Thursday, October 15, 2009

This Won't Crash!

YouTube via notepool2

"Trying Out the User-Programmable menu on Opal Chameleon 001. Not the most complex tuning as you can hear, but lots of freedom of movement!"

korg monopoly with some boss effects

YouTube via fuckingharpsichord

Nanoloop 2.3 Parts 7 - 9

Parts 7-9 added to this post.

Atari 2600 Controlled / Played with MIDI Keyboard

YouTube via littlescale
"Atari 2600 Controlled / Played with MIDI Keyboard

Bi-N-Tic Filter: Panel Assembly and Hackery on Sequence 15

You can find more pics and the process on Sequence 15.
"Didn't turn on the soldering iron tonight. This was the night for mechanical work on the panel. The first thing I had to do was decide what to do about the locator pins on the pots: cut them off, or use them? Using them meant drilling additional holes in the panel. What I decided to do was cut off the pins on the pots that are soldered to the board (they aren't going to rotate anyway), but use them and drill the additional holes for the pots that are panel mounted. Here's how it came out..."

CGS Bi-N-Tic Filter

low frequency entity - subcycle labs

low frequency entity - subcycle labs from christian bannister on Vimeo.

follow-up to this post
"a real-time multi-touch interface to a visualized low frequency sound. the various touch configurations control different parameters of the synthesized bass including filter modulation rate, bit crush, sample and hold, feedback, oscillator phase and fm synthesis. more info at"

low frequency entity 2 - subcycle labs from christian bannister on Vimeo.

Ian Fritz ChaQuO PCB

flickr by parasitk

Chaos Generator Quadrature Oscillator

Search on ChaQuO for more.

Stylophone Beatbox Demo via Retro Thing

via Retro Thing

How Did I record Yazoo "Don't Go" (Part one)

video upload by DX5

"A film about the way I work on my covers, like a making of.
Showing how do I search for sounds, organize them, record my backtrack, etc.
(contains short clips from the original track, used for technical purposes only)."

How Did I record Yazoo "Don't Go" (Part Two)

Me playing Yazoo "Don't Go"

video upload by

""Don't Go", a track of Vince Clarke and Alison Moyet (Yazoo / Yaz).
Gear used: Roland JP8000, JX-8P, Emu Emax and EMAX II HD
Backtrack recorded in Pro Tools with reason rewired."

Mark Griffiths Studio Sept 2009

via Mark Griffiths Music

"The Blacet/ Wiard/ Bananalogue/Oakley modular is now the size of a small fridge, dwarfing the Wiard 300 series beside it."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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