MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for SG01v

Showing posts sorted by date for query SG01v. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query SG01v. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, February 03, 2025

Akai SG01v Vintage Synthesizer & SG01k GM Sound Modules

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Akai SG01v via this listing

Akai SG01k via this listing

Additional Perfect Circuit listings

You can find demos of the SG01v here and the SG01k here.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Akai SG01v Vintage Synthesizer Sound Module

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this listing

Additional Perfect Circuit listings

Friday, May 20, 2022

Akai SG01v Vintage Sound Module Preset Sounds

video upload by SUBTOKYOSHOP

90's vintage sound module Akai SG01v Preset Sounds
Record with Ableton Push
Delay : Ableton Live Echo

subtokyoshop on eBay | subtokyoshop on Reverb

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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Akai SG01v Vintage Rompler - Short demo song.

Akai SG01v Vintage - My Demo Song #2 Published on Aug 26, 2014 Sylwester Retrospektive

Akai SG01vs on eBay

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Akai sg01v vintage synth module 100% demo

Published on May 14, 2014 Polynominaldotcom·69 videos

Original track -very c64 sid sound-like! all sounds from unit, just tracks overdub, no effect, no mastering. Sg01v is a pretty nice forgotten unit that can be found at very cheap price!"

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Akai SG01v Vintage Synth Module

YouTube Uploaded by MrRidgebackman on Oct 30, 2011

"Hi, this is my beloved AKAI SG01v - Vintage Synth Module bought back in 95. Finally got this little beauty out of mothballs and decided to have some fun. So before I release any of my stuff, I thought you might like to listen to one of the 5 Demo Songs inbuilt into this unit.

It is as small as it looks and is probably just a little bigger than a decent sized pair of Headphones and won't take up too much room on your Computer Desk.

It has sounds ranging from Oberheim, Moog, PPG to mention a few, I even believe there are some Solina Strings on this unit.

It is a 16 Part Multi Timbral device and can be great fun to play with. Editing the sounds can be tricky and limiting as to what you can edit. It features the Drum sounds from TR-808 and Simmons, which by todays standards are Old Fashioned but can still turn a bad song into something more bearable, even if only for a brief moment in time.

So sit back and enjoy the work of someone else trapped inside a pint sized box making some noise."

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


via this auction

"How Akai packed all these classic synths and keyboards from yesteryear into this tiny half rack we will never know!! Mellotrons, Jupiters, Solinas etc etc in fab stereo through its built in FX!! 32 Poly! 16 Multi! Resonant filters to recreate that great analogue sound. 256 programs. Some basic editing from the front panel, but in depth editing via sysex!! Some really authentic sounding presets in here!!"

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Cubase SX Midi Device Panels

click here for Cubase SX software editors for the following synths:

"Full Panels:
Access Virus A, Access Virus b, Access Virus C, Akai SG01v, Quasimidi Quasar,
JoMoX AirBase99, Roland DDR-30, Korg DRM-1, Roland MKS-7, Roland Juno-106,
Roland MKS-50/Juno + PG-300, Roland MKS-70 JX + PG-800, Roland MKS-80 + MPG-80,
Studio Electronics ATC-1, Korg EX-8000, Kawai K1 / K1m, RedSound eleVAta,
Dave Smith Instruments DSI Evolver v1.x, Vermona M.A.R.S. + M.A.R.S. Control,
Braintec Transistorbass3, MAM MB33 II, Syntecno TeeBee T303, Voce Micro B,
Voce Electric Piano, Kurzweil MicroPiano, Novation BassStation Rack, Solton SM100,
Spectral Audio Syntrack, Cheetah MS6, Oberheim Matrix-1000, Roland M-OC1
Roger Linn AdrenaLinn II, Electrix Mo-FX, Mutronics Mutator, MAM Warp9,
Line6 POD, RME Total Mix

Semi-Dummy Panels / Dummy Snapshots Panels:
MAM ADX-1, Doepfer MS-404, Spectral Audio ProTone, Control Synthesis Deep Bass 9,
MFB Synth, Touched By Sound DRM-2, Touched By Sound ACM-2, PAiA 9308 FatMan,
ARP Axxe, Analogue Systems SPAWN, Moog Rogue
Patch Names Select Only XML:
DSI Evolver v1.x Patch Only, Korg EX-8000 (DW-8000) Patch Only
RedSound eleVAta Patch Only, Cheetah MS6 Patch Only, Cheetah MS800 Patch Only
Oberheim Matrix-1000 Patch Only, Lexicon MPX-550 Patch Only"

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Akai SG01v Vintage Synth Sound Module

flickr by jimmy_t.

Title link takes you to more black and whites, including E-Mu ESI 32, Yamaha TG33, and Alesis NanoCompressor.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Studio - New Flickr Shot

flickr by Ike-o-lizer. Roland Juno 106, Yamaha RS7000, and Akai SG01v.

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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