MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for nbor

Showing posts sorted by date for query nbor. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query nbor. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, December 09, 2022


video upload by nbor

"In celebration of the @buchlausa Program Manager card, I take a preset and play with it in 'both' mode. Extra effects applied in @bitwig studio, of course!"

Monday, November 21, 2022

Mechanics of the Perfect Gas

video upload by nbor

"I had a title, so I just needed to jam."

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Not Exactly Crochet: Needlepoint + Buchla Easel Synthesizer. Generative Sounds.

video upload by nbor

"I have been playing with the Unfiltered Audio Needlepoint plugin on a free trial, which emulates the effects of distressed vinyl LPs. You can use this as an audio source, or use to process incoming audio to make it sound like it's on a messed up record.
In this clip, I'm using one instance of Needlepoint to generate pops and clicks, which I use as an envelop for the incoming audio from a Buchla Music Easel. The other instance is processing the incoming audio from the Easel. Some semi-random modulations on the loop for the envelope follower ("Broken" parameter) and the Spindown for the other give this a generative, never-ending feeling.
I fucking love this.


Wednesday, September 14, 2022

What Happens When You Use A Buchla Easel Preset?

video upload by nbor

"I had the privilege to use an advance copy of the Buchla Program Manager. It's a pretty different experience to dial up a preset and start jamming with the Buchla Easel Command. It took me to a different place than I usually go with the Easel! Combined the Richie Hawtin + Akai Fire Bitwig scripts, the incredible Arturia CS80 plugin, and some modular...well, I didn't get as much work done as I had hoped."

Monday, July 25, 2022

SOMEWHERE In Northern California, Chapter 1. Live composition and remote performance.

video upload by nbor

"In an experiment in remote performance, production, and presentation, I gathered some sounds from the internet, the studio, and the environment and put together this short film that documents the location, the mood, the instruments, and the process of creating a piece of electronic music "off-grid" in a remote location. Rather than simply film myself composing for literal live performance, I surround the piece with context and indulged in fascinations. An abstract narrative emerged as I pieced things together..

Thanks to Ali and Aperna for the wonderful place to stay and studio to prep in, Thanks to @1010music for making such a cool device! Thanks to @Mevo Camera from Logitech for the WiFi cameras that made multi camera shooting possible."

Friday, June 17, 2022

nbor Live In Studio 6 22

pt 1 HD 1080 video upload by nbor

"A live performance, prepared for a livestream for Piqued program #33. The initial seed was a sequence I wrote on the Model:Cycles, which I then built around with some melodies on a MeeBlip Geode, and improvisations on the Korg Minologue and Buchla Easel Command. Additional guitar work was overdubbed."

Live In Studio 6 22 pt 2 HD 1080p

video upload by nbor

"A live performance, prepared for a livestream for Piqued program #33. This was built around some sound designs in Bitwig, and a simple drum beat. The beat was expanded and made more complex with note modifiers and randomness. Additional layers from guitar solo and Buchla improvisations round out the composition. Video feedback effects were created using a 19" CRT and some image modifications in Max/Jitter."

Friday, February 11, 2022


video upload by nbor

"I've been slowing making a sampler instrument using a chromatically sampled acoustic guitar, activated with an ebow. After some major editing work, I loaded the notes into a sampler and did a bit of sweetening. I use MPE in the Bitwig sampler to tame the sounds and mix them in stereo. Sweetened with a bit of Newfangled Elevate."

Friday, January 28, 2022

Analog Fume

video upload by nbor

"One of those things that happens when you start trying out the new drum machine (MFB Tanzbar Lite) and then you need a bass line, and then you need a lead, and then you need to quickly mix it up. So here's a mouse-mixing session, bringing these simple loops into something more than a few bars. All recorded and mixed in Bitwig. Other instruments are the Korg Minilogue and Arturia Microbrute."

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Reticent Calm

video upload by nbor

"While playing around with some music reactive visuals in Jitter, I got carried away and composed a bit of music for it."

Sunday, January 09, 2022

Music By Hand

video upload by nbor

"A solo performance on a fascinating instrument. Each finger connects to the pitch, filter, and pan of a simple sawtooth oscillator in Pure Data. The pitch is quantized to a scale mode. Reverb is added, based on the distance of contacts. It's incredibly sensitive, and a joy to play, like giving a sonic massage. I hope you enjoy this performance!"

