Monday, August 12, 2019

Ambient 100% Korg MS-20 Mini

Published on Aug 10, 2019 lucafrancinimusic

"Cinematic Ambient track created using Korg MS-20 mini synthesizer only. I processed the parts with delays and reverbs inside Cubase. Get the track on Bandcamp: "

Mangrove Module through Sirin Filter Testing - NuEVI - Mark Steiner

Published on Aug 12, 2019 Mark Steiner

"Raw Video of very initial shape exploring of the Mangrove Module through the Sirin VCF. Breath is changing the wave shape. Occasionally I growl and the CV brings it in. I'm only using the one Eurorack module going in to the Sirin, so imagine all the amazing shape changing you can do with even just a few more modules, even simple utility. I suspect this will sound even cooler when I drive VCA with breath instead of VCF. Just does better with wood wind things that way. Plus the Sirin has a VCA and VCF CV in, so with a Eurorack simple mixer you can send various %'s of VCA and VCF from breath and/or vibrato.... now that is how you do it. All analog here. And not yet even using the Sirin VCO's, which have tricks of their own."

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Synth Jam 71: EMW Micro Modular, Roland TR-08 & Korg SQ1

Published on Aug 11, 2019 Marcus Padrini

"Synth Jam using only a monophonic analog synth, the EMW Micro Modular, being sequenced by the KORG Seq-1, and the drum machine Roland TR-08.

The Sequence A from SQ-1 is used to play the main notes with Oscillator 1. Sequence B is playing the bass with OSC 2. The modulation which makes the timbre more aggressive is the Sample & Hold modulating the filter, using noise as the audio source."

Superbooth 19 | MODX + reface DX | Rebeca Nayla | Live Performance

Published on May 16, 2019 Yamaha Synths Official

"Pianist, keyboardist, ethnomusicologist and composer Rebeca Nayla performs live at Superbooth 19!

Coming from a classical background she became interested in electronic music through the sonority of 90's video games and since then, she has surrounded herself with plugins, computers and synthesizers.

In this performance Rebeca is using MODX & reface DX to create her sound."

Squarp Pyramid: Launch Sequence

Published on Aug 11, 2019 LilFonky

"I just recently bought a Squarp Pyramid, and naturally did what everyone does when they get a new sequencer: I made a house track. I'm doing my best to represent as much of my workflow as possible in these videos going forward, so I hope it's obvious what's doing what.

Instruments depicted:

Korg Electribe
Korg Z1
Korg MS-20 Mini
Roland MKS-50
Studio Electronics Boomstar 4075
Behringer Model D
Dreadbox Erebus

...and a bunch of other incidental gear as well.

Videography is crap and for some reason none of my color grading survived the rendering process but I'm too lazy to go back and fix it.

Let me know what you think!"

erbeverb perc ii

Published on Aug 11, 2019 Todd Barton

"Creating percussion by sending CV to the ErbeVerb's Size, Pre & Tilt."

Todd Barton erbeverb videos

PROLOGUE VS. SYSTEM-8: Comparison and Review | Digital features, filters, oscillators, effects

Published on Aug 11, 2019 MR TUNA Music

"In a staggering 45 minute rundown, check out and compare the differences between the analog/digital hybrid Korg Prologue, and the virtual analog Roland System-8.

Both designed as an homage to the vintage era of analog synthesizers, there is a lot of comparability between these two great synths. Both feature subtractive synthesis with single LFOs, digital oscillator functions, and multi-effects systems. Neither feature aftertouch, which is a bit of a burn in my opinion, but that's entirely forgivable considering the awesome sounds these bad boys are capable of thanks to their unique options

So pour a big cup of coffee, or roll up something sweet-- cuz it's gonna be a long one.

Whats your preference... The multi-engine digital oscillators on the Prologue or the FM sounds and crazy filters of the System-8?"

Macbeth Elements SN 044

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

Yamaha CS-20M Synthesizer SN 2953

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"Monophonic, 2 oscillator analog. With original case. Built to last. I've never seen a 70's synth with cleaner electronics inside.

Looks great in person and turns heads. Recently recapped by previous owner in 2016. Key-bed feels fantastic!"

Synthstrom Audible Japan & China Tour

Published on Aug 11, 2019 Synthstrom Audible

"Synthstrom Audible are coming to Japan & China for a tour of workshops and live performances. Featuring Kelvin T, Ian Jorg and White Laser delivering live performances on the Deluge.
Info here:"

"Deluge ‘Asia Launch Tour’

Launch parties and workshops have been announced throughout Japan and
China for the launch of the Deluge in Asia.

We are super excited to be bringing the Deluge, portable synthesizer, sequencer, sampler and looper to Asia and showcase its powerful creative features. Three Deluge artists will host a workshop and give performances to demonstrate the functionality.

performance by artists; Kelvin T (HK), White Laser (NZ/CN), Ian Jorg (NZ) joined by local artists who use the Deluge.

If you have a Deluge and want to join a show and perform just contact us, you’re welcome to join, please contact: or Wechat: synthstrom

We have tried to make the shows free or cheap so please come

We have tried to make the shows free or cheap so please come get involved and show your support.

Links below take you the Facebook events and the specific details for each event.

Any questions, please email:

22 AUG FRI – Tokyo @ Ruby Lounge

23 AUG FRI – Tokyo @ Zu Bar

24 AUG SAT – Osaka @ Zero Gauge

27 AUG TUE – Matsumoto @ Give Me Little More

29 AUG THU – Beijing @ Dada

30 AUG FRI – Beijing @ Fruity Space

31 AUG SAT –Shanghai @ LOFAS

1 SEP SUN – Shanghai @ Keep It Quite Bar / Young Fu Elite

4 SEP WED – Hangzhou @ Loopy

5 SEP THU – Shenzhen @ Oil

6 SEP FRI – Guangzhou @ Brasston"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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