Thursday, October 20, 2011

Roland jupiter 8 and jupiter 6 with linndrum lm2

YouTube Uploaded by glendamster on Oct 20, 2011

"messing around with a few new patches from Dana and kid nepro.
will post full sound collection later. linndrum sync to jupiter 8...
tried to load nepro sounds to jupiter 6 and all i get is garbage... tried loading hot then soft and still nothing but a mess. Any ideas welcome!
Jupiter 6 is a pain! but i did manage to load factory presets without a problem but Nepro still doesn't work..

just a shot of my little room, the only space in the house my kids haven't taken over..
not a studio, just a storage room right now..."

I brought friends #2. MachineDrum and Octatrack.

YouTube Uploaded by SecretMusicUK on Oct 20, 2011

"Antonio M. and Stephane Lefrancois live jam on MachineDrum and Octatrack."

The Drone Machine v1.0

"This is the official demo of the Drone Machine v1.0 designed by julien bayle.

You can find the device here :​products/​file/​12-the-drone-machine/​

Ony 6€

It requires Max for Live & Ableton Live."

Update: Moving this one back up. The link now works. For some reason when I copy and paste URLs in Vimeo descriptions, they never work. I have to click through the link and then copy the URL from the browser address bar. If you ever catch a link that does not work, let me know and I will update the post. If you saw this post earlier, be sure to scroll down for new posts that might have gone up since then. This post originally went up at 11:07 AM PST.

Synth Purveyor Vol 1

Available at GoldBaby

"Synths, Synths and more Synths! Yes you guessed it this product is all about synths.... some really nice ones actually...

MKS-80 (Super Jupiter), SQ-80, TX-802, CS-10, Matrix 6R, OP-1, SlimPhatty, Mopho, MircoKorg XL, Blofeld, PC3x... all great synths! They have been given the the Goldaby treatment... sweetening them up with tasty outboard. Then mapped to EXS24 and Kontakt 4.

Analog bass, digital bells, lush strings and pads, powerful leads and interesting FX. Plenty of ammo for Hip Hop, Dub Step, Grime, Drum & Bass, Techno, Electro...

Over 160 patches using over 1800 x 24 bit samples.

The Kontakt 4 patches have a great performance GUI too!

GoldBaby has also released a free drum sample pack called: Blofeld Drums. It was created using the Blofeld synth to synthesize drums. I have 3 formats for this... you can get them here:



Sample Pack:'

Circuit Bent Novelty Sound FX Box by freeform delusion

YouTube Uploaded by eecouk on Oct 20, 2011
freeform delusion on eBay

"Novelty Sound Box

switched mono mini jack output

yellow LED

pitch up/down control"

Haken Continuum Fingerboard - Handel's "Alla Hornpipe"

YouTube Uploaded by marksmartus2 on Oct 20, 2011

"Alla Hornpipe" from Handel's Water Music, Suite #2 in D major.
In this multitrack recording, I'm using the Haken Continuum Fingerboard
( to control a custom synthesizer built with
Native Instruments' Reaktor software (running on a Muse Receptor 2
for fast response). I used Cubase for the multitrack recording.


YouTube Uploaded by FSK1138 on Oct 20, 2011

"KORG monopoly red template proof of concept

the effect strips are a bit tricky, but can also be changed
As well as the knobs,logo or anything in the GUI

EDIROL FA-101(working under win7 64bit )

progressing :Ensoniq dp/4
korg ms-20 legacy keyboard to prove that this is legit software"

Korg MS20lc white template

Uploaded by FSK1138 on Oct 20, 2011

"Korg MS20lc white template
quick demo of the white ms20 template
runing in savihost
with touch input"

How to skin your KORG software synths:
"Done with to edit the .dll files. The bitmaps are right there in the file !! you can save the .png file and drag the edited file back in to the list export the .dll and it works!!!"

Custom Black Keyfax Phatboy

via this auction

"Two things to know about this: 1. it's 100% functional and 2. it's been painted matte black and been given new, soft-touch knobs. I modified this because I didn't really care for the yellow, and it looks quite nice sitting on a desktop or synth. Now, since the labeling has been painted over, I'll also provide a diagram of how to hook everything up. It's a pretty basic MIDI controller, though. One knob to select the channel, and five selectable preset templates for what control messages get sent out. Anything that comes in the MIDI IN gets echo'd to the OUT. Comes with a power supply."

more pics here

Korg MS 20 IC Legacy Controller

via this auction

SN 008991

Click these for the larger shots.


via this auction

SN 16 330


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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