Friday, December 31, 2021

A Bass Moment with meeblip geode

video upload by nbornbor

"I recorded this to demo on a FB group, but goddamn, I love the sound of this thing, so it's in my catalog here. Sending a simple MIDI bass line to the Geode and playing with the knobs is so satisfying. There's a very odd transient in the attack on this synth that sounds almost mechanical, like there some spring loaded mechanism in this box that triggers the sound. I love it.
No compression or eq on this, just raw crud from the synth."

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Unstable Articulations

video upload by nbor

"Intending to just try some things out, I ended up indulging in an extended jam, then doing some overdubs. Although it's a very different sound and structure, I'm pulling influence from early 70's Miles Davis, which so often pulls off that psychedelic miasma vibe so well. YouTube is really not the best place for this type of music, I suppose, but it will have to do.
I didn't capture the guitar work on video, but got everything else. The guitar is so heavily processed and only occasionally appears, so it doesn't really add much to show it. Once again the Bucha Easel Command is featured. Some pings from the modular, and drums on the 1010 Blackbox, the Thunder is used to play Newfangled Generate synth. Everything was refined in Bitwig, quickly mastered with Newfangled Elevate.

The drums are one of the several drum kits you can download for Blackbox:"

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Appropriate of Noting

video upload by nbor

"An indulgent moment where I organize chaotic sound, instead of finishing my work.
I've been rewiring my studio for better flexibility, and this means I need to check connections. When you check a connection for a Buchla Music Easel, it is inevitable that a fascinating sound will emerge. I suddenly loose focus on the task at hand and must capture what feels fascinating, adding other sounds and organizing the chaos around me.

The single camera needed something more fitting of the dark, exotic audio, so I spend some time creating something more sympathetic with the sounds under hand."

Monday, November 15, 2021

Nighttime Wanders

video upload by nbor

"Excerpt from an evening of figuring out some sounds with the Buchla Easel and modular. Snyderphonics MantaMate and Expert Sleepers alter duties by using some of the less obvious features."

Friday, November 12, 2021

Taming the Beast

video upload by nbor

"I built two 84hp cases to condense a variety of eurorack modules and small cases into a unified instrument. It is all functioning now, so I'm starting to create with it. Here are my first efforts to make sense of what I have, a mid-tempo techno improv. Several euclidean rhythms and random voltages are driving this, along with interaction on the Sensel Morph."

Wednesday, November 03, 2021

The Modular Lives!

video upload by nbor

"I designed and built a couple eurorack case from scratch. It now lives! This is the first audio from this wonderful new adventure."

Thursday, May 06, 2021

Cicada Conundrum

video by nbor

"Late night in the studio, and I find the Easel Command is alive."

Tuesday, April 06, 2021

Patina of Purity

video by nbor

"After spending sometime making some presets for sonicLAB Fundamental (a very unusual activity, as you bathe in sine waves), I wondered how they might fit into a musical piece. I joined an odd patch with Audio Damage Phosphor and Arturia Buchla Easel V as they seemed appropriate. Phosphor is all additive synthesis of sine tones, and the Buchla Easel is just....great. I enjoy the contrast of the chaos from Fundamental and slow tones from the others. Overdubs played on t.he Sensel Morph, using MPE"

Monday, March 15, 2021


video by nbor

"Working things out with some new material in Bitwig Studio, Newfangled Pendulate and Generate, Madrona Labs Kaivo, and ASM Hydrasynth.The mix is rough, but there's a start, middle and end, so here you go!

More Music:

Thursday, February 18, 2021

A Window In Felton

video by nbor

"There's a lovely spot in a funny little cabin in Felton CA that lends itself to ambient music. Very slow, possibly even boring, but it certainly fit the vibe I had, not far from ancient redwoods.

I have been trying out super portable setups, and this is about as portable as it gets: battery power for 1010 Blackbox and Sensel Morph, filmed with phone. Sounds are from a variety of sources - a couple stock sounds from 1010, some recordings I did with my son, some sounds from the NASA archive, etc.

More Music:


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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