Saturday, June 18, 2011

RanKirlian's MOTM System II: Little Sequence

YouTube Uploaded by RanKirlian on Jun 18, 2011

"I've recorded this sequence on my little MOTM from my computer thru Doepfer MAUSI MIDI/CV interface. No additional sound enhancement but the reverb from the EMU 1820m while recording. I was also assisted by catsynth Merry, another true modular lover..."

Solstitium V - NORD

YouTube Uploaded by adimsimion on Jun 18, 2011

"Song composed, arranged and performed by NORD.
Will be performed LIVE in SOLSTITVM cocnert on 26th June, 2011 @ Arcus.

Dedicated to Alba Ecstasy."

ether^ra SOUNDING

YouTube Uploaded by potterpaint2000 on Jun 18, 2011

"a Buchla 200e improv."

ROLAND JD-800 SYNTHESIZER owned by Rabbit in the MOON

via this auction

Update via DJBackbone in the comments: "This was the master RITM controller in the studio in the 90's =) I'm in the gatefold sleeve of the RITM-Florida 2x12" picture collage, look 4 mii."

Waldorf Microwave 1 - Rev A - OS 2.0

via this auction

high res pics here

Update via Qwave in the comments: "Seeing it on this wooden table I was remembered by this:

From the Waldorf MicroWave Performance Manual page 1.3:
"Use the enclosed rubber-feet if you don't mount the MicroWave in a rack. Simply attach them to the four bottom-corners by means of their self-adhesive tape. This helps to avoid any scratches on your Aunt Annie's valuable living-room furniture, should you ever have a recital at her bingo-party."

The manuals are available here:"

monome tuner

monome tuner from stretta on Vimeo.

"semitone and strobe tuner display using a monome grid and arc"


This is just a reminder to check out the Updates label daily. It doesn't take much time and you never know what you might miss if you don't. You can find the perma-link in the menu above. A gem just went up.

Ken Stone CGS Serge Not Quite Quad Slope

via Appliancide where you'll find additional shots and details.

"Like most modular synthesizer users and builders, I suffer from Serge envy. Thankfully for all of us, Ken Stone licensed some of Serge's designs to sell as CGS PCBs.

Here is my first module using these Serge designs"

Bottom pic: "Here's a picture of the project supervisor."

Firstman SQ-01 Sequence Synthesizer From Multivox Ad

via Gary Leder on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

Hollow Sun TriOSC Now Available

"TriOsc is styled on equipment retrieved from an ancient, disused rocket launch control centre and features three oscillators with samples of valve sine and triangle waveforms taken from a rack of vintage test equipment to create dense clusters of retro sci-fi electronica.

Unique to TriOsc is the 'SERENDIPITY' button (labeled '?'). You see, TriOsc has a mind and being of its own. Clicking this button generates new patches and sounds randomly created by TriOsc that instantly evoke the spirit and electronic tonalities of the early Radiophonic Workshop, 'Forbidden Planet' and other classic sci-fi movies, Morton Subotnick, Tristram Cary and other early electronic music pioneers working with primitive equipment - an astonishing source of inspiration which can lead you down different roads of musical ideas and exploration. The randomly generated sounds can then be tweaked and shaped to your own particular needs using the comprehensive panel. They can even be saved as normal NKIs for future use.

TriOsc is available now and costs $8

Requires Kontakt 4.2.2 or higher. It will work with the free Kontakt Player but only in 'demo' mode and the session will be time limited."

via Atomic Shadow who's vintage oscillators where used for TriOSC.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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