MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for GlakGlikGluk

Showing posts sorted by date for query GlakGlikGluk. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query GlakGlikGluk. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

MeebleepsFM with Darbuka Sample Percussion

video upload by GlakGlikGluk

"udah ah males pengen beli truk
#diysynth #synthesizer"

Sunday, June 02, 2024

Diy NES Drum Synth

video upload by GlakGlikGluk

Friday, May 10, 2024


video upload by GlakGlikGluk

"just a test play with media sync makes weird music work with generative micro controller
If you want to make it yourself or buy it ready-made, you can visit the site
Warning :
Making electronic work is not easy, it requires experience and expertise in the field of electronics
that's all"

Monday, April 15, 2024


video upload by GlakGlikGluk

"udah gitu aja"

Sunday, March 03, 2024


video upload by GlakGlikGluk

- Glickshot Dubsiren GlakGlikGluk diy Synth
- Echo Square Delay Donner
- Volca Sample Korg
- Kaoss Pad Mini 2 Korg
#synthesizer #reggaedub #rootsreggae #dubsiren"

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Diy Mini Mixer

video upload by GlakGlikGluk

"This mini mixer is used to arrange several input audio signals according to your needs
This mixer has 2 outputs, namely 1 output to the audio amplifier as a monitor and 1 more to record live smartphones via the mic line on the smartphone
If your smartphone only supports USB, you can buy a live recorder soundcard and that's it .
If you want to make it, I have prepared a PCB image drive link for screen printing media .
Link file :"

Monday, February 05, 2024

Dub Glickshoot

video upload by GlakGlikGluk

"just testing it, that's all
#dubsiren #lickshotgun"

w/ korg kaoss pad mini

Saturday, November 04, 2023

Space DubSiren & Korg Volca Sample Reggae Dub Music

video upload by GlakGlikGluk

jus't for dub dub dub
reggae gae gae gae
uye ye ye ye

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Digital drum and Analog drum

video upload by GlakGlikGluk

"just making music with a homemade synthesizer
IG : glakglikgluk

Thursday, September 28, 2023

NJD DubSiren & Echo Dub

video upload by GlakGlikGluk

"NJD Dubsiren & Echo Dub Homemade sound fx
song by ( oneness riddim )
IG : glakglikgluk
#synthesizer #diysynth #dubsiren #dubecho #riddim #rootsreggae"


Monday, September 18, 2023

GlakGlikGluk Didactron Electronic Response Controller

Pen Synthesizer video upload by GlakGlikGluk

"This pen synthesizer is made with a micro controller with 4 analog parameters which function as Arp Sequencer, Wave table, LFO, and Volume Level"

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

GlakGlikGluk Diy Synth Jam

video upload by GlakGlikGluk

"Pi = 3.14159265359
#diysynth #diysynthjam #semimodularsynth #synthesizer"

Friday, August 11, 2023

Diy Drum Sampler Nein O Neng Wemos D1 mini

video upload by GlakGlikGluk

"909 style drum" in the editor. The following video description is in Indonesian. You can find a Google translation in English further below.

"Diy Drum Sampler Trigger
Nein O Neng
ESP Wemos D1 mini
Modul Drum ini di buat dengan ESP Wemos D1mini Micro controller berbasis Wav to Code dengan Output PWM 16 bit 41kHz dan input pemicu maksimal 3v per channelnya, saya sudah membuatkan skema dan codingannya jika kalian ingin membuatnya sendiri
Link :
Perhatian agar di cermati !
Gunakan pemicu di bawah 3v jika tidak kalian akan merusaknya, di skema tidak terpasang saklar pemicu kalian bisa memasangnya sendiri
Jika kalian menggunakan pemicu di atas 3v gunakan rangkaian pemicu transistor NPN sebagai gerbang pin per channelnya, jika menggunakan catu daya simetris kalian harus menambahkan dioda schottky sebagai pengaman gerbang input dan output agar tidak terjadi konslet tegangan negatif
Pesan saya tetaplah berusaha dan jangan pernah menyerah untuk belajar, ingat kegagalan adalah sebuah proses dari keberhasilan dan bekaryalah walaupun itu burik
#diysynth #drumsynthesizer #microcontroller #espwemosd1mini"


"Diy Drum Sampler Trigger
Nein O Neng
ESP Wemos D1 mini
This Drum Module is made with ESP Wemos D1mini Micro controller based on Wav to Code with 16 bit 41kHz PWM Output and max trigger input 3v per channel, I've made a schematic and coding if you want to make it yourself
Link :
Caution to be careful!
Use a trigger below 3v otherwise you will damage it, in the schematic is not installed trigger switch you can install it yourself
If you use a trigger above 3v use a NPN transistor trigger circuit as a gate pin per channel, if using a symmetrical power supply you have to add a schottky diode as input and output gate safety so that there is no negative voltage short circuit
My message is keep trying and never give up on learning, remember failure is a process of success and work even if it's messy
#diysynth #drumsynthesizer #microcontroller # espwemosd1mini"

