Wednesday, February 01, 2012

VS1103b MIDI Synthesizer v2

YouTube Uploaded by HarryMatic on Feb 1, 2012
Channel moved to Harry Axten

"A video of the new and improved VS1103b MIDI Synthesizer I have made. Schematics, stripboard layout, more photos and a full writeup can be found at :"

MacBeth X-Series Photon

via Ken MacBeth on Facebook:

"I was very inspired by my recent NAMM experience! The micromac received a lot of positive attention and when I got back- I designed the sister synth- Photon! This is a Euro sized module of a mere 21HP- half the size of the micromac- sporting 2 Oscillators, Noise Fat 24 dB/Octave Filter 1 VCA and 1 dual purpose EG this thing rocks! Primarily- Photon is aimed at those who still yet can't afford the economical 3 Oscillator micromac! Priced midway- this delightful unit is in the £595.00GBP slot!"

Jesse Creed of The Passenger

Pics via Djlace on Facebook
(click for more)

Nice T-Shirt

"Jesse creed Playing live electronic at the Waldorf on thursday January 26 2012 for the release of his new Vinyl LP, released under the name 'The passenger'."

Modularsquare Meeting - Saturday 4 February - Paris

via Modularsquare:

"Saturday 4 (14h/19h), will be our next Modularsquare meeting, and it will be a modular synthesizer special. Discovering and training for beginners, and free access to our big modular case for expert users. Free entrance as usual. I made a flyer this time.

How to come :
15m from Paris
Adress : Modularsquare, 6 rue Marceau, 94200 Ivry-sur-Seine
Contact : cyril(at)"

NAMM: WNAMM12: Muse Research Receptor VIP

via Sonic State

The one thing that would seal the deal for me and a box like this would be dedicated iPad editors for the VSTs. You can make them yourself, but they do take time.

Maurice Rickard Live at the Thunderbird Café with the Nebulophone

"Live at the Thunderbird Café, November 9, 2011 by Maurice Rickard"

"My primary instrument for this was a Bleep Labs Nebulophone, kept mostly in Hypernoise mode. It's a great synth and a very easy kit--highly recommended. I also used Moog Filtatron on the iPhone and remixed everything on the fly in Ableton Live. It's noisy, darkly atmospheric, twitchily danceable, and strange--like post-apocalyptic dance music for funky robots."

OB-Xa in the Dessert

via Suit & Tie Guy on Facebook

"I forgot to mention this in all the excitement about New Age Beverages: I found this in the desert about an hour away from Albuquerque and decided I had room in the car for it."

YouTube Uploaded by greatsynthesizers on Feb 1, 2012

"Demonstration of Radikal Technologies ACCELERATOR's Random function.
Clipping and distortion of some sounds is caused by different volume levels. These artefacts are not part of the different ACCELERATOR sounds. No external EFX used, no compression, well.. and of course no limiting. Find a detailed description of the Randomize function in our soon to be released ACCELERATOR review."

VAKO Orchestron Model Double D

via this auction

"This unit was most likely the last unit built by the company which was called Technical Research Institute, Inc at the time it was manufactured. Orchestrons were formerly built by a company called Viking, and prior to that, they were called VAKO. The extremely brilliant and talented former Moog sales rep David Van Koevering started and operated the three companies, all of which existed within three-four years of one another and were basically the same company with different investors.

There were two or three odd one-off prototype models (model X for example) that were never fully realized or fully functioning, however this super rare Model Double D was actually a Standard Model and fully realized. It is also perhaps the most usable and reliable model, and only two are known to exist that were made under the Technical Research Institute Inc label. There was one (not as nice) made and labeled VAKO (built for the band America).

This particular example I am offering was never sold by the factory as the company dissolved soon after its completion and this unit remained in limbo while the company was dissolved. It has also never been played or used by anyone. Its retail price in 1976 was $7,000. I own and have owned many Orchestron instruments. The Model D versions are the best designs and any double drive / double keyboard Orchestron is especially useful. This unit is the most desirable and rare of all Orchestrons built and it is literally new old stock. The unit has sat unplayed its entire life and may require some tweaking and general servicing. It is being sold without warranty or statement of operating condition. Sold in “AS IS” condition only with NO RETURNS BEING OFFERED.

Fortunately the wonderful Pea Hicks at offers remastered, remanufactured disks of all original 8 Orchestron sounds plus 6 additional sounds (14 total). Unfortunately some of the remastered disks are already out of production, however for $100 each I will agree to sell one new copy from my collection of any or all of the 14 remastered disks to the buyer of this unit. I have already had a crate made professionally (see pics) which may be useful for transportation. Anyone wishing to have the unit freight shipped will be offered the unused crate for $375 in addition to the purchase price..."

Roland SH 2000 Analog Synthesizer

via this auction on eBay Austria.


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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