Saturday, April 07, 2018

Fairlight In The Loon Garden - Fairlight CMI III + Waldorf Blofeld

Published on Apr 7, 2018 100 Things I Do

"Until very recently I had no idea that the 'Loon Bird' sample was an original Emulator sound... or more to the fact, that the 808 state / Jungle bird sound was that of the Loon!

After finding and hearing all the samples that were originally a factory disk patch set I decided I had to do a track with them. I sampled the original sounds into the Fairlight as a multi voice sample and this is what came out!"

Kawai SX-210 Analog Polyphonic Synthesizer SN K-6482

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"The Kawai SX-210 (also manufactured under the name of Teisco) was widely ignored when released back in 1983 and is actually quite an underrated synthesizer. The SX-210 uses DCOs (1 per voice) with traditional analog VCF (filter) and VCA envelope generators. It features 8-voice polyphony, a 4-voice mode using 2 DCO per voice, and a monophonic unison lead mode (8 stacked oscillators!!). The SX-210 certainly stacks up well against the more popular Roland Juno-60 and Korg Polysix synths.

Program changes are entered using a global "Increment" wheel sort of like those used on the Roland Alpha Juno series. Fortunately its implementation is much better on the SX-210 - just hit a parameter switch and adjust the dial to the desired value or effect. The downside is there are only 32 memory patches. The oscillator section offers 3 waveforms, a sub-osc and PWM control plus a noise generator. The low pass VCF (filter) has its own ADSR envelope generator. There's also a high pass filter. The LFO can modulate both DCO, VCF and VCA, all at the same time! It is also one of the only synths to feature both glissando and portamento. The SX-210 is pretty rare, only a few thousand may have been made. This rarity and its capable sound quality make it a great find."

New Exodus Digital Valkyrie Desktop Hardware Synthesizer Coming to the Musikmesse

It looks like we have a new maker with a new hardware synthesizer coming to the Musikmesse this year. Launch the player above and read on.

"Exodus Digital is a UK company that has built an exciting new virtual analogue hardware synthesizer. Here at MusikMesse, we’re unveiling Valkyrie. It’s here on stand F46 in hall 4.1. See and hear Valkyrie for yourself. When you play it, you’ll soon find out Valkyrie really is the next level in sound synthesis. With guaranteed 128 voice performance, 8 independent parts, each with a nine-module effects unit, Valkyrie is a true powerhouse.

Sound generation is all done in custom designed hardware at an incredible 32x oversampled rate and there’s ten oscillators per voice (1,280 in total) which can be doubled to twenty by combining two voices. There’s two wavetable oscillators available each offering 4,096 perfectly looped single cycle waveforms. Valkyrie’s filters are also implemented in hardware and are accurate emulations of classic two and four pole filters. Valkyrie has all the features you’d expect of a virtual analog synthesizer but takes it to the next level; there’s hard synchronisation, ring modulation, frequency modulation, wavetables and the hypersaw from heaven waiting for you to experiment with.

With four stereo 32 bit 96kHz outputs and 8 part streaming over USB 2.0 at 96kHz, physical and USB MIDI, Valkyrie integrates into your setup perfectly.

Valkyrie is perfect for live performance as well as studio-based producers. With a comprehensive control surface with real knobs and buttons as well as high-resolution OLED display, Valkyrie is a pleasure to work with and it comes complete with a full interactive editor/librarian application for Windows and Mac.

Valkyrie is the new standard in synthesis. See and hear the difference for yourself – we look forward to seeing you at MusikMesse !

Processing: 32x oversampled 32-bit hardware sound generation. 96kHz floating point sound processing.
Analogue outputs: 4 balanced stereo pairs using 32 bit DAC at 96kHz sample rate.
USB audio: USB Audio Class 2.0 - 8 stereo 24-bit streams at 96kHz with 48kHz downsample mode available.
USB 2.0 and legacy (5-pin DIN connector) MIDI
Display: High resolution 256x64 pixel graphic OLED
Polyphony: Guaranteed contention-free 128 voice channels. A Dual Mode or Dual Filter Patch uses two voice channels per note played. Up to 32 notes (single or dual) per multitimbral part.
Multitimbrality: 8 independent Parts each with dedicated 9 module multi effects with dedicated audio stream via USB. Each Part can be mixed to one of the four analogue stereo line outputs.
Full keyboard microtuning capability with MIDI Tuning Standard (MTS) support.
Oscillators: Two primary virtually alias-free Oscillator Groups per voice each with sawtooth, pulse, wavetable and noise available simultaneously. Each oscillator group also has an independent detunable suboscillator with four selectable shapes and two selectable pitches. Real Hard Sync, Ring Modulation and FM (frequency modulation) is available between the oscillator groups.
Hypersaw: 6 or 12 real oscillator hypersaw with adjustable geometric detuning and intensity algorithm.
Wavetables: 4096 18-bit linear PCM single-cycle oversampled wavetables covering a huge range of synthetic and emulated sound sources. Two independent wavetables per voice.
Filters: Accurate emulations of classic analogue ladder filters with low pass, band pass and high pass configurations. 2-pole (12dB/octave) and 4-pole (24dB/octave) responses are available for all three filter types. A Patch can be configured to have linked or independent parallel filters.
Envelope Generators: Three fast-response ADSR envelope generators.
LFOs: 3 LFOs with 64 wavetable shapes. Monophonic, polyphonic, random, antiphase and quadrature phase settings.
Modulation Matrix: 6 channels with up to 3 destinations per channel.
Effects: Nine module stereo effects unit per Part with a 3-band shelving EQ, a Formant Filter, 5-mode Distortion module, dual Limiters, stereo Delay module, 6-stage Phaser, Chorus/Flanger module and a Reverb module. All 72 effects modules can be used simultaneously without affecting polyphony.
Arpeggiator with 128 preset patterns, chord mode, MIDI clock.
Patch storage: 3,328 in total all of which are user programmable.
Free Editor/Librarian app for Windows and Mac."