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Synth Diy Music

video upload by GlakGlikGluk

"Superb Mutant Machines
simple groove synthesizer using two micro controllers synergizing with 32Khz PWM output this is already impressive from the mozzi synthesizer library
thank you very much for reference make synthesizer @HAGIWO @wireheadinstruments @fendoap5655
#synthesizer #diysynth #synthdiy #modularsynth"

Tuesday, June 06, 2023


video upload by GlakGlikGluk

"play ambient music synthesizer games"

Electroplankton for the Nintendo DS

Monday, June 05, 2023

GlakGlikGluk SpaceShip Synthesizer I & II

video upload by GlakGlikGluk

"SpaceShip Synthesizer I adalah Modul Synthesizer dengan 8 Parameter Analog yaitu PITCH, SWEEP, MODE, LFO ,DECAY ,INTENSITY ,NOISE PAN ,VOLUME sebagai kontrolnya dan di lengkapi Modulation Delay dengan 4 Parameter Analog yaitu Delay ,Repeat ,LFO , Mix
Modul ini hanya pelengkap ritem komposer sebagai sound FX dengan tombol pemicu, sensor getar, dan jack input pemicu
Modul ini dihubungkan langsung ke amplifier Gitar / Keyboard / Mixer melalui jack 6,5 mm
Modul bertegangan DC 9V / 500mA
Mono Audio Output
Input Trigger Max 5v
#diysynthesizer #synthesizer #synthdiy"


"SpaceShip Synthesizer I is a Synthesizer Module with 8 Analog Parameters namely PITCH, SWEEP, MODE, LFO, DECAY, INTENSITY, NOISE PAN, VOLUME as controls and complete with Modulation Delay with 4 Analog Parameters namely Delay, Repeat, LFO, Mix
This module simply complements rhythm composers as sound FX with trigger buttons, vibration sensors, and trigger input jacks
This module plugs directly into a Guitar amplifier / Keyboard / Mixer via a 6.5mm jack
Module voltage DC 9V / 500mA
Mono Audio Output
Input Trigger Max 5v
#diysynthesizer #synthesizer #synthdiy"

SpaceShip Synthesizer II

"SpaceShip Synthesizer II adalah Modul Synthesizer dengan 7 Parameter Analog yaitu PITCH, SWEEP, MODE, LFO ,DECAY ,INTENSITY ,VOLUME sebagai kontrolnya dan di lengkapi Delay dengan 4 Parameter Analog yaitu Delay ,Repeat ,Lowpass , Mix" Googlish:

"SpaceShip Synthesizer II is a Synthesizer Module with 7 Analog Parameters namely PITCH, SWEEP, MODE, LFO , DECAY , INTENSITY , VOLUME as controls and is equipped with Delay with 4 Analog Parameters namely Delay , Repeat , Lowpass , Mix"

Sunday, June 04, 2023

GlakGlikGluk Duck Synthesizer

video upload by GlakGlikGluk

"Terinspirasi dari peliharaan nenek saya yaitu bebek ya nenek saya bilang itu bebek bandel banget aneh ya
Monophonic Synthesizer ini menggunakan transistor sebagai oscilatornya di lengkapi dengan envelope filter dan modulasi delay untuk outputnya
terdapat 2 parameter analog untuk envelope trigger dan 5 parameter analog untuk modulasi delay
tegangan yang digunakan hanya 9v / 1 Ampere dengan output suara mono
#diysynthesizer #synthesizer #synthdiy"


"Inspired by my grandmother's pet, namely a duck, my grandmother said that a stubborn duck was very strange, right
This Monophonic Synthesizer uses a transistor as an oscillator equipped with an envelope filter and a delay modulation for the output
there are 2 analog parameters for envelope trigger and 5 analog parameters for delay
modulation .
the voltage used is only 9v / 1 Ampere with mono
sound output .
#diysynthesizer #synthesizer #synthdiy"

Thursday, June 01, 2023


video upload by GlakGlikGluk

"ing ngarsa sung tuladha, ing madya mangun karsa, tut wuri handayani"

"in front of the example, in the middle of building a will, tut wuri handayani"

Saturday, April 15, 2023

GlakGlikGluk DrumMachines

video upload by GlakGlikGluk

"My name is Drummachine but everybody calls me NoiseMachine"

Saturday, April 08, 2023

Drum Sampler and Bass Synthesizer No Fx

video upload by GlakGlikGluk

"No Fx just 3 patern Bassline"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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