MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Paul Schilling

Showing posts sorted by date for query Paul Schilling. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Paul Schilling. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, November 15, 2024

Polyend Play+ new MIDI/synth Perform mode beta test with Kraftwerk tune

video upload by Paul Schilling

"Drum tracks on the sample side and all other parts on the synth side (all internal synth sounds). Switching between Synth and Sample Perform modes.

Very cool because you can mangle each side in a completely different way."

Friday, November 01, 2024

Synclavier Regen Halloween Demo and Run-through

video upload by Paul Schilling

Saturday, October 05, 2024

Synclavier Regen: FM-ing a Classic Fairlight Sample

video upload by Paul Schilling

Sunday, August 11, 2024

OBX8 chord progression

video upload by Paul Schilling

"Lush pad sound, no filter keyboard tracking"

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Black Corporation Introduces KIJIMI MK2

Priced at $4,299

Check with the dealers on the right for upcoming availability.

Details follow:

KIJIMI MK2 is crafted to be one of the most powerful polysynths ever built, all behind intuitive front-panel controls, from its continuous timbral variation to its exhaustive modulation matrix. The Black Corporation original features planetary-sized analog sound, inspired by the best of rare and classic synths, but unique to our own parallel galaxy.

Shipping in July 2024.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Creating the lead sound from Talking Heads Burning Down The House on Prophet-5

video upload by Paul Schilling

"I only mention this at the end of the video, but the way I hear it in the original, the filter in this sound is wide open. The character comes mainly from the combination of pulse waves, detuned unison, and oscillator sync. I focus mainly on the oscillator, unison and glide settings but the envelope settings are also quite attack and release, sustain all the way up.

Some tips on creating this on a Prophet-6:
- to get a fresh "init patch": While holding down the PRESET button, press the WRITE button
- to set the number of Unison voices: Hold down UNISON button, use the BANK/DECREMENT and TENS/INCREMENT buttons to set the number of voices
- to set Unison detune amount, use the SLOP knob
- to get Osc A to have both saw and square/pulse waves, set the SHAPE knob to 2 o'clock (halfway between saw and square shapes)"

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Polyend Play: Diving into Randomize as idea generator

video upload by Paul Schilling

"One of the funnest features of this little magic machine are the Randomize and Chance functions.

In this video I apply different levels of Randomize to a classic TR-808 pattern and a well-known 70s groove and see what new musical and rhythmic ideas come out.

Really impressed with the Play+, the great sound quality, the carefully considered design decisions, and the overall feel of using it…the playfulness it invites. I’m barely scratching the surface of what this thing is capable of, but you have to start somewhere!"

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Deckard's Dream Fifty Patches

video upload by riotbell

"This is a demonstration of a patch set that I recently finished for the Deckard's Dream. I'm working on getting it uploaded for free download if anyone is interested.

Paul Schilling's original patch set is simply a master class, and arguably one of the best collection of presets I've ever encountered. Just did my best to expand on some of those ideas and explore the synth in a slightly different way.

Lots of spacey pads and mournful leads on tap. Not much in the way of bass or more traditional sounds.

As a whole, the Deckard's Dream seems to really excel at layered, nuanced, often delicate patches. It's certainly not as 'massive' as people seem to presume (or at least presume the CS-80 was). It produces some wonderful flute and woodwind sounds as well.

I shot this all in one take, and apologize for some of the Linnstrument noodling, there are definitely a few flubs and some shoddy playing scattered about. My apologies for that.

I gave most of these patches spacey sci-fi Blade Runner inspired names. Which I hope isn't too corny. Just kind of whatever popped into my head. Likewise, please forgive the top of my head from floating in and out of the frame at times. Making these videos has really given me an appreciation for all the little production issues you run into when creating Youtube content.

Hopefully the leveling is decent enough. I've noticed that Youtube compression really shaves off a lot of the high end sparkle that VCO analog synths really excel at. This synth sounds absolutely lovely in person.

Varying amounts of reverb provided by the Oto Bam.

Thanks for listening."

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Synclavier Regen Demo

video upload by Paul Schilling

"A selection of my factory presets for the Regen, with the Hydrasynth set to MPE mode. I was thrilled to be able to work on this wonderful machine.

Plenty of examples of MPE poly-aftertouch. A couple of movie references are thrown in. :)

I like the ease with which you can throw together additive, subtractive and sample layers with this interface, and mold them in various ways. The Regen can sound very warm and organic, as well as a wide digital-sounding spectrum.