New Frequency Central Wave Runner LFO in 5U/MU

via Frequency Central

"Wave Runner is a multi-waveform sync-able LFO based on the Electric Druid TAPLFO2D family of code, but with some significant additions and improvements. The WAVERUNNER 1 PIC and code is exclusive to Frequency Central and was developed specifically for the Wave Runner, and is not compatible with similar modules.

8 waveforms:

sample and hold
stepped triangle/sawtooth/ramp

All waveforms can be skewed using the Distort knob, as well as control over pulse width of square, and distortion of the cyclic waveforms, this get you control over Noise freq as well as bitcrushing, bitcrush of S/H down to 1 bit for random triggers.

Tap sync input, for syncing to whatever. Wave Runner measures the last two incoming pulses and syncs itself to these. Multiply knob allows for Wave Runner to run at x0.5, x1, x1.5, x2, x3 and x4 of the incoming sync pulse. Freq is from stupid slow (0.025Hz) into low audio range (50Hz).

The module also features Level CV input to control the absolute output level of the LFO.

Price: £150 GBP plus shipping

For orders and queries please contact me at:"

Darkglass Alpha Omega Ultra + Noise Engineering Basimilus Iteritas Alter

Published on Apr 7, 2018 tl3ss

Some info on the Darkglass Alpha Omega Ultra via Darkglass:

"The Alpha·Omega Ultra is the most versatile bass preamplifier we’ve designed: With its two distinct distortion circuits (Alpha and Omega), extremely high dynamic range, six-band active graphic EQ, dedicated headphone output and balanced direct output with switchable digital impulse-response cabinet emulation make for an incredibly complete tool for the modern bass player."

Live jam with a Minibrute 2s and a delay pedal

Published on Apr 7, 2018 inside synthesis

"Jamming with a Minibrute 2s and a delay pedal. That's it! Both the bassline and the drums are coming just from this one module.

I have a tips & tricks video coming soon. I promise I won't flake this time (sorry about the lack of Minilogue). It's all done. I just have to record the narration."

Orthogonal Devices ER-101 ER-102 Indexed Quad Sequencer REVIEW (1/2) Eurorack Sequencer Modules

Published on Apr 7, 2018 SonicVoltage

"Orthogonal Devices ER-101 ER-102 Review (Part 1) Euroroack Modular Indexed Quad Sequencer & Controller

The Orthogonal Devices (OD) ER-101 is a Eurorack Modular Four Tracks Gate and CV Sequencer with 1 Gate and 2 CV channels per Track.

The ER-102 is the Sequencer Controller expander module which augments overall sequencing and modulation capabilities and also adds CV/Gate Recording.

In Part 1 of this ER101 and ER102 Review video series,
(Subscribe to this YouTube Channel, do not miss next episode!), we take a look at the overall features of both modules and we focus more on the main features of the ER-101, from a high-level understanding of this unique Sequencer to hands-on examples including Step Editing, Math Transforms, Smooth, etc...

Does the Orthogonal Devices ER-101 Sequencer and User Interface Paradigm work?

In Part 2 we will focus hands-on on the Orthogonal Devices ER-102 Sequencer Controller module

Orthogonal Devices ER-101 ER-102 - Part-1 REVIEW INDEX:

Odd Thing

Published on Apr 7, 2018 zack dagoba

"Using the Arp Odyssey (early back version with 12db filter) and the matching Arp 1601 sequencer, alongside an Akai S612 sampler. I'm using the sequencer to trigger and pitch the Odyssey as well as the Akai (via a CV to MIDI converter). I love this patch! See https://myblogitsfullofstars.blogspot... for more"


Published on Apr 7, 2018 Really Nice Audio

"What is it that makes these synths notorious for their unreliability.
And what is all the white gunk found on the circuit boards?

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Sequencing a modular synthesizer with a tin of beans

Published on Apr 6, 2018 Ubasuteyama

"Decided to create a patch using a tin of Heinz bean.

Patch info:
There's a contact mic attached to the tin of beans which is running into Mutable Instruments Ears to create a gate voltage output. That output is being used as the master clock source to advance various sequencers which are running various other modules.

Divisions of the beans clock source are also being used to create transpositions and trigger various other events."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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