Showing posts sorted by date for query Extralife. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Extralife. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Saturday, August 12, 2023
Making Custom Eurorack Front Panels with a Laser Engraver
video upload by Extralife
"I finally got a new, larger eurorack case! But it's shallower than my old one, so I need to re-format some modules to fit. Time to make a custom faceplate with my new laser engraver.
I'm combining 3 of the Hexinverter NeinOhNein drum modules into one so I can stack the PCBs and make a module sandwich. This is a very ad-hoc and manual process, but the front panel can be designed on the computer for a more professional looking result.
I ended up using some satin black Rustoleum spraypaint on top of some matte white Krylon. The laser is absorbed by the black paint, ablating it, and reflected by the white, leaving it intact. You can then remove the paint residue using rubbing alcohol.
The laser settings were very forgiving, I think I ended up using about 20% power and 100mm/minute for most of the marking. I found it was helpful to slightly defocus the laser to cover a wider area during engraving and to not mark the black paint when moving around in 'finding' mode (5.5W at 1% will still etch black surfaces!).
Hexinverter NeinOhNein modules:
NEJE 3 laser engraver:
Lightburn CNC software:"
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
Hexinverter Mutant Hot Glue eurorack mixer: DIY build and demo
video upload by Extralife
"I recently built a new mixer for my eurorack drum machine. I was previously using an outboard compressor to process the drum machine which was quite inconvenient and very noisy, so I picked a design with a built-in compressor, Hexinverter's Mutant Hot Glue.
The module is available as PCB and panel set from various retailers. It's a VCA design with a few somewhat rare silicon items. In this video I compare its design and sound to the compressors I was using previously - the Wampler Ego V2 as well as the FMR Really Nice Compressor, which uses a very similar circuit.
This module also has a built-in distortion and send/return feature, which I will make use of by adding a dedicated reverb/delay to the rack."
Monday, May 08, 2023
DIY Mutable Shades (or How to Patch Sidechain Compression for Eurorack)
video upload by Extralife
"In this video I build a Mutable Instruments Shades triple attenuverter module for my eurorack system. I'm using it in combination with a doepfer envelope follower and a VCA to create a sidechain compressor for my synth bass and drum machine setup.
In this video I build the "Shane" PCB from modular-addict, but as you'll see I found it unsatisfactory from a layout and documentation perspective. I think a better alternative is the 'Mutated Shane' pcb v2 from Pusherman, which looks to have been updated a little bit:"
Monday, April 17, 2023
Dialectixx - "Q3 1979" live eurorack modular performance
video upload by Extralife
"Stream 'Q3 1979' on Spotify:
Written and produced by Dialectixx.
Check out our first single 'Limited Liability' and follow us here:
Full length LP 'Possession With Intent To Sell' forthcoming May 2023!
Singles out now on Girlfriend Records."
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Dialectixx - "Night Trader" live modular synth performance
video upload by Extralife
"'Night Trader' is the new single from DIALECTIXX, the new modular synth disco duo from San Francisco. Stream on Spotify here:
Written and produced by Dialectixx - Topic .
Check out our first single 'Limited Liability' and follow us here:
Full length LP forthcoming May 2023!
Single out now on Girlfriend Records."
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
DIY MIDI Patch Storage box for Yamaha Reface CS
video upload by Extralife
"I love the Yamaha Reface CS but its Achilles' heel is its inability to remember patches or presets. I created a device to solve this by storing the control change values and re-setting them over MIDI, using Arduino nano and a custom interface PCB.
The source code and PCB files are available here:"
Saturday, December 31, 2022
Friday, September 09, 2022
ER-99 Online Web-Based Roland TR-909 Emulator by Extralife Instruments
video upload by Extralife
Update: video added above.
"Play the ER-99 free here!
Celebrate electronic music history on 9/09 day with ER-99, a web-based instrument 🎛️ based on a famous Japanese drum machine from the 1980s. It was built to celebrate 9/09 day 2022 🎉!
All of the drums are synthesized using the WebAudio API. The hi-hats, crash, and ride cymbals are produced from sampled audio.
The complete source code is available on Github:"
Original post:
This one is in via Extralife, maker of the Super Sixteen DIY Eurorack Sequencer, featured in additional posts here.
"This year, to celebrate 9/09 day, I've built a free, open-source analog drum synth you can play in your web browser. It's called ER-99, and you can play it here (works best on desktop devices!)
You can program patches and sequences on the web interface and save them as presets using the menu below the sequencer. (I have also added MIDI input for sync with external sequences).
You can also read the complete source code on Github. It's surprising how simple many of these sounds are to make!
