Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Evolver's Plan B Revolution

YouTube via dkimcg
"My new PlanB modular synthesizer sequenced by the FutureRetro Revolution which also filters the DSI Evolver and sequences the Jomox MBase01 kick. I just got the Plan B modular, so I'm still getting the hang of it. I play around mostly with the Model 10 Polyphonic Envelope Generator here, with some other tweaks on the Plan B filters and gate. Some analog Moogerfooger delay, Space Echo, TResonator, blah blah blah and reverb in the computer.

Stereo Version here:"

Formant (Part 2) on

You can find the full post on here. Also see Yusynth (Part 6) here.
"When I studied it closer I was surprised about the fact that the PCB's of the modules were not fixed to the front panels. A lot different than the Yusynth modules I'm working on. There is a whole metal construction in the wooden case to hold the modules. Also the whole inside of the case is covered with tin foil. This is done for shielding purposes I guess. Another thing I was a bit surprised about is the stuff that was laying around loose in it. From the loose components and the wooden housing I could tell that there used to be a back panel, but that is missing now. It was probably ripped of by force and took a lot of components with it."

Update: Formant (Part 3),

Beat Maker for iPhone by Intua - Demo and Review

YouTube via iSmashPhone. Note BeatMaker is available now. via CDM.
"Read full review on our website. A video demo of Beat Maker, a music studio app from the App Store, with an extensive review."
You can get BeatMaker here:

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Synthorama - ARP and EML Room

As mentioned in these prior posts, I was fortunate enough to visit Synthorama, the synthesizer museum in Switzerland. Each room in the museum has a theme based on manufacturer, and the majority of synthesizers are playable including this ARP 2500. You can find images of the ARP and EML room here. As always be sure to check out the images full size by clicking on the "All Sizes" link when you get there, and check out prior posts by click on the synthorama label below. Apologies for some of the blurry shots, but as I said before I decided to put them all up.

Update: some info on the lone module from Martin: "This ARP module is very rare I think. It is a prototype of an early digital sequencer. I bought it from the Museum of Synthesizers in England, which does not more exist. I don't know if it works because I don't know how I have to connect. This is the reason that I don't have mounted it in the 2500 itself."

John Bowen Solaris Preview with Audio

Carbon111 put up a post on SYNTHWIRE featuring the John Bowen Synth Design Solaris. The post features a full track with nothing but the Solaris for synths and the KORG Electribe ES-1 for drums. "It's a blast to program with this knobby/visual interface! Everything is right at the top, no menu diving. No mod matrix either - If I want to add modulation, I just go to the destination on the control panel, select a mod source and dial in the amount."

MB-6582 - MIDIbox SID Synthesizer V2

via Wilba in the comments of this post. You can find more images and info on Wilba's MB-6582 Page.

Waldorf Blofeld Sound Organizer

YouTube via KotroLaszloLehel
"Waldorf Blofeld Sound Organizer Demonstartion or"

SenseSurface 3D potentiometer

YouTube via sensecam
"A potentiometer on an LCD screen adds tactile feedback to music and video applications. Proprietary rotary sensor held on via magnet. Input via USB port. more Lyndsay Williams"

Yes, hardware knobs for your monitor.
"What next after the Mouse?
3 Dimensional control surface for PCs designed and built by Lyndsay Williams July 2008
What happened to traditional knobs for volume controls on computers? Replaced with + and - controls on the keyboard, not so easy to find in a hurry.

Imagine a control surface with real knobs, sliders, real switches for your favourite music player, video editor or game. This is SenseSurface, just place the unique controls on your application e.g. a music mixer, and ready to go.

Applications that would normally use a mouse or Qwerty keyboard can be now controlled with traditional knobs. The scroll bar on the right hand side of your computer screen can be controlled with a real slider button. SenseSurface can be used with most laptops with a USB input. The sensing knobs have a custom designed movement sensor to determine position within approx 180 degrees with a 10 bit digital output. The magnetic knobs can be removed and repositioned immediately by picking them up and moving to a different part of screen. A unique sensing x/y matrix is attached to the rear of the laptop screen to detect the control's position. The distance of the sensor from the screen can also be detected. The rotary controls are low friction and there are no screen finger prints as with normal touch surfaces. Linear sliders and switches can also be used on the lcd surface. The number of controls on the screen is only limited by the size of the screen." via Music Thing

Update via retrosynth in the comments:
"Studer already has a patent for a user interface very similar to this. It premiered on their Vista 8 console and has trickled down to other products as well. A picture of their implementation is here:"

SynthDIY: Maplin 4600 Built From Kit

see the write-up on Sonic State. BTW, I created an SDIY UK label for these. Click on it below and all posts on the event should come up.

Synth DIY UK 2008:Roland TB Fest

Sonic State TV via sonicnick of Sonic State.
"TB303 and TR606, a couple of Boss pedals (analog delay and octivider) plus the rather delicious Roland Stereo Flanger SDF 325 on show from Synth DIY UK 2008"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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