Wednesday, December 02, 2020

LDRama 1


Light from the film controls the patch.

"1st attempt to make a demo with this module, using an excerpt from the public domain film Daughter of Dementia to generate CVs. Yes my phone is a bit big (A21) but works fine, the design suits regular 5x2 inch phones.If you want to use your synth for making soundtracks, this module is pretty useful.

The video shown is playing full screen on my phone, which is sitting on a bank of LDRs (light dependent resistors). As the LDRs change corresponding to what is on the screen, the circuit generates a variety of CVs based on different sections of the screen."

QUATTRON4093 (prototype)


"Stereo out drone synth"

follow-up to this post.

Elektron Introduces Octatrack MKII Anniversary Edition


"The Octatrack MKII Anniversary Edition is part of our celebration of the 8 track dynamic performance sampler. Since its first appearance in 2010, the Octatrack has been mangling its way into the hearts and minds of live performers and audiences across the globe. Discovering the perfect sample is only the beginning. Twist it, dismantle it, distort it, and carve it into something uniquely yours with a lineup of deep and creative features.

Limited to 350 units, and featuring a striking combination of the aesthetics from the MKI and MKII iterations, the Anniversary Edition is loaded with unique artist content and items. This is a special edition of an extra special machine.

For those wondering, the good news is YES, a standard edition of the Octatrack MKII with black casing is in the works and will be coming as soon as we can get it ready. Keep your eyes peeled!"

See the dealers on the right for availibility.

Bastl Instruments Introduces the Kastle Drum tiny modular groovebox

Kastle Drum – Discover rhythm on a tiny modular groovebox
Bastl Instruments

Kastle Drum - every feature explained - modular glitch-drummachine
Bastl Instruments

"Kastle Drum is a special edition of Bastl’s classic mini modular synth focusing on algorithmic industrial glitchy drums. A mini modular synthesizer with a headphone output, 2 in/out ports for interfacing other gear, and it runs on just 3 AA batteries. It is ideal for beginners in modular synthesis, but it will add some quite unique functionality to any modular synthesizer system. It delivers the fun of modular synthesis at a low price and fits into your pocket so you can play it anywhere!"

"Kastle was originally released in Fall 2016 and gained instant popularity as an affordable, pocket-sized modular synth. We processed a lot of feedback and introduced a much improved version v1.5 a year later. Now we’re revisiting the concept once again with an alternative way to operate the same hardware.

The design process gave birth to a seemingly limited, but in fact an innovative and quite playful take on a rhythm box that is using some novel concepts, like the dynamic acceleration envelope to build “a lot of dynamic rhythm” out of very little modulation.

The Kastle Drum is a special edition of Bastl’s classic mini modular synth focusing on algorithmic industrial glitchy drums.

Drum sound synthesis with a unique dynamic acceleration charged envelope makes this rhythm box surprisingly versatile and extremely fun to play. The built-in VC clock generator with a stepped pattern sequencer can either run on its own or it can be synchronized to analog clock, while retaining the triangle LFO for parameter modulation.

The Kastle Drum is a mini modular synthesizer with a headphone output, 2 in/out ports for interfacing other gear, and it runs on just 3 AA batteries. It is ideal for beginners in modular synthesis, but it will add some quite unique functionality to any modular synthesizer system. It delivers the fun of modular synthesis at a low price and fits into your pocket so you can play it anywhere!"

Time Stamps for overview video
00:00 Introduction
00:40 Interface
00:55 Patchbay
01:15 Knobs
01:30 Power
02:00 First Patch Connection
02:45 TRIG IN
05:25 Sound parameters
05:40 DRUM

How to make Moderat -- New Error using triplets on the Running Order and Shuttle System

"Running Order as Triplet Generator

In this video we are using Running Order to generate triplet triggers (3/4), while the pitch information is coming from the sequencer in 4/4. The example is a track named New Error by @Moderat, where both the bass and lead are played in triplets. Experiment by using different sources for triggers and cv to create new and interesting sequences, try different time signatures available on Running Order to break away from the typical 4/4 feel."

SolidGoldFX NU 33 Vinyl Engine Sound Demo (no talking) with Elektron Digitone

Bonedo Synthesizers

Introducing Pattern Mutator for Reason

Reason Studios

"Pattern Mutator is a new Player Rack Extension that helps you create note pattern sequences and then mutate them – warping their pitch, timing, duration and velocity into entirely new pattern variations. Pattern Mutator makes getting started with note sequencers easy and taking those sequences into whole new directions even easier.

Learn more:"

GR-1 Vs. Avalanche Run II

Stefano Bertoli

"Tasty Chips Electronics GR-1 and Earthquaker Devices Avalanche Run II, nothing else."

Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Makenoise Erbeverb et al

Todd Barton

"No audio input to ErbeVerb, just sending it CVs from Maths & WoggleBug. . ."

Isla Instruments S2400 Video User Manual

Isla Instruments S2400 Video User Manual - Part 1: Introduction
Isla Instruments

"Over the coming days and weeks, the complete multi part series will be uploaded to this channel to compliment the written user manual.

Here's a fun introduction to the course, prepared by @Alex Ball"


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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