All reverb in this demo and other things that sound like FX (chorus etc.) are coming from the Regen."

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Sequential Trigon-6 Filter/Oscillator Drone Demo

video upload by Paul Schilling

"I enjoyed spending some quality time with this instrument. My intention in this vid is to focus on the sound character of the Trigon-6 oscillators and filter (both 4- and 2-pole), with different oscillator volume settings and filter cutoff/resonance settings.

After each change (osc volume or filter resonance), I adjust the track volume in order to keep the overall level somewhat consistent.

Since this is a sound design unit it doesn't have the production knobs, which are much nicer! :)"

Monday, May 16, 2022

Oberheim OB-X8 Demo PART DEUX

video upload by Paul Schilling

Part one here.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Oberheim OB-X8 Demo (no talking)

video upload by Paul Schilling

"It is a great honor for me to contribute factory patches to this, an absolute dream machine by Tom Oberheim and the Sequential crew.

Easily one of the best sounding synthesizers I have ever played.

The unit in this video was pre-production, so it had temp knobs, not the Oberheim style knobs of the production units."

Additional Oberheim OB-X8 posts.

Monday, January 03, 2022

Hydrasynth Deluxe Multis: Pads, Arps and more

video upload by Paul Schilling

"Deluxe multi patches from various sound designers. There are many amazing new factory single and multi presets. This is just a tiny sampling."

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Big Vangelis Style Patch With Hydra Deluxe

video upload by Paul Schilling

"All FX from Hydrasynth. Using patch 'Alaska PS' with some of the macros tweaked (FATsprd=78, EnvSpeed=53, Delay=92)"

Monday, November 02, 2020

Prophet-5 rev4 Heartbeat City pad and bass parts

Paul Schilling

"A partial cover of the Cars song from 1984, this is a P5 rev4, using the rev1/2 (SSM) filters for the pads and rev3 filter for the bass. A work in progress, I will be adding the arpeggios and other parts in another video but thought this worth sharing for the pads and bass"

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Sequential Prophet-5 rev4 various sounds, filter & vintage knob demos

Paul Schilling

"A run-through of patches I created for the Prophet-5 rev4. Some of these were included in the factory set. I focused a lot on the rev2 SSM-based filters. In several of the patch demos I do some tweaking, for example to show the difference the Vintage knob makes, and to show the quality of the filter with low or high resonance.

No processing except a touch of reverb. Because some seem to prefer dry demos I included a few patches at the beginning with no reverb, and also all patches after 13:50 have no reverb."

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Kijimi Recreation of Polykobol II Demo by Paul Schilling

"There are very few demos of the legendary and rare Polykobol II. To me the best ones are by Sebastien Moumon, on YouTube. I decided to try to recreate (as accurately as possible) the first 2.5 minutes of this demo, my favorite one: [embedded below]

I wanted to see how close I could get with the Kijimi. Sebastien used quite a bit of reverb and delay on this demo, and I tried to recreate those as accurately as possible too."

Previously posted here back in 2013.

Check out out additional synth demos by Paul Schilling featured here on MATRIXSYNTH.

Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Hydrasynth Patch Demos by Paul Schilling

"(Note: The first sound, GXUltraPad, uses none of the FX...only WaveStack and PWM are used to create the lush character)

Proud to have been part of the sound design team for one of the most exciting new synths and controllers to come out in a long time: Hydrasynth - Digital Wave Morphing Synthesizer with Polyphonic Aftertouch. It has an amazing internal synth engine and can also be used as an affordable poly-AT controller for any synth that is able to receive it. This includes pretty much all DSI / Sequential synths, Deckard's Dream, Kijimi, Xerxes, and of course all kinds of soft synth.

These are sound demos for the patches I have created for the Hydrasynth. It has a very broad sound palette, check out more sounds here:"

Check out the announcement post for the ASM Hydrasynth here.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Black Corporation Kijimi Patches (First Pass) by Paul Schilling

"Some examples of the sounds Kijimi can make."

Valhalla VintageVerb (HomeStar BlaseRunner preset with decay generally around 6 sec) on reverb. Some adjustment per preset with Ableton.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Toto Tribute Sound Bank Demos

via Paul Schilling:

"Toto Tribute V-Collection sound bank and demos I put together for Arturia, in honor of Steve Porcaro and David Paich's incredible work. It covers mostly patches from the first four albums. The patches are now available at Arturia's website and in Analog Lab."

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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