The original Japanese drum machine that inspired this project is an analog sound design masterpiece, and you can read circuit analysis about its clever use of noise and bandpass filters over on Network 909. I've tried to use the same techniques in the digital domain but I'm sure I can tweak them to get even closer sounding:"
Check out ER-99 here:
New Soft Synths,
Soft Synths,
Thursday, June 02, 2022
Paraphonic modes, external mutation triggers and more - Extralife Super Sixteen Firmware v1.2
video upload by Extralife
The latest firmware update for Super Sixteen is now available! Version 1.2 includes these new features:
- 2-voice paraphonic sequencing using CV as 1v/oct pitch output
- smoothed CV "LFO" mode
- use "Reset" input to trigger mutations
- note audition mode
- 4 new mutations - chord, chord (quantized), sub osc, and vibrato
For tech support with installation, please visit the thread on Mod Wiggler to read detailed instructions and post questions:
00:00 Intro
00:40 External Mutation Triggers
03:09 Step audition mode
03:56 LFO cv mode
04:47 Paraphonic Interval Mode
06:15 Paraphonic Note Mode
08:42 Chord and Sub Osc Mutations
10:55 Turing mode with paraphonic out
13:13 Vibrato mutation
13:50 Calibrating both pitch outs"
Saturday, February 05, 2022
Simple Circuit Bending on a Studiologic Numa Compact 2
video upload by Extralife
"I got a new keyboard! The Studiologic Numa Compact is a great combination stage piano/synthesizer that has bi-timbral voicing, 4 simultaneous built-in FX plus reverb, and studiologic's great organ emulations. The only issue I have with it is that the filter control is very fiddly, being located on a spring-loaded joystick. This simple hack installs a potentiometer and switch on the front panel to allow fine control of the filter frequency on all patches."
Monday, October 18, 2021
Making an Analog Eurorack Guitar Synth with a 1970's Ultra-Fuzz Circuit
video upload by Extralife
"I've been exploring some guitar synth sounds using the hard sync input on my VCO, but this has some issues with tracking stability and major noise problems. I solved this be re-building the classic Craig Anderton Ultra-Fuzz circuit from 'Electronics Projects for Musicians' in a eurorack format, which is a comparator-based fuzz that outputs a proper square wave rather than a clipped sinusoidal one. This provides much better tracking and dynamics and lets us get those classic screaming hard sync synth sounds out of any guitar.
Ultra-fuzz modernized schematic:
Read Craig Anderton's post on updating schematics from EPFM:"
Monday, August 02, 2021
DIY Eurorack Case Part 2: Power Supply
video upload by Extralife
Extralife DIY Eurorack Case posts
"In this video I finally finish up wiring my reclaimed wood eurorack style synth case. I show how to install a basic switchmode power supply using a busboard, Meanwell RT-50B, some wire, and a few connectors. Supplies used are listed below:
16" eurorack bus-board by Jacob Barss-Bailey:
Meanwell RT-65B swithmode power supply:
Switched power entry module with fuse and EMI filter:
Power entry fuse:
Quick disconnect crimp-on terminal:
Faston solderable disconnect tabs:
Screw-in hex standoffs:"
Monday, May 03, 2021
DIY reclaimed wood "eurorack" synthesizer case
video by Extralife
"In this video I built a super-simple all-wood eurorack synth case using only hand tools and reclaimed materials like pallet wood. I think it came out pretty well but the dimensions could've been improved - I will post updated plans shortly."
Monday, March 08, 2021
Song mode & generative sequencing on Super Sixteen Firmware v1.1 (tutorial)
video by Extralife
"Installing new 1.1 firmware on the Super Sixteen. Get the firmware update here:
Get the Pololu USB AVR programmer 2.1 (any AVR programmer will work!)
Get the arduino IDE here:
OR Get avrdude here:
00:21 Intro
00:50 Generative mutations
03:43 Sequence chain / song mode
06:08 Note name display mode
07:17 Connect AVR programmer (SMT)
09:06 Connect AVR programmer (DIY)
09:54 Arduino Uno as ICSP
10:45 Arduino connections (SMT)
13:41 Arduino connections (DIY)
15:10 Downloading the firmware/AVRdude
16:12 Upload via cmd/terminal
17:23 Troubleshooting common errors
18:38 Upload via Arduino Uno
19:12 Finding avrdude when installed via Arduino IDE
21:11 Installing via source/IDE (AVR programmer only)
24:33 Updated documentation"
Friday, January 01, 2021
Big Button trigger sequencer MIDI upgrade
"Get the firmware and schematics here:
I modified the Look Mum No Computer big button sequencer that I built to sport MIDI input and thru, as well as a new "shift" button that adds some new sequencing features to the front panel, like mute, solo, bank/all and roll. Now I can use it as a MIDI-to-gate converter or program sequences on top of any existing rhythm.
It's a somewhat complex but not super hard mod that just requires a small daughterboard to isolate the midi input signal with a 6N138 optoisolator and support circuitry. The inside is a mess of wires but it's great to be able to sync it up with my other gear."
