Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Oberkorn sequencer playing Oberkorn (Depeche Mode) loop

Published on Aug 28, 2018 Analogue Solutions

"Analogue Solutions Oberkorn playing 'Oberkorn (it's a small town)' using only AS analogue synths!"

Dradique - Casio CZ inspired DIY synth - Teaser

Published on Aug 28, 2018 DrummingEvil

"A little impromtu teaser of the new Dradique! A Casio CZ emulation on an Arduino Due, with some of my own flavour added to it."


Published on Aug 28, 2018 Lazzarus

"This track is only made with sounds coming from the Korg MS20
With '2001: A space odyssey' (Stanley Kubrick)

Voici un titre réalisé avec un des synthés les plus cool du monde, le korg MS20. Un look d'enfer, un filtre démoniaque et des basses à décoller le papier peint! Il sait tout faire, des percussions, des kick, des leads, des séquences, des basses... Ici accompagné par les images de fin de l'extraordinaire 2001 l'odyssé de l'espace de stanley Kubrick!"

"Via Spaccabellezze" (Simmons, LinnDrum, Jupiter-8)

Published on Aug 27, 2018 SynthMania

"Memories of my teenager years - I composed this (circa 1983-style) piece using three classic pieces of equipment of that era: Simmons SDSV (bass drum & snare); LinnDrum (closed hi-hat); Jupiter-8 (all synths)"

Propellerhead Introduces Reason Compact - Your Pocket Synth for iOS

Reason Compact - Your Pocket Synth by Propellerhead
EUROPA Synth for iPad and iPhone │ Reason Compact by Propellerhead - haQ attaQ 297 by Jakob Haq
REASON COMPACT by Propellerhead - Demo for the iPad by thesoundtestroom

"To learn more and download Reason Compact FREE: [iTunes link]

Reason Compact puts one of Reason’s amazing-sounding instruments right at your fingertips. Go from download to downbeat in just 10 seconds with intuitive controls and helpful tutorials. Get started for free, then add new sounds and more controls only when you’re ready. Reason Compact is loaded with innovative tools like a smart keyboard"

Monday, August 27, 2018

The Living Daylights (cover by William Bajzek)

Published on Aug 27, 2018 wbajzek

"My cover of The Living Daylights by A-Ha and John Barry, from the movie of the same name. My cover is based on the album version.

Aside from the guitar, an Epiphone Les Paul Standard Pro, almost all other sounds you hear are Sequential Prophet 6. I layered a bit of DSI Mopho X4 into the kick and pads."

Beta Testing the Conductive Labs NDLR with U-HE "Dark Zebra" soft synth

Published on Aug 27, 2018 Genshi Media Group


This is a quick demo video of the Conductive Labs NDLR during my beta testing of their pre-production unit. The NDLR is a "Sequenced Arpeggiator" device that can be used with both software and hardware synths; shown here being used with 4 instances of U-HE Dark Zebra soft synth running in Ableton Live. (I added a drum track afterward for flavor.)"

Waldorf Micro Q Keyboard Sound Demo

Published on Aug 27, 2018 Pure Ambient Drone

"Waldorf Micro Q Sound Demo for your enjoyment. Hey synth heads, I had a little more time so I thought you would enjoy a sound demo of the Waldorf Micro Q Synthesizer. NO TALKING synth demo of sounds. The Waldorf micro Q synthesizer is one of the most unique sounding synths in its class. One of the few classic synthesizers that can be called very unique. It's hard to get your hand on a Waldorf micro Q keyboard. They are very rare these days but I was lucky enough to obtain one. I hope you enjoy this demo of sounds of the Waldorf micro Q keyboard."

Best Ambient Synth Shootout #54: Quasimidi TechnoX - Song 1

Published on Aug 27, 2018 Christian's Sonic Spaces

"This is the first song with the Quasimidi TechnoX. It's a 21 voice 16-part multitimbral ROMpler from the mid-90s with a focus on techno, rave, electronic.

I used for the recording the following FX chain:
Quasimidi TechnoX - Alesis Ampliton - Alesis Philtre - Pigtronix Echolution 2 Deluxe - GFI System Specular Reverb 2. Depending on the recorded track some FX are deactivated

The signal went through a small Behringer mixer into the pc for recording. To create the complete song I recorded consecutively several stereo tracks. The final song was then mastered with a bit EQ and compression on some tracks and some limiting on the master track.

Well, I decided to go back to the basics, but at the same time make something useful for the synth community and do a kind of competition (I like competitions;-). What's my best synth for ambient music :-)"

Synthesizer Basics Synth Book by Bob Moog, Roger Powell, Tom Rhea, Steve Porcaro and Others

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via this auction

"111 page paperback book by Bob Moog, Roger Powell, Tom Rhea, Steve Porcaro and others!

Pictures and text about Moog, Buchla, Polyfusion, Oberheim and more.

One corner is bent, and there's damage from a sticker removed on the spine (this was not a library book)"

Note there was another Synthesizer Basics book in 1985 by Dean Friedman who brought us the excellent New York School of Synthesis tutorial videos.


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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