking the SE-1 was anything like a Minimoog (Model D). Come to think of it, I haven't really figured out why it's called the Minimoog and Model D. Or maybe it's Minimoog Model D? Well. I don't know why I want one in the first place. I guess it just looks cool. I've been wondering why I want it, given that I already have the Matriarch and have enjoyed how it sounds. Anyway, after talking with a friend, they offered to let me test out their SE-1. The first thing that stuck out to me is how wildly steppy the cutoff knob is. In some ways, it can actually be interesting what sounds you get out of it, but it's pretty prominent. Another thing that baffles me is that there doesn't appear to be a true 'menu'. You seem to access menu items by pressing a button or twisting a knob. I end up lost at times thinking "There should just be a simple global button to access all the parameters" but there isn't.

Beyond that - it does sound quite lovely. I can tell it's very punchy and 'thick'. It's interesting in that you can activate saw, triangle, and square waves at the same time. Something I don't think the Minimoog can do. It sounds like the pulse width can affect even saw waves, which was surprising. Maybe I was just hearing things, but it sounds like it does. It has something of a mod matrix, but kind of not really how I'd describe it, just that you can take LFOs and ENVs and assign them to various things. The filter itself does sound great - and you're able to use a 24db LP filter or a 12db LP or BP filter. I found myself enjoying the 24db filter more.

After I finished this demo, I sat down with my Matriarch and thought "Wow, this is such a great synth." I'm not sure I'd feel the same way about the Minimoog, as it lacks a lot of things I like including an arpeggiator/sequencer (which the Matriarch has). I found both the SE-1 and Matriarch kind of have similar flavors apart from their obvious differences.

The Minimoog would probably get me 1-5% more 'minimoog' sound that would without a doubt get lost in all the FX I have. But still, it's hard not to want one. I bet it will end the same way the Prophet 10 ended - I was deeply unsatisfied with it for years, and then started to really open it up for some interesting sounds. The Minimoog seems a bit more... simple.

The plan has been to sell a bunch of stuff towards a Minimoog though:
System 8
Chroma Polaris
Something else I don't quite have on the chopping block yet.

That's the plan. Not sure how it will end.

On that note - here's me playing the SE1 using the DSI Prophet 08 as a controller. It went into the Strymon Volante to my mixer, with Eventide Blackhole VST for reverb. Not my best work, but it was fun to noodle on it.

#Studioelectronics #Minimoog #moog"

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Roland Jupiter 6 | Industrial ambient exploration

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"I've spent so much effort trying to dislike the Jupiter 6 because I like the Prophet 10 more. I tried figuring out how to do things that I like on the Jupiter 6. I realized that using cross-mod WITH sync, I can better control Oscillator 1 pitch. With just cross-mod, it's almost a worthless utility.

The Jupiter 6 doesn't at all feel equivalent to the Prophet 10, but I guess it's got its own thing going. I think the results end up slightly different than what I would get on the Prophet 10.

Strymon Volante and Eventide Blackhole VST used."

Saturday, September 09, 2023

Sequential Prophet 10 - a brief ambient interlude

video upload by MIDERA

"Had some time to mess around with my gear and chose the Prophet 10. I wasn't very impressed with it, but I did take the time to make it and sometimes that's enough.

Used the Eventide Blackhole VST for reverb."

Friday, September 08, 2023

Sequential Prophet 10 ambient improvisation and exploration

video upload by MIDERA

"So, I sat down with the Jupiter 6. I wasn't having any fun. So I stepped over to the Prophet 10 and came up with the first sound you hear. So I decided maybe I'd just record it and see where it took me. That's about all that happened. Now I am tired and must go to bed.

I forgot to add when I uploaded this: I made this a 'Prophet 5' by reducing the voice count to 5 and I had 'round robin' originally set to how voices play and after one of my friends got one stating how they enjoyed the original way the prophet 5 works (not round robin, but playing the same note cycles the same voice), I decided to use that method and I agree, it IS better.

Strymon El Cap and Eventide Blackhole VST used for FX."

Tuesday, September 05, 2023

The caverns of hell | Prophet 08 soundscape

video upload by MIDERA

"I think the Prophet 08 is the one of the best DSI synths (my opinion is incoming). It's better than the REV2 for sure, which seems to share a hardness with the Prophet 12. A stiffness? I don't know. It has something I just don't like. The Prophet 08 and Poly Evolver seem to have been saved of this strange sensation. However, the Poly Evolver, specifically MY Poly Evolver, has been a bit problematic since I got it. First, the encoders were bad, so I needed to use deoxit on them. After 4 months, I needed to do it again. However, I decided to replace all of the encoders with 'clicky' detented encoders, the correct ones as described by Sequential via email, since they no longer had the potentiometer edition boards available. I spent about 10 hours replacing all of the encoders. What I learned was that the encoders actually take 2-4 clicks to make a change. This is frustrating because I don't think it is the correct encoders (DSI has not admitted this to me, stating that these are correct). Either they have different number of detents or something about the specifications are wrong - or it's right and they never fixed how the OS views the detents. Either way - it annoys me, making the interface frustrating.

As for the REV2 and Prophet 12, I just never got or never get tones like these. Audio Mod acts very differently in the P12 than the P08 and PE. I don't know why, but they are very different.

Anyway, I do wish I had the regular PE edition of the Poly Evolver... but I'm tempted to just sell it, because I'm too annoyed with myself and the amount of work I did to make it almost as frustrating as before and the Prophet 08 is a joy to use. I could sit in front of this thing for hours and play it. It just does a lot of things right. I wonder who on the team was working there when the P08 came out, and if they left afterwards. I thought the next thing out was the Prophet 12... I don't know.

Strymon Volante and Eventide Blackhole VST used in this track."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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