Friday, August 28, 2020

Early Ear at Beanalog


"I recorded 3 Easel performances sitting on the floor at Beanalog Studio. This is Early Ear."

Sequential Prophet 6 & Boss SD1 Super Overdrive


Waldorf Iridium Sound Demo (no talking)

Bonedo Synthesizers

Thursday, August 27, 2020

UDO Super 6 Deadmau5 Cover - SuperJaded

Major OSC

"24 hours with the Super 6 and I can already tell this is something special.

This is a cover of an old Deadmau5 classic, Jaded. - The B-side of his Faxing Berlin EP. Just a few layers with binaural mode turned up. the scattered leads show off a few other waveforms as well, with and without super stack enabled. Enjoy! Like, share, and subscribe! We're just getting started here."

FM Monster Duel! Yamaha TX816 vs TX802

Espen Kraft

Follow-up to this post.

"The Yamaha TX816 from 1984, a monster DX7, in fact you get EIGHT DX7 in one box with a total polyphony of 128 voices.

Drawback - It's easy to waste voices and you can't edit anything without a real DX7 to control it. Or compatible software.

The Yamaha TX802 from 1987, a highly flexible and powerful FM workhorse. EIGHT 2 voice polyphonc DX7IIs inside. So less total voices than the 816, but you can arrange voices as you want and fully editable from the module itself.

Which one should you get? I show you the differences and how to use them both.

17:00 Answer to what mix was what from the last video - MIX A=802 MIX B=816"

Korg Polysix: Second musings


First musings here

"I sat down with the Polysix again and just tried to come up with a few patches (well, just modifying the first patch I came up with). I don't really know how interesting this sort of thing is to people. I should be writing tracks, but I guess with new gear, it's sort of fun just figuring out what I think of it. The Polysix is so simple, 1 oscillator - really no manipulation of the sound through sync, ring mod, etc, but I find the breadth of things I can come up with are enough for me to enjoy it thoroughly.

I think part of what I like is just how quickly I can make changes. I get that this is what people like about the Juno's but I never warmed up to them on this level. I guess maybe after using the Roland SH-101 more, I'll be able to better decide if it's like a slider versus knob thing - but I've really enjoyed the SH-101 too... so I don't know if its that.

I think what I like (and maybe I could have done this on the Juno but just never did) is setting the Polysix in chord mode to get a mono mode - which sounds fantastic. As well as setting two notes in a chord and using that as my sound. It makes it pretty easy to get a 2-oscillator monosynth out of this and it sounds great. I don't really mind if my pads are single oscillator, but it's nice to get bass sounds or just lead parts with the chord mode. I think it comes out with this great sound. I know in the Polaris I can do a lot more, I can activate only one voice and have two oscillators, but that's a ton of work usually. You have to get into its settings to deactivate the other oscillators. If you decide to tune the oscillators (autotune) then it'll reactivate them. It doesn't save that information (actually, I don't think the Polysix saves chord mode data in the patch either, but it's still easy to set up).

I really like the FX section - I think they sound as good as the Roland Juno Chorus... but I guess I'm comparing it mostly to my JX-3P chorus, I don't know how similar they are.

Anyway, here you have it. Some sounds I made that may or may not be interesting to you..........."

Korg Karma Dreams of Luna Digital Synthesizer Rik Marston

Rik Marston

"The Korg Karma is a fantastic music workstation & midi controller!
Such cool TRITON pads, motion synths, and that KARMA feature - WOW!
This Ambient preset program is called "Lunar Landing" and is very cool!
The Korg Karma is my favorite Korg music workstation :)

Meteorite friends featured:
'Tatiana' & 'Svetlana' 2 Sikhote-Alin Iron Meteorites from Russia!"

Perfect Circuit Chat w/ Glen and Daniel from ASM Hosted By BboyTech and Trovarsi

Perfect Circuit

"Thursday 8/27/2020 6PM PDT on Perfect Circuit Chat we have Glen Darcey and Daniel Troberg from ASM (Ashun Sound Machines) Creators of the amazing Hydrasynth! They will be talking with our hosts Trovarsi and BBoyTechReport live. Tune in to hear some Hydrasynth sounds and to ask Glen and Daniel questions you have about it.

Hydrasynths available here:"

Atari Hotz Stratocastin - Hotz Sessions Episode 2 -Atari ST MIDI Music with Roland 2080 Synthesizer!

Clint Thompson

"Greetings Everyone!

Has been a little while since the first Atari Hotz video I uploaded a while back and ended up creating this song one afternoon just last week using Roland's 2080 Stratocaster patch (JC Strat) after exploring around and experimenting with the Hotz Translator Software some more.

I've included the Translator software overlaid to show in real time how it re-maps the smaller Hotz Wing controller for this particular tune and you can see just how much easier it is to play as a result. Please forgive my occasional timing errors, I'm not a very good live player (or recorded for that matter) but it's still a lot of fun to play.

Would have never been able to play something like this without the Atari Hotz setup in conjunction with the software on the Atari ST! Please let me know what you think and if you know someone who may find this sort of thing interesting, please kindly share the link with them.

Hopefully I've captured a more 80's feel with this one =)

Thanks for taking the time check out this video and share my passion for this Atari Hotz setup!


Frank's Polymoog Restore ( by synthpro)


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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