See the extralife label below for more.
Monday, November 02, 2020
Super Sixteen Module Calibration Tutorial & PCB/Kit Build Guide
"A walkthrough of how to calibrate the 1V/oct pitch control voltage output on the Super Sixteen eurorack sequencer by Extralife Instruments. Requires a multimeter or an oscillator and tuner (or a well-calibrated pair of ears!)."
"How to assemble and solder the Super Sixteen sequencer module from start to finish! This took me about 4 and a half hours before editing, so give yourself enough time and take frequent breaks! It's a lot of parts and they all require some attention and focus. Happy soldering!"
INTERACTIVE BOM - Control board:
Build support thread on Muff Wiggler:
0:00 Introduction
1:46 Tools
3:15 SOIC memory chip (SMT Soldering)
9:18 Resistors
13:50 Diodes
15:50 Ceramic capacitors
18:00 Transistors and Regulators
20:41 Quartz crystal
21:08 Chips / ICs
25:02 Electrolytic capacitors
26:57 Pin & socket headers
31:40 Control board headers
33:11 Resistors pt. 2
36:10 Ceramic caps pt. 2
36:50 Chips /ICs pt. 2
38:45 Tact switches
41:47 Potentiometers and encoder
43:43 3.5mm jacks
45:19 LEDs
50:39 Electrolytic caps pt. 2
52:13 Pushbuttons
53:55 Seven Segment Display
55:08 Electrical test
55:50 Visual Inspection
57:19 Cleanup
58:23 Hex Standoff
58:59 Hot glue
59:32 Start-up test
1:02:05 Button caps
1:05:57 Knobs
1:06:41 Functional test
Thursday, August 06, 2020
Super Sixteen: Scales, Settings, and Mutations
"In this video I demonstrate some of the more advanced features on the Super Sixteen sequencer, including scale selection, transposition, swing timing, glide/portamento, and the many various rhythm and pitch mutations that can be applied in real-time or via motion recording.
Super Sixteen is in initial production for pre-order backers via Kickstarter and will be available via web shop and synth retailers soon! Sign up at the mailing list here to get launch-day info via email.
0:00 Intro
0:54 Rhythm Recording
1:45 Tempo and Swing
3:20 Scale Selection
5:30 Transpose
6:18 Glide/portamento
7:15 Mutations/effects
13:40 Mutation recording
Become a supporter on Patreon to get bonus content and early access to new videos!"
Monday, July 20, 2020
Making a Circuit Board Soldering Jig for the Super Sixteen
"With a big job of PCB soldering ahead of me, I decided to make the task a little easier and more repeatable by building a jig to hold the various parts in place while they're being installed.
In the past I've done this by attaching and removing the front panel by its various threaded fasteners, which can be fiddly and time-consuming. This simple home-made jig allows quick and easy alignment of all the critical parts and will hopefully allow me to build up complete modules much faster."
Friday, July 17, 2020
Super Sixteen is Fully Funded!!
"Thanks so much to everyone who made this possible! Incredibly excited to get started making modules.
In a surprise last-minute push we managed to get nearly 100 new backers in 48 hours get over the kickstarter threshold at the very last minute. I'm as pleased as I am surprised at this result.
In this video I also show off a bonus feature, black PCB front panels! Send me a message on Kickstarter if you pledged and would like one of these instead of an aluminum panel with black text.
I also discuss kits and sourcing some harder-to-find components. I hope to make an announcement about parts kit availability soon - please let me know if you're interested as it will help me judge how many kits to stock."
Friday, July 10, 2020
Riffs on Modular?? 10 Modern Classic Synth Lines Done on Eurorack
Super Sixteen →
I had so much fun recreating that Daft Punk track last time I decided to come back for a second helping. Ten more in fact! I picked a decade of delicious synth treats from my music collection and spent a day recreating them on my homemade eurorack system. We modular nerds have a (perhaps deserved) reputation for being the noodly and undisciplined nomads of the synth world, so I wanted to show another side of the instrument!
And to all my wooly and wired synth comrades out there patching in the blinking darkness, I salute you. Onward to higher planes of sound.
Here is the tracklist:
0:00 Disclosure - "When a Fire Starts to Burn"
1:01 Riton & Kah-Lo - "Fake ID"
1:57 Fatboy Slim - "Acid 8000"
3:17 Simian Mobile Disco - "Cruel Intentions"
4:02 Booka Shade - "Friend for a Night"
5:20 Justice - "Waters of Nazareth"
7:07 Kavinsky - "Nightcall"
8:06 Roisin Murphy - "Overpowered"
9:36 Soulwax - "Krack"
10:42 Todd Terje - "Ragysh"
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
MATRIXSYNTH is supported by affiliate links that use cookies to track clickthroughs and sales. See the privacy policy for details.